

Introduce yourself and say hello to the rest of the community.
TOPIC | This is my introduction
Greetings. I signed up in the opening a few weeks ago. I came here from Subeta, a pet and Avatar site, under the username of Tree. Naturally, I joined the Nature flight.

My real life hobbies right now include learning to play the clarinet and beading. I can also sew and know the basic of crochet. In other words, I'm quite in to learning new crafts and skills. I've also taken up gardening this year, but where I live is very hot and dry, not mention in the midst of a drought. Growing most anything other than chaparral and desert plants is very difficult and a poor use of water, so I've been experimenting with native plants, most of which are doing quite well. Once I get out of this place to somewhere were rain is actually available, I'm sure gardening will be easier and I'll do an even better job of it.

As for the dragons here, I can't actually say which are my favorites. They all look pretty nice. I suppose the only ones I'm not particularly partial to are the Snapper (I'm sure this is a common sentiment) and the Tundra, though the later could like nice with the right color combination.
Greetings. I signed up in the opening a few weeks ago. I came here from Subeta, a pet and Avatar site, under the username of Tree. Naturally, I joined the Nature flight.

My real life hobbies right now include learning to play the clarinet and beading. I can also sew and know the basic of crochet. In other words, I'm quite in to learning new crafts and skills. I've also taken up gardening this year, but where I live is very hot and dry, not mention in the midst of a drought. Growing most anything other than chaparral and desert plants is very difficult and a poor use of water, so I've been experimenting with native plants, most of which are doing quite well. Once I get out of this place to somewhere were rain is actually available, I'm sure gardening will be easier and I'll do an even better job of it.

As for the dragons here, I can't actually say which are my favorites. They all look pretty nice. I suppose the only ones I'm not particularly partial to are the Snapper (I'm sure this is a common sentiment) and the Tundra, though the later could like nice with the right color combination.
Hello @Yew, out in PA its been raining all summer. I also do beading, I make all kinds of jewelry. I welcome you to FR!
Hello @Yew, out in PA its been raining all summer. I also do beading, I make all kinds of jewelry. I welcome you to FR!