
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | [Personal] Long Drop Ledger
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[center][url=]>>>>[u]Original Long Drop Challenge Thread[/u]<<<<[/url] Training Fields -- [url=]Woodland Path[/url] --[url=] Scorched Forest[/url] -- [url=]Sandswept Delta [/url]-- [url=]Blooming Grove[/url] -- [url=]Forgotten Cave[/url] -- [url=]Bamboo Falls[/url] -- [url=]Thunderhead Savanna [/url]-- [url=]Redrock Cove[/url] -- [url=]Waterway[/url] -- [url=]Arena[/url] -- [url=]Volcanic Vents[/url] -- [url=]Rainsong Jungle [/url]-- [url=]Boreal Wood[/url] -- [url=]Crystal Pools[/url] --[url=] Harpy's Roost[/url] -- [url=]Ghostlight Ruins[/url] -- The Mire -- Golem Workshop -- The Kelp Beds[/center] [center][size=6]Venue - Training Fields[/size] ----- Started - 1/18 Ended - 1/20 [b] Collecting [size=1]oh dang this is gonna take a while...[/size] [/b] [item=crunchy moth legs] 99/99 [quote=Notable Drops] [b]Familiars[/b] ----- [item=leafy moth][item=frosted pocketmouse][item=emerald webwing][item=ember mouse][item=silky webwing]x 2[item=mith bruiser][item=glowing pocket mouse]x 2[item=webwing alpha]x 2[item=dark-tufted sparrowmouse][item=death's-head stag]x 2[item=coral carpenter][item=bluelight chipskink][item=sweetpuff] [b]Battle[/b] ----- [item=dark might fragment][item=zephyr acuity fragment]x 3[item=diseased might fragment][item=magical might fragment][item=aquatic might fragment][item=leaf bolt]x 2[item=boulder bolt][item=contuse][item=charged might fragment][item=regeneration][item=diseased acuity fragment][item=shining might fragment]x 2[item=reflect][item=dark acuity fragment]x 3 [item=minor health potion]x 14 [b]Chests & Packs[/b] ----- [item=leafy pack]x 16 [item=broken flower pot]x 43 [b]Apparel[/b] ----- [item=green lace anklet][item=green-edged claw] [b]Vistas[/b] ----- [item=vista: training fields II] [b]Eggs[/b] ----- [/quote] [/center]
Venue - Training Fields

Started - 1/18
Ended - 1/20

oh dang this is gonna take a while...

Crunchy Moth Legs

Notable Drops wrote:

Leafy Moth Frosted Pocketmouse Emerald Webwing Ember Mouse Silky Webwing x 2 Mith Bruiser Glowing Pocket Mouse x 2 Webwing Alpha x 2 Dark-Tufted Sparrowmouse Death's-Head Stag x 2 Coral Carpenter Bluelight Chipskink Sweetpuff

Dark Might Fragment Zephyr Acuity Fragment x 3 Diseased Might Fragment Magical Might Fragment Aquatic Might Fragment Leaf Bolt x 2 Boulder Bolt Contuse Charged Might Fragment Regeneration Diseased Acuity Fragment Shining Might Fragment x 2 Reflect Dark Acuity Fragment x 3

Minor Health Potion x 14

Chests & Packs
Leafy Pack x 16 Broken Flower Pot x 43

Green Lace Anklet Green-Edged Claw

Vista: Training Fields II


[center][size=6]Venue - Woodland Path[/size] ----- Started - 1/20 Ended - 1/27 [b] Collecting [/b] [item=strangling root] 99/99 [quote=Notable Drops] [b]Familiars[/b] ----- [item=wildwood owl]x 2 [item=greenroot janustrap][item=clown charger][item=cockatrice][item=basilisk]x 3[item=bluefin charger]x 2[item=autumn dryad]x 2[item=janustrap][item=strangler]x 4[item=death's-head stag][item=sakura owl]x 2 [item=grouse basilisk][item=greenroot janustrap][item=bamboo phytocat] [b]Battle[/b] ----- [item=zephyr bolt][item=earthen might fragment][item=natural acuity fragment]x 7[item=rock slash]x 2[item=fiery might fragment][item=fiery acuity fragment][item=diseased might fragment][item=concentration]x 2[item=regeneration]x 2[item=natural might fragment][item=frigid bolt]x 2[item=gust slash][item=jungle slash][item=ward][item=sear][item=leaf bolt][item=boulder bolt][item=charged might fragment][item=zephyr might fragment][item=frozen acuity fragment][item=pestilent slash] [item=minor health potion]x 14 [b]Chests & Packs[/b] ----- [item=canvas sack] x 2 [item=leafy pack] x 60 [item=broken flower pot] x 2 [item=basilisk skin crate][item=janus crate] [b]Apparel[/b] ----- [item=dew laden white rose][item=green lace waist frill][item=veteran's shoulder scars] [b]Vistas[/b] ----- [b]Eggs[/b] ----- [/quote] [/center]
Venue - Woodland Path

