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TOPIC | Hello, I'm a total nerd. Lets be pals.
Hey everyone. Figured I'd put out the feelers. Generally I'm a loner, but hey, it's the internet, so what else am I gonna do besides make friends?

So some quick intro stuff about me, I guess. As stated in the title, I'm a huge nerd. I love most geeky things that exist, from Doctor Who (I consistently style my hair after the glorious cockatoo-esque coif of the one and only 10th Doctor) to tabletop games like Pathfinder and D&D (though my group has seen the light of FATE and may never go back, sorry d20 systems). I have a marvelous job as a game designer for an escape room company, and in my spare time I'm a self-loathing writer who is currently way too obsessed with Stephen King (who has ruined me of ever having a normal writing style, thus dooming me to never make it in the real world).

You can call me Raz. My pronouns are meaningless because on the internet no one knows you're a dog. Or something. I dunno man, I just work here.

Pop me a shout or swing by my lair sometime if the above ramblings haven't completely turned you off ever speaking to me.
Hey everyone. Figured I'd put out the feelers. Generally I'm a loner, but hey, it's the internet, so what else am I gonna do besides make friends?

So some quick intro stuff about me, I guess. As stated in the title, I'm a huge nerd. I love most geeky things that exist, from Doctor Who (I consistently style my hair after the glorious cockatoo-esque coif of the one and only 10th Doctor) to tabletop games like Pathfinder and D&D (though my group has seen the light of FATE and may never go back, sorry d20 systems). I have a marvelous job as a game designer for an escape room company, and in my spare time I'm a self-loathing writer who is currently way too obsessed with Stephen King (who has ruined me of ever having a normal writing style, thus dooming me to never make it in the real world).

You can call me Raz. My pronouns are meaningless because on the internet no one knows you're a dog. Or something. I dunno man, I just work here.

Pop me a shout or swing by my lair sometime if the above ramblings haven't completely turned you off ever speaking to me.
Go then. There are other worlds than these.

Heya, I'm a fan of Doctor Who as well (I started late, working on finishing 7th season) gosh it's addictive. I've never tried playing tabletop games before but I used to have friends who fancied D&D and it looked interesting :)

I'm a student interested in going into social sciences or...something. Too many career choices to be sure of what I want to pursue xD Oh and I used to read Stephen King often but stopped lately because of life and stuff. The last novel I read was the Dark Half and I really enjoyed it. Do you have a favorite?


Heya, I'm a fan of Doctor Who as well (I started late, working on finishing 7th season) gosh it's addictive. I've never tried playing tabletop games before but I used to have friends who fancied D&D and it looked interesting :)

I'm a student interested in going into social sciences or...something. Too many career choices to be sure of what I want to pursue xD Oh and I used to read Stephen King often but stopped lately because of life and stuff. The last novel I read was the Dark Half and I really enjoyed it. Do you have a favorite?


I only started Doctor Who a few years ago, after my favorite Doctor (Tennant, praise be to his hair) was already gone, so I too am a latecomer to the series, in a broad sense. :)

I'm definitely biased as far as tabletops go, but I think everyone should give them a shot at least once. The trick is to find a good group, as with most things in life if you're doing it with the right people it'll be the most fun you've ever had. I actually just got done building myself a completely functional cyber arm for my latest character, because I am a normal human being who spends time and money on normal things. xD

The Dark Tower series definitely have to be my favorite King books (It's hard to pick one particular book from the series, though probably Wolves of the Calla is my favorite). I read a lot of his older stuff in my highschool days, things like Cujo, Christine, IT, but I have to say I think The Dark Tower books are the pinnacle of his career. I'm probably biased though. :)

I only started Doctor Who a few years ago, after my favorite Doctor (Tennant, praise be to his hair) was already gone, so I too am a latecomer to the series, in a broad sense. :)

I'm definitely biased as far as tabletops go, but I think everyone should give them a shot at least once. The trick is to find a good group, as with most things in life if you're doing it with the right people it'll be the most fun you've ever had. I actually just got done building myself a completely functional cyber arm for my latest character, because I am a normal human being who spends time and money on normal things. xD

The Dark Tower series definitely have to be my favorite King books (It's hard to pick one particular book from the series, though probably Wolves of the Calla is my favorite). I read a lot of his older stuff in my highschool days, things like Cujo, Christine, IT, but I have to say I think The Dark Tower books are the pinnacle of his career. I'm probably biased though. :)
Go then. There are other worlds than these.

Heyo there, also a total nerd so hey!! I'm a fan of Doctor Who as well but I mean, it's hard not to be! I'm a bit behind on the new Doctor tho aa.

