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TOPIC | Coliseum party
I've bought a few dragons to round out my nest over the past couple of days, but I still can't use any of them in the coliseum, and it is making it very hard for me to level my two starter dragons.
I've bought a few dragons to round out my nest over the past couple of days, but I still can't use any of them in the coliseum, and it is making it very hard for me to level my two starter dragons.
Hey @Razmoudah!

It seems the dragons you have bought are still only babies/hatchlings. Babies cannot be used for battle in the coliseum. Once they reach the age 5/6 days (which you can see on a dragon's profile) you will be able to use them in the coliseum!
Hey @Razmoudah!

It seems the dragons you have bought are still only babies/hatchlings. Babies cannot be used for battle in the coliseum. Once they reach the age 5/6 days (which you can see on a dragon's profile) you will be able to use them in the coliseum!

Aside from your two progenitors ("progens" are your starter dragons), the only other dragons in your lair are baby dragons/hatchlings. Hatchlings can't fight in the Coliseum, but they will be able to fight once they've become adults.

It takes 5 days for a hatchling to become an adult dragon. Since the oldest of your hatchlings is 2 days old, you'll need to either get an adult dragon or wait 3 days for your oldest hatchling to grow.

TIP: Sometimes your Flight Sales forums will have dragon giveaways for new players. You might find an adult dragon you like there.

Aside from your two progenitors ("progens" are your starter dragons), the only other dragons in your lair are baby dragons/hatchlings. Hatchlings can't fight in the Coliseum, but they will be able to fight once they've become adults.

It takes 5 days for a hatchling to become an adult dragon. Since the oldest of your hatchlings is 2 days old, you'll need to either get an adult dragon or wait 3 days for your oldest hatchling to grow.

TIP: Sometimes your Flight Sales forums will have dragon giveaways for new players. You might find an adult dragon you like there.
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Ah, I must've missed that when looking through the guides. I'd remembered it being mentioned that I couldn't use them until the seller confirmed the completion of the sale, but I completely missed that one.

Thanks for answering my question.
Ah, I must've missed that when looking through the guides. I'd remembered it being mentioned that I couldn't use them until the seller confirmed the completion of the sale, but I completely missed that one.

Thanks for answering my question.