Started - 1/20
Ended - 1/27


Strangling Root

Notable Drops wrote:

Wildwood Owl x 2 Greenroot Janustrap Clown Charger Cockatrice Basilisk x 3 Bluefin Charger x 2 Autumn Dryad x 2 Janustrap Strangler x 4 Death's-Head Stag Sakura Owl x 2 Grouse Basilisk Greenroot Janustrap Bamboo Phytocat

Zephyr Bolt Earthen Might Fragment Natural Acuity Fragment x 7 Rock Slash x 2 Fiery Might Fragment Fiery Acuity Fragment Diseased Might Fragment Concentration x 2 Regeneration x 2 Natural Might Fragment Frigid Bolt x 2 Gust Slash Jungle Slash Ward Sear Leaf Bolt Boulder Bolt Charged Might Fragment Zephyr Might Fragment Frozen Acuity Fragment Pestilent Slash

Minor Health Potion x 14

Chests & Packs
Canvas Sack x 2 Leafy Pack x 60 Broken Flower Pot x 2

Basilisk Skin Crate Janus Crate

Dew Laden White Rose Green Lace Waist Frill Veteran's Shoulder Scars



[center][size=6]Venue - Scorched Forest[/size] ----- Started - 1/27 Ended - 2/23 [b] Collecting [/b] [item=miniature potash peach] 99/99 [quote=Notable Drops] [b]Familiars[/b] ----- [item=wintermane bowman][item=moss-covered golem]x 2[item=zeeba][item=red-winged owlcat][item=augite protector]x 2[item=rambra] [b]Battle[/b] ----- [item=fossilize][item=shroud][item=gust slash]x 2[item=berserker][item=fiery acuity fragment]x 2[item=dark acuity fragment][item=acuity fragment]x 2[item=blinding slash][item=flame bolt]x 2[item=shining might fragment][item=earthen might fragment][item=regeneration][item=earthen acuity fragment][item=rally][item=boulder bolt]x 2[item=might fragment][item=scholar]x 2[item=disorient] [item=minor health potion]x 23 [b]Chests & Packs[/b] ----- [item=painted crate] [b]Apparel[/b] ----- [item=bloodscale tail guard][item=tropical birdskull headdress] [b]Vistas[/b] ----- [b]Eggs[/b] ----- [/quote] [/center]
Venue - Scorched Forest

Started - 1/27
Ended - 2/23


Miniature Potash Peach

Notable Drops wrote:

Wintermane Bowman Moss-Covered Golem x 2 Zeeba Red-Winged Owlcat Augite Protector x 2 Rambra

Fossilize Shroud Gust Slash x 2 Berserker Fiery Acuity Fragment x 2 Dark Acuity Fragment Acuity Fragment x 2 Blinding Slash Flame Bolt x 2 Shining Might Fragment Earthen Might Fragment Regeneration Earthen Acuity Fragment Rally Boulder Bolt x 2 Might Fragment Scholar x 2 Disorient

Minor Health Potion x 23

Chests & Packs

Painted Crate

Bloodscale Tail Guard Tropical Birdskull Headdress



[center][size=6]Venue - Sandswept Delta[/size] ----- Started - 2/23 Ended - 2/27 [b] Collecting [/b] [item=dancer's bell] 99/99 [quote=Notable Drops] [b]Familiars[/b] ----- [item=fan scorpion]x 2[item=carmine serthis]x 4[item=furian][item=opheodrys serthis]x 2[item=scaleback][item=greatshell][item=storm seeker] [b]Battle[/b] ----- [item=bolster][item=shining acuity fragment][item=aquatic acuity fragment][item=natural might fragment]x 2[item=mist slash][item=might fragment][Item=dark might fragment][item=disorient]x 2[item=charged acuity fragment]x 2[item=dark acuity fragment][item=acuity fragment][item=shred][item=scratch]x 3[item=haste][item=magical might fragment]x 2[item=aid][item=wave slash][item=natural acuity fragment][item=magical acuity fragment][item=earthen acuity fragment] [item=minor health potion]x 15 [b]Chests & Packs[/b] ----- [item=fishscale basket]x 27 [item=iridescent scales crate][item=greatshell crate] [item=shadow tattoos chest]x 2 [b]Apparel[/b] ----- [b]Vistas[/b] ----- [b]Eggs[/b] ----- [/quote] [/center]
Venue - Sandswept Delta

