

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | LF: Subanutica Roleplayers
Hello everyone! Welcome to 456B, otherwise known as the world of SUbnautica.

I'm looking for a group of about 3-8 people to do a Subnautica roleplay.

This roleplay will follow the story of the original Subnautica game with a couple of changes, that will be added by yours truly. Your characters will not be leviathans but a group of humans that were caught up in desecration of the Aurora. All in different lifepods in different locations, which will be decided based on the materials your character would have grabbed while the Aurora crashed. Reminder that I will be the one that writes for most of the leviathans so none of you try and just randomly kill a Reaper leviathan lmao.

Time for all the lifepods that your characters could be in:
Lifepod 5

Lifepod 1

Lifepod 8

Lifepod 10

Lifepod 11

Lifepod 14
Next is what materials can be grabbed while escaping the aurora:
Habitat Builder

High Capacity O2 Tank

Lazer Cutter

Radiation Suit

A pack of Creature Decoys (10 in total)
Character Form:
Alright I think I've covered mostly everything, don't be afraid to ask any questions, I will do my best to answer them.
Hello everyone! Welcome to 456B, otherwise known as the world of SUbnautica.

I'm looking for a group of about 3-8 people to do a Subnautica roleplay.

This roleplay will follow the story of the original Subnautica game with a couple of changes, that will be added by yours truly. Your characters will not be leviathans but a group of humans that were caught up in desecration of the Aurora. All in different lifepods in different locations, which will be decided based on the materials your character would have grabbed while the Aurora crashed. Reminder that I will be the one that writes for most of the leviathans so none of you try and just randomly kill a Reaper leviathan lmao.

Time for all the lifepods that your characters could be in:
Lifepod 5

Lifepod 1

Lifepod 8

Lifepod 10

Lifepod 11

Lifepod 14
Next is what materials can be grabbed while escaping the aurora:
Habitat Builder

High Capacity O2 Tank

Lazer Cutter

Radiation Suit

A pack of Creature Decoys (10 in total)
Character Form:
Alright I think I've covered mostly everything, don't be afraid to ask any questions, I will do my best to answer them.
Goes by all pronuns
I also enjoy games like Subnautica, Skyrim, Minecraft, Undertale, etc
If you are looking for any artwork I will gladly send you examples and prices.