[b][size=4]Lunar Despair[/size][/b]
[size=3][i]The Bloodmoon never sets[/i][/size]
[size=3][i]A retelling of a [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/2911103#post_44704865]Minimalist Fodderlocke[/url][/i][/size]
Considering that I once tried to compose this in a Google Sheets,, I can no longer understand it after.. a couple of months.. or a year perhaps? So I suppose I'll have to restart this journey, officially this time too :)
I'm not entirely big on lore writing, or writing in general sadly. Therefore there most likely won't be many descriptions, if any.. but maybe I'll be inspired sometimes :') Feel free to comment or look through this journey <3
And because I love giving my dragons fancy titles that symbolize their potential.. or lack of..
King = Levianthan
Queen = Daemon
Members (Alive) = The Infernals
Members (Exalted) = The Ruined
With that being said, The Lunar Despair will begin.
Rules copied from [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/2911103#post_44704865]here:[/url][/color]
[quote name=Rules]
[center][b]Starting Setup[/b][/center]
Obtain 5 adults. Pick your leader from these and level it to 8, level the rest to 6
[center][b]Leader Rules[/b][/center]
The dragon with the highest level is called King, dragon(s) with next highest level is called Queen(s).
[*][b][i]All hail the King[/i][/b] - The dragon with the highest level is the King, this dragon is exempt from random exaltation events.
[*][b][i]Triskaidekaphobia[/i][/b] - Exalt the King when level up is triggered at lvl 12.
[*][b][i]Succession crisis[/i][/b] - If there are multiple Queens when the King is exalted, pick a favorite and exalt the rest. And/or if there are multiple Queens under level 10 (you can set your own boundary here), pick a favorite and level up by 1.
[*][b][i]King of the hill[/i][/b] - When the Queen(s) catches up to the King, pick a favorite and exalt the other(s).
[*][b][i]A glimmer of hope[/i][/b] - Only the King remains, recruitment conditions change to red cards stay, black cards exalt. If no new dragons join, level up the King. If Triskaidekaphobia is triggered, do an extra round recruitment or end game.
[b]Game Round[/b][/center]
To save time pull the cards for Event and Recruitment together. If you are event leveling, always start with the highest level dragon(s). Each dragon have a set xp to gain, minimize your time spent in the coli by maximum overlapping.
Pull a card (Aces count as numerals)
[*]Red Joker - [b][i]Fortune smiles[/i][/b] - Obtain 4 dragons, level up to 6; they join automatically
[*]Black Joker - [b][i]A disaster strikes[/i][/b] - Pull a card for every dragon but the King, red stays, black exalt
[*]Red King - [b][i]Long live the King[/i][/b] - Level up the King by 1 lvl
[*]Black King - [b][i]The King must die[/i][/b] - Exalt the King
[*]Red Queen - [b][i]Beloved is the Queen[/i][/b] - Level up the Queen by 1 lvl, if multiple, pick one
[*]Black Queen - [b][i]Down with the Queen[/i][/b] - Exalt the Queen, if multiple, pick one
[*]Red Jack - [b][i]Welcome to our court[/i][/b] - Obtain 2 adults and level up to 6, they join automatically
[*]Black Jack - [b][i]Introductions cut short[/i][/b] - Obtain 2 adults and level up to 6, exalt immediately
[*]Hearts - [b][i]Fruitful endavour[/i][/b] - Level up two random dragons by 1 lvl
[*]Spades - [b][i]An adventure lost[/i][/b] - Exalt two random dragons
[*]Diamonds - [b][i]Steady steps[/i][/b] - Level up two lowest level dragons by 1 lvl
[*]Clubs - [b][i]A journey untold[/i][/b] - Exalt two lowest level dragons
Obtain 4 adults and lvl up to 6
Pull a card for each dragon, face cards dragon joins otherwise exalt
Bonus: If Joker is pulled, dragon joins with one extra lvl
[size=3][i]Generation 1: [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3401356/1#post_58533524]The Misfortuned[/url][/i][/size]