Started - 2/23
Ended - 2/27


Dancer's Bell

Notable Drops wrote:

Fan Scorpion x 2 Carmine Serthis x 4 Opheodrys Serthis x 2 Scaleback Greatshell Storm Seeker

Bolster Shining Acuity Fragment Aquatic Acuity Fragment Natural Might Fragment x 2 Mist Slash Might Fragment Dark Might Fragment Disorient x 2 Charged Acuity Fragment x 2 Dark Acuity Fragment Acuity Fragment Shred Scratch x 3 Haste Magical Might Fragment x 2 Aid Wave Slash Natural Acuity Fragment Magical Acuity Fragment Earthen Acuity Fragment

Minor Health Potion x 15

Chests & Packs
Fishscale Basket x 27
Iridescent Scales Crate Greatshell Crate
Shadow Tattoos Chest x 2




[center][size=6]Venue - Crystal Pools[/size] ----- [b] Collecting [/b] [item=onyx] 99/99 [quote=Notable Drops] [b]Familiars[/b] ----- [item=hippalectryon]x 3[item=windcarve fugitive]x 4[item=stonewatch prince]x 2[item=maren warlock]x 3[item=rhodochrosite crane]x 3[item=amber gulper]x 2[item=moonbeam crayfish][item=chalcedony snipper]x 3[item=crystalplate stinger]x 2[item=arctic hippalectryon]x 2[item=clearwater oracle]x 2[item=almandine sturgeon]x 2[item=apatite fisher][item=sparkling stinger] [b]Battle[/b] ----- [item=blinding slash]x 2[item=mana bolt][item=frigid bolt][item=jungle slash][item=bright bolt][item=shock bolt][item=gust slash]x 2[item=enfeeble][item=rock slash] [item=health potion]x 26 [b]Chests & Packs[/b] ----- [item=crystallized satchel]x 17 [item=crystal pools crate][item=chalcedony snipper crate][item=apatite fisher crate][item=clearwater oracle crate]x 2[item=hippalectryon crate] [item=radiant dawn chest] [b]Apparel[/b] ----- [item=soft pink fillet][item=soft pink silk veil] [b]Eggs/Genes/Vistas[/b] ----- [item=unhatched arcane egg][item=primary gene: python] [/quote] [/center]
Venue - Crystal Pools



Notable Drops wrote:

Hippalectryon x 3 Windcarve Fugitive x 4 Stonewatch Prince x 2 Maren Warlock x 3 Rhodochrosite Crane x 3 Amber Gulper x 2 Moonbeam Crayfish Chalcedony Snipper x 3 Crystalplate Stinger x 2 Arctic Hippalectryon x 2 Clearwater Oracle x 2 Almandine Sturgeon x 2 Apatite Fisher Sparkling Stinger

Blinding Slash x 2 Mana Bolt Frigid Bolt Jungle Slash Bright Bolt Shock Bolt Gust Slash x 2 Enfeeble Rock Slash

Health Potion x 26

Chests & Packs
Crystallized Satchel x 17
Crystal Pools Crate Chalcedony Snipper Crate Apatite Fisher Crate Clearwater Oracle Crate x 2 Hippalectryon Crate
Radiant Dawn Chest

