
Dragons For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of dragons.
TOPIC | Open slots
Hello everyone! what is up with you guys? well listen I have a little offer. currently I have a lot of lair space open...that means dragons of all breeds, ages and colors that are unwanted are welcome!!!! I mean it. Any dragons or hatchlings that are unwanted are available to be adopted by me. I am going to be a non exalting lair with the help of some friends. me and them (all the same flights) are going to help save unwanted dragons and hatchlings. so if you have any you don't want send them over!!!! they will be loved, fed, bred and given a familiar soon!
Hello everyone! what is up with you guys? well listen I have a little offer. currently I have a lot of lair space open...that means dragons of all breeds, ages and colors that are unwanted are welcome!!!! I mean it. Any dragons or hatchlings that are unwanted are available to be adopted by me. I am going to be a non exalting lair with the help of some friends. me and them (all the same flights) are going to help save unwanted dragons and hatchlings. so if you have any you don't want send them over!!!! they will be loved, fed, bred and given a familiar soon!