Lunar Despair
The Bloodmoon never sets

A retelling of a Minimalist Fodderlocke
Considering that I once tried to compose this in a Google Sheets,, I can no longer understand it after.. a couple of months.. or a year perhaps? So I suppose I'll have to restart this journey, officially this time too :)
I'm not entirely big on lore writing, or writing in general sadly. Therefore there most likely won't be many descriptions, if any.. but maybe I'll be inspired sometimes :') Feel free to comment or look through this journey <3
And because I love giving my dragons fancy titles that symbolize their potential.. or lack of..
King = Levianthan
Queen = Daemon
Members (Alive) = The Infernals
Members (Exalted) = The Ruined
With that being said, The Lunar Despair will begin.
Rules copied from here:
Rules wrote:
Starting Setup
Obtain 5 adults. Pick your leader from these and level it to 8, level the rest to 6
Leader Rules
The dragon with the highest level is called King, dragon(s) with next highest level is called Queen(s).
- All hail the King - The dragon with the highest level is the King, this dragon is exempt from random exaltation events.
- Triskaidekaphobia - Exalt the King when level up is triggered at lvl 12.
- Succession crisis - If there are multiple Queens when the King is exalted, pick a favorite and exalt the rest. And/or if there are multiple Queens under level 10 (you can set your own boundary here), pick a favorite and level up by 1.
- King of the hill - When the Queen(s) catches up to the King, pick a favorite and exalt the other(s).
- A glimmer of hope - Only the King remains, recruitment conditions change to red cards stay, black cards exalt. If no new dragons join, level up the King. If Triskaidekaphobia is triggered, do an extra round recruitment or end game.
Game Round
To save time pull the cards for Event and Recruitment together. If you are event leveling, always start with the highest level dragon(s). Each dragon have a set xp to gain, minimize your time spent in the coli by maximum overlapping.
Pull a card (Aces count as numerals)
- Red Joker - Fortune smiles - Obtain 4 dragons, level up to 6; they join automatically
- Black Joker - A disaster strikes - Pull a card for every dragon but the King, red stays, black exalt
- Red King - Long live the King - Level up the King by 1 lvl
- Black King - The King must die - Exalt the King
- Red Queen - Beloved is the Queen - Level up the Queen by 1 lvl, if multiple, pick one
- Black Queen - Down with the Queen - Exalt the Queen, if multiple, pick one
- Red Jack - Welcome to our court - Obtain 2 adults and level up to 6, they join automatically
- Black Jack - Introductions cut short - Obtain 2 adults and level up to 6, exalt immediately
- Hearts - Fruitful endavour - Level up two random dragons by 1 lvl
- Spades - An adventure lost - Exalt two random dragons
- Diamonds - Steady steps - Level up two lowest level dragons by 1 lvl
- Clubs - A journey untold - Exalt two lowest level dragons
Obtain 4 adults and lvl up to 6
Pull a card for each dragon, face cards dragon joins otherwise exalt
Bonus: If Joker is pulled, dragon joins with one extra lvl