I don't really play many tabletops though, I do a little D&D with my squad but I mostly stick with cards (Magic's where it's at yo) and video gaming. I'm super lame and spend most of my time working on cosplay, writing and studying though. :0

I'm super lost about what I want to do jobwise but right now I work in retail (yaaay wow so much fun). Ideally I'd like to study and/or write about parapsychology or criminology though. While I love King's books I've been reading more Koontz lately. Do you like any of his or have any book recommendations though? I've had more time for reading but haven't known what to read.

Heyo there, also a total nerd so hey!! I'm a fan of Doctor Who as well but I mean, it's hard not to be! I'm a bit behind on the new Doctor tho aa.

I don't really play many tabletops though, I do a little D&D with my squad but I mostly stick with cards (Magic's where it's at yo) and video gaming. I'm super lame and spend most of my time working on cosplay, writing and studying though. :0

I'm super lost about what I want to do jobwise but right now I work in retail (yaaay wow so much fun). Ideally I'd like to study and/or write about parapsychology or criminology though. While I love King's books I've been reading more Koontz lately. Do you like any of his or have any book recommendations though? I've had more time for reading but haven't known what to read.

Hello! I also play Magic, what format is your favorite? Mine's Commander. :) I'm not super competitive so I prefer the multiplayer insanity that Commander provides. I'm not really into cosplay yet but it's something I've had an inkling to dabble in recently. My husband and I are planning on going hardcore with a Mad Max costume for Halloween and potentially cons (I'm being Nux so there's not a lot for me to do with my costume but our girlfriend is being Furiosa so we've had a lot of fun with the arm), and we've been talking about putting together some Borderlands cosplays as well. We like sci-fi and cool guns.

I haven't read any Koontz, but I'd like to, I've heard good things. I'm usually kept busy with working through book series (I'm working on Game of Thrones right now hnnnnnnng) but when I get a free moment for a single book I'm planning on sneaking some Koontz in there. If you're looking at getting into King I can't recommend The Gunslinger enough. It's the first in the Dark Tower series, but it's also pretty good on it's own. If you don't want to throw yourself at a seven book series, King's standalone books are also really good, IT is a classic, and his newer stuff is consistently fantastic. My husband just finished 11-22-63, a book about the Kennedy assassination, and he said it was amazing.

And I would be remiss if I didn't throw Jim Butcher out there as an author you should look into. His current series, The Dresden Files, is amazing. It is a HUGE time commitment, though, as there's over ten books in the series thus far and more on the way. They're really funny, and great urban fantasy, if that's your thing.

Hello! I also play Magic, what format is your favorite? Mine's Commander. :) I'm not super competitive so I prefer the multiplayer insanity that Commander provides. I'm not really into cosplay yet but it's something I've had an inkling to dabble in recently. My husband and I are planning on going hardcore with a Mad Max costume for Halloween and potentially cons (I'm being Nux so there's not a lot for me to do with my costume but our girlfriend is being Furiosa so we've had a lot of fun with the arm), and we've been talking about putting together some Borderlands cosplays as well. We like sci-fi and cool guns.

I haven't read any Koontz, but I'd like to, I've heard good things. I'm usually kept busy with working through book series (I'm working on Game of Thrones right now hnnnnnnng) but when I get a free moment for a single book I'm planning on sneaking some Koontz in there. If you're looking at getting into King I can't recommend The Gunslinger enough. It's the first in the Dark Tower series, but it's also pretty good on it's own. If you don't want to throw yourself at a seven book series, King's standalone books are also really good, IT is a classic, and his newer stuff is consistently fantastic. My husband just finished 11-22-63, a book about the Kennedy assassination, and he said it was amazing.

And I would be remiss if I didn't throw Jim Butcher out there as an author you should look into. His current series, The Dresden Files, is amazing. It is a HUGE time commitment, though, as there's over ten books in the series thus far and more on the way. They're really funny, and great urban fantasy, if that's your thing.
Go then. There are other worlds than these.
@Razanur - Goodness me that breathtaking hair of his, yes! xD

I hear you, with the right people, the most mundane things become great fun! (not to say tabletop is mundane it was just an example ;x). That's really cool, I used to make props...the last one I crafted was a ray gun made of foam and wood. But a functioning cyber arm is amazing :D

I haven't read those, but now I'll have to. I've switched over to fantasy from horror lately but King is certainly worth getting into again!

I hope you have a lovely day/night :)
@Razanur - Goodness me that breathtaking hair of his, yes! xD

I hear you, with the right people, the most mundane things become great fun! (not to say tabletop is mundane it was just an example ;x). That's really cool, I used to make props...the last one I crafted was a ray gun made of foam and wood. But a functioning cyber arm is amazing :D

I haven't read those, but now I'll have to. I've switched over to fantasy from horror lately but King is certainly worth getting into again!

I hope you have a lovely day/night :)