
Items For Sale

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TOPIC | Wildclaw Breed Change
Hello fellow Flight Rising players!! What I am asking for today, as the title says, is a Wildclaw Breed Changer for one of my dear friends. Currently, the scrolls in the AH are just a bit too pricey. If you are willing to be generous enough to give up such a scroll, I shall pay in turn with 262,000 pieces of Treasure, and a splash of Gems if you so wish. Thank you for your time!!

Hello fellow Flight Rising players!! What I am asking for today, as the title says, is a Wildclaw Breed Changer for one of my dear friends. Currently, the scrolls in the AH are just a bit too pricey. If you are willing to be generous enough to give up such a scroll, I shall pay in turn with 262,000 pieces of Treasure, and a splash of Gems if you so wish. Thank you for your time!!

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I'm sorry to be that person, but It would need someone very generous to sell one for that price, because wildclaw scrolls, when cycled in are worth 2000 gems! Their value increase overtime, until they are cycled back again, so the sellers usually buy them at 2000 gems and try to resell later for profit...

At least, I can wish you luck!

I'm sorry to be that person, but It would need someone very generous to sell one for that price, because wildclaw scrolls, when cycled in are worth 2000 gems! Their value increase overtime, until they are cycled back again, so the sellers usually buy them at 2000 gems and try to resell later for profit...

At least, I can wish you luck!
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