Soft Pink Fillet Soft Pink Silk Veil

Unhatched Arcane Egg Primary Gene: Python

[center][size=6]Venue - Waterway[/size] [img][/img] ----- [b] Collecting [/b] [item=reflective fish scales] 99/99 [quote=Notable Drops] [item=giant sand dollar]x 34 [b]Familiars[/b] ----- [item=Rat King]x 2[item=fanrat]x 3[item=noggle]x 3[item=rainbow sprite]x 2[item=dappled seal][item=sunset lasher][item=giant white toridae][item=sewer toridae]x 3[item=scaleside noggle]x 2[item=sludge sifter]x 2[item=brown river flight][item=harvest hardshell][item=maren shark hunter]x 2[item=everglade lasher][item=grey river flight]x 2[item=silky fanrat][item=chocolate noggle] [b]Battle[/b] ----- [item=frozen might fragment]x 2[item=fiery might fragment][item=scholar][item=frozen acuity fragment][item=earthen might fragment][item=charged might fragment][item=aquatic might fragment][item=bolster][item=glass hybrid fragment][item=blazing slash][item=shining acuity fragment][item=fossilize][item=berserker]x 2[item=flame bolt][item=zephyr acuity fragment][item=charged acuity fragment][item=thunder slash][item=contaminate][item=jungle slash][item=drown] [item=minor health potion]x 14 [b]Chests & Packs[/b] ----- [item=waterway pipe]x 23[item=sharkhunter's crate] [item=strange chest]x 5[item=ghost ship chest] [b]Apparel[/b] ----- [item=dented iron boots]x 2 [b]Eggs/Genes/Vistas[/b] ----- [/quote] [/center]
Venue - Waterway


Reflective Fish Scales

Notable Drops wrote:

Giant Sand Dollar x 34

Rat King x 2 Fanrat x 3 Noggle x 3 Rainbow Sprite x 2 Dappled Seal Sunset Lasher Giant White Toridae Sewer Toridae x 3 Scaleside Noggle x 2 Sludge Sifter x 2 Brown River Flight Harvest Hardshell Maren Shark Hunter x 2 Everglade Lasher Grey River Flight x 2 Silky Fanrat Chocolate Noggle

Frozen Might Fragment x 2 Fiery Might Fragment Scholar Frozen Acuity Fragment Earthen Might Fragment Charged Might Fragment Aquatic Might Fragment Bolster Glass Hybrid Fragment Blazing Slash Shining Acuity Fragment Fossilize Berserker x 2 Flame Bolt Zephyr Acuity Fragment Charged Acuity Fragment Thunder Slash Contaminate Jungle Slash Drown
Minor Health Potion x 14

Chests & Packs
Waterway Pipe x 23 Sharkhunter's Crate
Strange Chest x 5 Ghost Ship Chest

Dented Iron Boots x 2


[center][size=6]Redrock Cove[/size] ----- [b] Collecting [/b] [item=leopard coralclimber toxin].....heck. 99/99 [quote=Notable Drops] [item=giant sand dollar]x 102 [item=bubble soap chest][item=bladed flatleaf]x 58[item=nature runestone] [b]Familiars[/b] ----- [item=deeprealm hunter][item=oceansurf magus]x 2[item=riptide clipper]x 2[item=mirage puffer][item=dainty wavehopper]x 2[item=vivid wavehopper]x 2[item=leaf bolt][item=sandstone sniper][item=murkbottom gull]x 2][item=mottled sea serpent]x 4[item=highfin sea serpent]x 2[item=maren spearmaiden]x 2[item=tradewinds gull][item=maren defender][item=highfin sea serpent][item=magical might fragment] [b]Battle[/b] ----- [item=minor health potion]x 34[item=health potion]x 1[item=major health potion]x 1 [item=acuity fragment]x 2[item=aquatic might fragment]x 2[item=bright bolt]x 2[item=natural might fragment]x 3[item=might fragment]x 2[item=shining acuity fragment]x 3[item=pestilent slash]x 2[item=wave slash][item=aquatic acuity fragment]x 2[item=frozen acuity fragment][item=shiny acuity fragment] [b]Chests & Packs[/b] ----- [item=barnacle-encrusted bottle]x 19[item=oceansurf crate] [b]Apparel[/b] ----- [item=nebula starsilk wingdrapes][item=twilight rose thorn gloves][item=twilight rose thorn leg tangle] [b]Eggs/Genes/Vials/Vistas[/b] ----- [item=vial of hypnotic sight]x 3[item=primary gene: python] [/quote] [/center]
Redrock Cove


Leopard Coralclimber Toxin .....heck.

