my first five egg clutch are eagerly awaiting their chance to find a brand new home. I'm hoping they don't get exalted, but obviously once they're yours, you can do what you like with them.
10k each.
Female violet/mulberry/banana
Female blue/shadow/gold
Female royal/ice/ivory
Male Navy/platinum/banana
Female splash/silver/ivory
PLUS 2 adults 12kfor the pearlcatcher as im quite fond of her colours.
my first five egg clutch are eagerly awaiting their chance to find a brand new home. I'm hoping they don't get exalted, but obviously once they're yours, you can do what you like with them.
10k each.
Female violet/mulberry/banana
Female blue/shadow/gold
Female royal/ice/ivory
Male Navy/platinum/banana
Female splash/silver/ivory
PLUS 2 adults 12kfor the pearlcatcher as im quite fond of her colours.