
Dragons For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of dragons.
TOPIC | id #36166666
i have this dragon with the id 36166666 that i dont want and its just i like her id a little so i want to sell her i am bad at pricing stuff like this buy my friend said to me that she have sold a dragon with a pretty alike id for 150kt or 180g so i will try to sell it for the same (i can change the price a little)¨ ping me if intressted [url=] [img][/img] [/url]
i have this dragon with the id 36166666 that i dont want and its just i like her id a little so i want to sell her
i am bad at pricing stuff like this buy my friend said to me that she have sold a dragon with a pretty alike id for 150kt or 180g so i will try to sell it for the same (i can change the price a little)¨
ping me if intressted