Generation 1: The Misfortuned

[b][size=4]Generation 1: The Misfortuned[/size][/b]
[size=3][i]Imma be real, I did not think this out :D[/i][/size]
[i]The moon, once pale and bright, twisted into a deep crimson, bathing the night in bloodstained shades. When the Bloodmoon rose in full, its sickly light did not simply illuminate- it corrupted.
The great wyrms, once wise and noble, writhed in agony beneath the lurid glow. Their scales blackened, their golden eyes turned to husks of glowing red, and their minds became slaves to an ancient hunger. They roared in fury, their cries echoed throughout the valleys as their wings carried the curse through uncharted territory.
With the dragons turned, the skies became their domain of terror. They blotted out the sun with their numbers, and the unrelenting Bloodmoon refused to set. Night became eternal. Plants withered, the seas boiled, and hope faded beneath the everlasting dusk.
The Lunar Despair had begun.
And in the depths of the abyss, something stirred—reveling in the shadow's descent.[/i]
[b]Lazulos - The Bloodmoon Sovereign[/b]
[size=3][i]Born under the light of a silver crescent, Lazulos was destined for greatness. She was not merely a dragon- she was royalty, the Queen of her generation, chosen by fate itself to lead the celestial brood. With gem-like scales resembling polished sapphire and wings vast enough to eclipse mountains, she commanded the respect of her legion. Where she soared, harmony followed. Where she spoke, the winds themselves carried her decree.
But fate, cruel and unyielding, had other plans.
As her kin fell one by one, Lazulos found herself alone. Exhausted. Desperate. The moon's crimson glow reflected in her once-brilliant sapphire scales, dimming them, darkening them. The whispers slithered into her mind- soft at first, then consuming her every thought. It was not just a curse; it was a promise. A promise of power beyond comprehension. A promise that her reign would never end. A promise that she would not fall.
Even the strongest willed succumbs to the pleasures of deceit.
Her corruption was unlike the rest of her generation. She did not simply submit—she ascended. The Bloodmoon did not take her as a mindless beast; instead it crowned her. Her wings unfurled into a tapestry of shadow and fire, her once-sapphire scales now reflecting the abyss itself. And as she let the corruption into her heart, so did the tainted nightmares flood her dreams.
Now, Lazulos reigns as the Sovereign of the Bloodmoon, the first and only monarch of the Lunar Despair. Her rule is absolute, her will inescapable. She commands the corrupted wyrms as her legion, bending the eternal night to her desires.
Some say she remembers who she once was. That within the depths of her soul, the Queen still mourns what was lost. But those are the whispers of fools. Lazulos does not mourn. She does not regret. She is the eternal night, the undying queen, the herald of despair.
To challenge her is to challenge the night itself.[/i][/size]
[b]Vaelzoryth - The Hollowed Watcher[/b]
[size=3][i]Once a cautious watcher of fate, Vaelzoryth knew all the strings he could pull to contort destiny. It was not uncommon to see him in the skies alongside Lazulos if he were to be outside his solitary tower. Yet upon the red glow, the strings snapped, twisting its way into the very creation of his being; his soul. As he writhed, the very purpose of his existence faded into legacy, converting into something much more sinister.
His body, once black and white, developed into brown and reds. The wings that formerly resembled the vast knowledge of fate's stories, distorted into omnipresent eyes; all-seeing. Nothing would get past him without him knowing.
Abandoning his post as fate's guide, only an empty husk remains of his former self, serving as a reminder of his previous duty. His voice, that once gleamed with future's tales, now echoes the looming cries of his mind, driving those who hear him into madness.
They say he blames himself for what had happened.[/i][/size]
[b][size=4]The Infernal(s)[/size][/b]
[size=3][i]There is not much to say about them, they are only servants towards preventing the Light's resurgence. They are pawns bound to our will. Do not regard them.[/i][/size]
[b]Savek - The Endless Hunger[/b]
[b]Zhovaril - The Silent Peril[/b]
[b]Davian - The Shrouded Doom[/b][/columns]
[b]Zephorith - The Endless Eclipse[/b]
[b]Nyzrakul - The Silver Serpent[/b][/columns]
[color=801411][b][size=4]The Ruined(s)[/size][/b]
[size=3][i]They failed their purpose, we do not bother with the unworthy.[/i][/size]
[b]Izravael - The Withering Gaze[/b]
[i]Exalted - Night 1[/i]
[b]Vorthymis - The Toxic Roots[/b]
[i]Exalted - Night 1[/i]
[b]Awel - The Clean Canvas[/b]
[i]Exalted - Night 2[/i][/columns]
[b]Shyros - The Stained[/b]
[i]Exalted - Night 2[/i]
[b]Tavrik - The Lost Star[/b]
[i]Exalted - Night 2[/i]
[b]Sylthos - The Lamented Light[/b]
[i]Exalted - Night 2[/i][/columns]
[b]Zyrax - The Red Omen[/b]
[i]Exalted - Night 3[/i]
[b]Vorric- The Veilforged[/b]
[i]Exalted - Night 3[/i]
[b]Nyxar - The Crimson Smoke[/b]
[i]Exalted - Night 3[/i][/columns]
[b]Malgrim - The Black Warden[/b]
[i]Exalted - Night 3[/i]
[b]Xalvoris - The Nightwound[/b]
[i]Exalted - Night 3[/i][/columns]
[size=3][i]Relish in the eternal slumber.[/i][/size]
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3401356#post_58535289]Night 1:[/url] When Chaos Broke Free
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3401356/1#post_58535470]Night 2:[/url] An Eye For An Eye
[url=https://www1.flightrising.com/forums/qnc/3401356/1#post_58545102]Night 3:[/url] The Moon Is Never Satisfied
[size=3][i]The Bloodmoon will claim everything at any cost.[/i][/size]

