
Bug Report Forums

Report bugs and errors to the Flight Rising development team.
TOPIC | Treasure/Tidal Trouble Bug
I've reported the bug before, but that was around a month ago and since the bug is still active I feel like I should post it again.

When I play Tidal Trouble, after I complete the puzzle thing, it'll say, "you've earned so much treasure!" and the treasure icon next to my avatar will show the actual sum, but the second I go to a different page, it'll show that I only actually earned about half of what it showed. I also noticed that the lucky streak counter shows the deducted amount of treasure I earned.

No, I do not keep multiple windows open. I use Safari as my browser.

Thank you
I've reported the bug before, but that was around a month ago and since the bug is still active I feel like I should post it again.

When I play Tidal Trouble, after I complete the puzzle thing, it'll say, "you've earned so much treasure!" and the treasure icon next to my avatar will show the actual sum, but the second I go to a different page, it'll show that I only actually earned about half of what it showed. I also noticed that the lucky streak counter shows the deducted amount of treasure I earned.

No, I do not keep multiple windows open. I use Safari as my browser.

Thank you