TOPIC | ~Male Imperial For Female?~
I would like a Male Imperial for this lady. ^~^ [url=http://flightrising.com/main.php?dragon=23926559]
Sorry, but that link can't be reached. Maybe you try going to the dragon's page and clicking the tab 'generate code' on the right hand side grey box beside your dragon. Hope this helps!
Sorry, but that link can't be reached. Maybe you try going to the dragon's page and clicking the tab 'generate code' on the right hand side grey box beside your dragon. Hope this helps!
Sorry, but that link can't be reached. Maybe you try going to the dragon's page and clicking the tab 'generate code' on the right hand side grey box beside your dragon. Hope this helps!
Sorry, but that link can't be reached. Maybe you try going to the dragon's page and clicking the tab 'generate code' on the right hand side grey box beside your dragon. Hope this helps!
Sheesh, I wrote that before I went to iiFallingstar's lair and saw that this was the only imperial she had. Lemme see...
I've got this boy here, but he isn't an imperial, I'm afraid. However, if you scry them(Scrying Workshop), you'll get beautiful poison/toxin hatchlings. :) I'm trying to sell him, not stud him, though. He's currently in the AH at 15,655t, but I'm willing to lower it a bit. :)
Sheesh, I wrote that before I went to iiFallingstar's lair and saw that this was the only imperial she had. Lemme see...
I've got this boy here, but he isn't an imperial, I'm afraid. However, if you scry them(Scrying Workshop), you'll get beautiful poison/toxin hatchlings. :) I'm trying to sell him, not stud him, though. He's currently in the AH at 15,655t, but I'm willing to lower it a bit. :)
Sheesh, I wrote that before I went to iiFallingstar's lair and saw that this was the only imperial she had. Lemme see...
I've got this boy here, but he isn't an imperial, I'm afraid. However, if you scry them(Scrying Workshop), you'll get beautiful poison/toxin hatchlings. :) I'm trying to sell him, not stud him, though. He's currently in the AH at 15,655t, but I'm willing to lower it a bit. :)

@Stormheart208 Yeah, I knew how to do it, i just accidentally didnt edit after i had figured out. I might buy, im just saving up for more room in my liar.
@Stormheart208 Yeah, I knew how to do it, i just accidentally didnt edit after i had figured out. I might buy, im just saving up for more room in my liar.
As I said, I'm willing to haggle. What's your budget? I'll try not to go more than that. :) I just need this boy out of my lair.
As I said, I'm willing to haggle. What's your budget? I'll try not to go more than that. :) I just need this boy out of my lair.
As I said, I'm willing to haggle. What's your budget? I'll try not to go more than that. :) I just need this boy out of my lair.
As I said, I'm willing to haggle. What's your budget? I'll try not to go more than that. :) I just need this boy out of my lair.