Generation 1: The Misfortuned
Imma be real, I did not think this out :D
The moon, once pale and bright, twisted into a deep crimson, bathing the night in bloodstained shades. When the Bloodmoon rose in full, its sickly light did not simply illuminate- it corrupted.
The great wyrms, once wise and noble, writhed in agony beneath the lurid glow. Their scales blackened, their golden eyes turned to husks of glowing red, and their minds became slaves to an ancient hunger. They roared in fury, their cries echoed throughout the valleys as their wings carried the curse through uncharted territory.
With the dragons turned, the skies became their domain of terror. They blotted out the sun with their numbers, and the unrelenting Bloodmoon refused to set. Night became eternal. Plants withered, the seas boiled, and hope faded beneath the everlasting dusk.
The Lunar Despair had begun.
And in the depths of the abyss, something stirred—reveling in the shadow's descent.


Lazulos - The Bloodmoon Sovereign
Born under the light of a silver crescent, Lazulos was destined for greatness. She was not merely a dragon- she was royalty, the Queen of her generation, chosen by fate itself to lead the celestial brood. With gem-like scales resembling polished sapphire and wings vast enough to eclipse mountains, she commanded the respect of her legion. Where she soared, harmony followed. Where she spoke, the winds themselves carried her decree.
But fate, cruel and unyielding, had other plans.
As her kin fell one by one, Lazulos found herself alone. Exhausted. Desperate. The moon's crimson glow reflected in her once-brilliant sapphire scales, dimming them, darkening them. The whispers slithered into her mind- soft at first, then consuming her every thought. It was not just a curse; it was a promise. A promise of power beyond comprehension. A promise that her reign would never end. A promise that she would not fall.
Even the strongest willed succumbs to the pleasures of deceit.
Her corruption was unlike the rest of her generation. She did not simply submit—she ascended. The Bloodmoon did not take her as a mindless beast; instead it crowned her. Her wings unfurled into a tapestry of shadow and fire, her once-sapphire scales now reflecting the abyss itself. And as she let the corruption into her heart, so did the tainted nightmares flood her dreams.
Now, Lazulos reigns as the Sovereign of the Bloodmoon, the first and only monarch of the Lunar Despair. Her rule is absolute, her will inescapable. She commands the corrupted wyrms as her legion, bending the eternal night to her desires.
Some say she remembers who she once was. That within the depths of her soul, the Queen still mourns what was lost. But those are the whispers of fools. Lazulos does not mourn. She does not regret. She is the eternal night, the undying queen, the herald of despair.
To challenge her is to challenge the night itself.


Vaelzoryth - The Hollowed Watcher
Once a cautious watcher of fate, Vaelzoryth knew all the strings he could pull to contort destiny. It was not uncommon to see him in the skies alongside Lazulos if he were to be outside his solitary tower. Yet upon the red glow, the strings snapped, twisting its way into the very creation of his being; his soul. As he writhed, the very purpose of his existence faded into legacy, converting into something much more sinister.
His body, once black and white, developed into brown and reds. The wings that formerly resembled the vast knowledge of fate's stories, distorted into omnipresent eyes; all-seeing. Nothing would get past him without him knowing.
Abandoning his post as fate's guide, only an empty husk remains of his former self, serving as a reminder of his previous duty. His voice, that once gleamed with future's tales, now echoes the looming cries of his mind, driving those who hear him into madness.
They say he blames himself for what had happened.