Notable Drops wrote:

Giant Sand Dollar x 102 Bubble Soap Chest Bladed Flatleaf x 58 Nature Runestone

Deeprealm Hunter Oceansurf Magus x 2 Riptide Clipper x 2 Mirage Puffer Dainty Wavehopper x 2 Vivid Wavehopper x 2 Leaf Bolt Murkbottom Gull x 2] Mottled Sea Serpent x 4 Highfin Sea Serpent x 2 Maren Spearmaiden x 2 Tradewinds Gull Maren Defender Highfin Sea Serpent Magical Might Fragment


Minor Health Potion x 34 Health Potion x 1 Major Health Potion x 1
Acuity Fragment x 2 Aquatic Might Fragment x 2 Bright Bolt x 2 Natural Might Fragment x 3 Might Fragment x 2 Shining Acuity Fragment x 3 Pestilent Slash x 2 Wave Slash Aquatic Acuity Fragment x 2 Frozen Acuity Fragment

Chests & Packs
Barnacle-Encrusted Bottle x 19 Oceansurf Crate

Nebula Starsilk Wingdrapes Twilight Rose Thorn Gloves Twilight Rose Thorn Leg Tangle

Vial of Hypnotic Sight x 3 Primary Gene: Python

[center][size=6]Forgotten Cave[/size] ----- [b] Collecting [/b] [item=runic batling] 99/99 [quote=Notable Drops] ----- [item=charged sprocket]x 37 [b]Familiars[/b] ----- [item=blue dragon reef snail]x 6 [item=centaur berserker]x 2 [item=citrine cave jewel]x 2[item=emerald cave jewel]x 2[item=deepmine aardvark]x 2[item=bramble guardian]x 5[item=venomblade assassin]x 2[item=cursed bat]x 2[item=blueband duelist][item=harvest harshell][item=swiftfoot slayer] [b]Battle[/b] ----- [item=minor health potion]x 42[item=zephyr acuity fragment][item=earthen might fragment]x 3 [item=rock slash] [item=blinding slash]x 4 [item=zephyr bolt] [item=might fragment]x 3[item=shroud]x 2[item=drown][item=boulder bolt][item=diseased might fragment][item=charged acuity fragment][item=shiny acuity fragment][item=berserker][item=scholar][item=freezing slash][item=enamor][item=acuity fragment]x 2[item=mist slash][item=gust slash][item=dark might fragment][item=berserker] [b]Chests & Packs[/b] ----- [b]Apparel[/b] ----- [item=midnight cape][item=nebula starsilk cloak] [b]Eggs/Genes/Vials/Vistas[/b] ----- [item=unhatched wind egg] [/quote] [/center]
Forgotten Cave


Runic Batling

Notable Drops wrote:

Charged Sprocket x 37

Blue Dragon Reef Snail x 6 Centaur Berserker x 2 Citrine Cave Jewel x 2 Emerald Cave Jewel x 2 Deepmine Aardvark x 2 Bramble Guardian x 5 Venomblade Assassin x 2 Cursed Bat x 2 Blueband Duelist Swiftfoot Slayer

Minor Health Potion x 42 Zephyr Acuity Fragment Earthen Might Fragment x 3 Rock Slash Blinding Slash x 4 Zephyr Bolt Might Fragment x 3 Shroud x 2 Drown Boulder Bolt Diseased Might Fragment Charged Acuity Fragment Berserker Scholar Freezing Slash Enamor Acuity Fragment x 2 Mist Slash Gust Slash Dark Might Fragment Berserker

Chests & Packs

Midnight Cape Nebula Starsilk Cloak

Unhatched Wind Egg

[center][size=6]Thunderhead Savanna[/size] ----- [b] Collecting [/b] [item=herdbeast haunch] 99/99 [quote=Notable Drops] ----- [b]Familiars[/b] ----- [item=thunderstomp][item=raptorik herder]x 2[item=raptorik wanderer][item=unburdened billy][item=ampelope][item=flesh forager][item=dustfeather sphinx]x 2[item=greattusk]x 3[item=coursing skira]x 2[item=roving lionsnake][item=king quillrunner]x 2[item=rabid grinfin][item=quillrunner][item=pale greattusk][item=heckling hydrena]x 2[item=golden lionsnake]x 2[item=magpie sphinx][item=rabid grin fin][item=condorwing champion] [b]Battle[/b] ----- [item=minor health potion]x [item=charged might fragment]x 2[item=charged acuity fragment][item=fiery might fragment][item=might fragment]x 3[item=earthen might fragment][item=fiery acuity fragment] [b]Chests & Packs[/b] ----- [item=pelt-lined crate]x 35 [b]Apparel[/b] ----- [item=bubbly bisque bustle][item=bubbly bisque spats][item=bloody arm bandages] [b]Eggs/Genes/Vials/Vistas[/b] ----- [item=unhatched shadow egg][item=vista: thunderhead savanna] [/quote] [/center]
Thunderhead Savanna


