

Introduce yourself and say hello to the rest of the community.
TOPIC | Greetings fellow dragonlovers!
Hi, everyone. Finally got in. I picked lightning because there's just something about the crackle of energy that got to me. Also I love their eye-color. And I picked mine name just 'cause it sounds so cool. Liquid darkness hides well in the night. ha-ha-ha-ha!

So about me (RL): I'm in college, full time. Occasionally I'll pick up the odd job over the weekend if I have time (at the library); otherwise I'm in the books. Should never have taken that year off. Oh well.

Offering a plate of steaming hot chocolate-chip cookies - to all who join me at the dark side.

Hi, everyone. Finally got in. I picked lightning because there's just something about the crackle of energy that got to me. Also I love their eye-color. And I picked mine name just 'cause it sounds so cool. Liquid darkness hides well in the night. ha-ha-ha-ha!

So about me (RL): I'm in college, full time. Occasionally I'll pick up the odd job over the weekend if I have time (at the library); otherwise I'm in the books. Should never have taken that year off. Oh well.

Offering a plate of steaming hot chocolate-chip cookies - to all who join me at the dark side.

D-did someone say cookies?! I'll join!

In all seriousness, welcome the Flight Rising! If you have any questions feel free to ask. Also I just love your name <3
D-did someone say cookies?! I'll join!

In all seriousness, welcome the Flight Rising! If you have any questions feel free to ask. Also I just love your name <3
thanks so much, @IllusiveFox
thanks so much, @IllusiveFox