The Infernal(s)
There is not much to say about them, they are only servants towards preventing the Light's resurgence. They are pawns bound to our will. Do not regard them.

Savek - The Endless Hunger

Zhovaril - The Silent Peril

Davian - The Shrouded Doom

Zephorith - The Endless Eclipse

Nyzrakul - The Silver Serpent
The Ruined(s)
They failed their purpose, we do not bother with the unworthy.

Izravael - The Withering Gaze
Exalted - Night 1

Vorthymis - The Toxic Roots
Exalted - Night 1

Awel - The Clean Canvas
Exalted - Night 2

Shyros - The Stained
Exalted - Night 2

Tavrik - The Lost Star
Exalted - Night 2

Sylthos - The Lamented Light
Exalted - Night 2

Zyrax - The Red Omen
Exalted - Night 3

Vorric- The Veilforged
Exalted - Night 3

Nyxar - The Crimson Smoke
Exalted - Night 3

Malgrim - The Black Warden
Exalted - Night 3

Xalvoris - The Nightwound
Exalted - Night 3
Relish in the eternal slumber.
Night 1: When Chaos Broke Free
Night 2: An Eye For An Eye
Night 3: The Moon Is Never Satisfied

The Bloodmoon will claim everything at any cost.

[b][size=4]Generation 1: The Misfortuned[/size][/b]
[size=3][i]Night 2: An Eye For An Eye[/i][/size]
[size=3][i]The second night.. or what would've been the second if the world hadn't been cast into eternal darkness. Time begins to blur together. The moon burns its red glare into the ruined world, terrain only visible by the eerie glow. At the peak of a weeping mountain did two dragons stand, bound together through the moon's gaze.[/i][/size]
[color=300d05]"I see that even fate held you down Vaelzoryth,"[/color] Lazulos slithered, voice smooth yet laced with unreadable emotion. [color=300d05]"Did you know?"[/color]
Vaelzoryth stood for a moment, his crystal subtly glowing a little brighter. He sighed, [color=dc8b1d]"Even destiny holds its secrets."[/color]
[color=300d05]"[i]Secrets[/i]. Or the distasteful truth that we ignored?"[/color] Dried, charcoal flowers landed softly upon her cloak. [color=300d05]"And yet, here we are. Intertwined with fate's dark side. We hold the power. The freedom to rule without restrictions."
[color=dc8b1d]"[i]Freedom[/i]?"[/color] [color=801411]He shuffled, voice sounding quiet, nearly sorrowful.[/color] [color=dc8b1d]"Or are we tied in chains that are gilded in shadow?"[/color]
[color=801411]Lazulos glanced at Vaelzoryth briefly, glowing eyes narrowing. Then she smiled.[/color][color=300d05] "Whichever one allows [i]us[/i] to survive, besides this is a new world."[/color] [color=dc8b1d]"[i]And?[/i]"[/color] [color=300d05]"The Light will [b]not[/b] rise again."[/color]
[color=801411]Vaelzoryth gazed at the endless night, remaining silent. He knew deep down that she was right.[/color]
[size=3][i]Only the foolish would expect to escape unscathed while bearing the Light. Do not underestimate us.[/i][/size]
[b][size=4]The Ruined(s)[/size][/b]
[b]Awel - The Clean Canvas[/b]
[i]Exalted - 9050 T[/i]
[b]Shyros - The Stained[/b]
[i]Exalted - 9760 T[/i]
[b]Tavrik - The Lost Star[/b]
[i]Exalted - 9620 T[/i]
[b]Sylthos - The Lamented Light[/b]
[i]Exalted - 9115 T[/i]
[size=3][i]Hearts - Fruitful endavour - Level up two random dragons by 1 lvl[/i][/size]
[b]Lazulos - The Bloodmoon Sovereign[/b]
[i]Lvl 8 --> Lvl 9[/i]
[b]Zephorith - The Endless Eclipse[/b]
[i]Lvl 7 --> Lvl 8[/i]
[size=3][i]4 exalted. Do not taunt us.
+37545 T[/i][/size]