Herdbeast Haunch

Notable Drops wrote:

Thunderstomp Raptorik Herder x 2 Raptorik Wanderer Unburdened Billy Ampelope Flesh Forager Dustfeather Sphinx x 2 Greattusk x 3 Coursing Skira x 2 Roving Lionsnake King Quillrunner x 2 Rabid Grinfin Quillrunner Pale Greattusk Heckling Hydrena x 2 Golden Lionsnake x 2 Magpie Sphinx Condorwing Champion

Minor Health Potion x Charged Might Fragment x 2 Charged Acuity Fragment Fiery Might Fragment Might Fragment x 3 Earthen Might Fragment Fiery Acuity Fragment

Chests & Packs
Pelt-Lined Crate x 35

Bubbly Bisque Bustle Bubbly Bisque Spats Bloody Arm Bandages

Unhatched Shadow Egg Vista: Thunderhead Savanna

[center][size=6]Bamboo Falls[/size] ----- [b] Collecting [/b] [item=crowntail wanderer] 99/99 [quote=Notable Drops] ----- [b]Familiars[/b] ----- [item=blacktalon striker][item=fungalhoof qiriq]x 3 [item=dreameater][item=raptorik warrior]x 7 [item=wandering surgepriest]x 4 [item=dreameater][item=ethereal trickster][item=umbra wolf]x 2 [item=mantled foo][item=hainu][item=gale wolf][item=tengu][item=tigerblood foo]x 5 [b]Battle[/b] ----- [item=minor health potion]x 31[item=clobber]x 2[item=shining acuity fragment]x 3[item=disorient]x 2[item=might fragment][item=blazing slash][item=dark might fragment]x 2[item=fiery might fragment][item=acuity fragment]x 2[item=mana bolt][item=shining might fragment]x 2[item=charged acuity fragment]x 2[item=meditate]x 4[item=clobber][item=vile bolt]x 2[item=pestilent slash][item=mist slash]x 2[item=glass hybrid fragment][item=zephyr acuity fragment]x 2[item=aquatic acuity fragment][item=drown][item=gust slash][item=earthen acuity fragment][item=shroud][item=zephyr might fragment][item=natural might fragment] [b]Chests & Packs[/b] ----- [item=burlap sack]x 20 [item=broken penny jar]x 3 [item=fishscale basket]x 32 [item=eyes on you chest][item=hainu crate][item=dreameater crate][item=gale crate][item=stibknight chest][item=tower of pillar chest] [b]Apparel[/b] ----- [item=bloodscale bracers][item=pretty pink arm bow][item=veteran's shoulder scars][item=pretty aqua wing bow][item=sparkling emerald neck bow][item=sparkling emerald arm bow][item=sparkling emerald head bow][item=teardrop citrine leg band] [b]Eggs/Genes/Vials/Vistas[/b] ----- [item=vista: bamboo falls] [/quote] [/center]
Bamboo Falls


Crowntail Wanderer

Notable Drops wrote:

Blacktalon Striker Fungalhoof Qiriq x 3 Dreameater Raptorik Warrior x 7 Wandering Surgepriest x 4 Dreameater Ethereal Trickster Umbra Wolf x 2 Mantled Foo Hainu Gale Wolf Tengu Tigerblood Foo x 5

Minor Health Potion x 31 Clobber x 2 Shining Acuity Fragment x 3 Disorient x 2 Might Fragment Blazing Slash Dark Might Fragment x 2 Fiery Might Fragment Acuity Fragment x 2 Mana Bolt Shining Might Fragment x 2 Charged Acuity Fragment x 2 Meditate x 4 Clobber Vile Bolt x 2 Pestilent Slash Mist Slash x 2 Glass Hybrid Fragment Zephyr Acuity Fragment x 2 Aquatic Acuity Fragment Drown Gust Slash Earthen Acuity Fragment Shroud Zephyr Might Fragment Natural Might Fragment

Chests & Packs
Burlap Sack x 20 Broken Penny Jar x 3 Fishscale Basket x 32 Eyes on You Chest Hainu Crate Dreameater Crate Gale Crate Stibknight Chest Tower of Pillar Chest

Bloodscale Bracers Pretty Pink Arm Bow Veteran's Shoulder Scars Pretty Aqua Wing Bow Sparkling Emerald Neck Bow Sparkling Emerald Arm Bow Sparkling Emerald Head Bow Teardrop Citrine Leg Band

Vista: Bamboo Falls

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