
Dragon Trading

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TOPIC | [T] Eclipse Lineage for other Eclipse
For the April 8th eclipse I bred my dragons, [url=]Aventine[/url] and [url=]Ealadha[/url], who are both G1 dragons hatched on the August 2017 North American eclipse! They had three hatchlings, and I'm hoping to trade 2 of them for other April 8th eclipse hatchlings (I've kept the oldest sister.) These are the sisters: [center] [url=][img][/img][/url] [emoji=primary gene size=1]Cornflower Cherub [emoji=secondary gene size=1]Wisteria Peregrine [emoji=tertiary gene size=1]Black Glimmer [emoji=normal eyes size=1]Light Unusual [url=][img][/img][/url] [emoji=primary gene size=1]Denim Cherub [emoji=secondary gene size=1]Phthalo Peregrine [emoji=tertiary gene size=1]Amethyst Glimmer [emoji=normal eyes size=1]Light Unusual[/center] I'm not 100% sure the dragons I'm looking for, other than the April 8th, 2024 hatchdate! Thanks for looking!
For the April 8th eclipse I bred my dragons, Aventine and Ealadha, who are both G1 dragons hatched on the August 2017 North American eclipse! They had three hatchlings, and I'm hoping to trade 2 of them for other April 8th eclipse hatchlings (I've kept the oldest sister.)

These are the sisters:

Cornflower Cherub
Wisteria Peregrine
Black Glimmer
Light Unusual


Denim Cherub
Phthalo Peregrine
Amethyst Glimmer
Light Unusual

I'm not 100% sure the dragons I'm looking for, other than the April 8th, 2024 hatchdate! Thanks for looking!