Generation 1: The Misfortuned
Night 2: An Eye For An Eye
The second night.. or what would've been the second if the world hadn't been cast into eternal darkness. Time begins to blur together. The moon burns its red glare into the ruined world, terrain only visible by the eerie glow. At the peak of a weeping mountain did two dragons stand, bound together through the moon's gaze.
"I see that even fate held you down Vaelzoryth," Lazulos slithered, voice smooth yet laced with unreadable emotion. "Did you know?"
Vaelzoryth stood for a moment, his crystal subtly glowing a little brighter. He sighed, "Even destiny holds its secrets."
"Secrets. Or the distasteful truth that we ignored?" Dried, charcoal flowers landed softly upon her cloak. "And yet, here we are. Intertwined with fate's dark side. We hold the power. The freedom to rule without restrictions."
"Freedom?" He shuffled, voice sounding quiet, nearly sorrowful. "Or are we tied in chains that are gilded in shadow?"
Lazulos glanced at Vaelzoryth briefly, glowing eyes narrowing. Then she smiled. "Whichever one allows us to survive, besides this is a new world." "And?" "The Light will not rise again."
Vaelzoryth gazed at the endless night, remaining silent. He knew deep down that she was right.

Only the foolish would expect to escape unscathed while bearing the Light. Do not underestimate us.
The Ruined(s)

Awel - The Clean Canvas
Exalted - 9050 T

Shyros - The Stained
Exalted - 9760 T

Tavrik - The Lost Star
Exalted - 9620 T

Sylthos - The Lamented Light
Exalted - 9115 T

Hearts - Fruitful endavour - Level up two random dragons by 1 lvl

Lazulos - The Bloodmoon Sovereign
Lvl 8 --> Lvl 9

Zephorith - The Endless Eclipse
Lvl 7 --> Lvl 8

4 exalted. Do not taunt us.
+37545 T

[b][size=4]Generation 1: The Misfortuned[/size][/b]
[size=3][i]Night 3: The Moon Is Never Satisfied[/i][/size]
[size=3][i]As the nights draw on, the moon becomes ever selective. Most dragons are unable to bypass the trials to become worthy enough to take part in the grand scheme. Those that survived the first two nights are now suffering in vain against the moon's judgemental gaze. Dragons I once saw roaming the skies, wings soaring gracefully, are now dropping like [i]flies[/i]. Dragons, that I used to converse with in past times, are now forever silent. Sometimes, I wonder if there will become a [s]day[/s] night if I will too suffer the same fate as the victims. If only I had been able to change the most important thing, if only I was able to fulfill my only [i]job[/i]. Then maybe. Just maybe, this would have never had happened. I'm sorry.
[right][i][color=dc8b1d]- Vaelzoryth[/i][/right][/i][/size]
[color=801411][b][size=4]The Infernals(s)[/size][/b]
[b]Malgrim - The Black Warden[/b]
[b][size=4]The Ruined(s)[/size][/b]
[b]Zyrax - The Red Omen[/b]
[i]Exalted - 9082 T[/i]
[b]Vorric- The Veilforged[/b]
[i]Exalted - 10124 T[/i]
[b]Nyxar - The Crimson Smoke[/b]
[i]Exalted - 9185 T[/i]
[size=3][i]Spades - An adventure lost - Exalt two random dragons[/i][/size]
[b]Malgrim - The Black Warden[/b]
[i]Exalted - 9506 T[/i]
[b]Xalvoris - The Nightwound[/b]
[i]Exalted - 9820 T[/i]
[size=3][i]5 exalted. Unfortunate.
+47717 T[/i][/size]