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TOPIC | Unable to assign familiar
I had a baby dragon born today, and went about collecting myself a deathshead stag for her from the coliesum.
Only problem is, now i have it, I cannot add it to her.
The familiar is a duplicate, I have another one assigned to another dragon, is this possibly why it is not showing up on the list?
I had a baby dragon born today, and went about collecting myself a deathshead stag for her from the coliesum.
Only problem is, now i have it, I cannot add it to her.
The familiar is a duplicate, I have another one assigned to another dragon, is this possibly why it is not showing up on the list?
Hello @Terris, that is correct. Your Clan can only bond with one type of familiar once. Familiars bond by Clan, not per dragon. Thank you!
Hello @Terris, that is correct. Your Clan can only bond with one type of familiar once. Familiars bond by Clan, not per dragon. Thank you!
coffee. need coffee.