im taking german and id really love to get better and more fluent in it!
im taking german and id really love to get better and more fluent in it!
ooh, this is an excellent idea! I love languages, and I've been meaning to learn at least the basics of as many languages as I can.
I'm only fluent in English, I know very basic Italian and Japanese, not really enough to help anyone..
I've been teaching myself Russian for a few years, mostly unsuccessfully. @
orneryOgre @
SilvestrisDream @
radiioful sign me up for the forum, if you do end up making it!
Anyway, if there happens to be anyone who could teach me a bit of... any language really, it would be much appreciated! :D
ooh, this is an excellent idea! I love languages, and I've been meaning to learn at least the basics of as many languages as I can.
I'm only fluent in English, I know very basic Italian and Japanese, not really enough to help anyone..
I've been teaching myself Russian for a few years, mostly unsuccessfully. @
orneryOgre @
SilvestrisDream @
radiioful sign me up for the forum, if you do end up making it!
Anyway, if there happens to be anyone who could teach me a bit of... any language really, it would be much appreciated! :D
+19FR time (-7h, a day ahead)
My people! :D
While English is my native language, I've studied French and Spanish for probably 15 years so I'm fairly comfortable in either. I've also taught High school French for 2 years (which probably makes me sound ancient, heh) and currently tutor both French and Spanish so I'd be happy to help anyone out!
Orneryogre @
SilvestrisDream @
radiioful A Russian-learning thread would be wonderful! I studied Russian for two years, but have forgotten most of it. ;_;
My people! :D
While English is my native language, I've studied French and Spanish for probably 15 years so I'm fairly comfortable in either. I've also taught High school French for 2 years (which probably makes me sound ancient, heh) and currently tutor both French and Spanish so I'd be happy to help anyone out!
Orneryogre @
SilvestrisDream @
radiioful A Russian-learning thread would be wonderful! I studied Russian for two years, but have forgotten most of it. ;_;
Hey :3
As @
TheEchelon already mentioned i speak german and I'm quite good at Polish (my parents are form Poland but I was born in Germany).
My english is terrible but i'd love to get better! :D
Hey :3
As @
TheEchelon already mentioned i speak german and I'm quite good at Polish (my parents are form Poland but I was born in Germany).
My english is terrible but i'd love to get better! :D
gerre @
Awesome! I'll make sure to ping you both when the thread is created~
gerre @
Awesome! I'll make sure to ping you both when the thread is created~
I am an American English speaker by birth (does that make any sense?!), but I took 2 1/2 years of Spanish (but I can only remember bits of it) and one semester of French. I do know some German and Greek (grandma and grandpa are the only two words I know).
I would love to keep on learning French, German, and Greek. And I would love to learn Russian, Finnish, Swedish, Italian, Japanese, and Korean.
I am an American English speaker by birth (does that make any sense?!), but I took 2 1/2 years of Spanish (but I can only remember bits of it) and one semester of French. I do know some German and Greek (grandma and grandpa are the only two words I know).
I would love to keep on learning French, German, and Greek. And I would love to learn Russian, Finnish, Swedish, Italian, Japanese, and Korean.
@gerre @KsCandide @radiioful
Technically I've already "made" a thread, it's just only reserved posts for now. Once my class load eases up, I'll actually go work on it, but I'm adding you to my pinglist!
On a related note, I've purchased a notebook to practice my Russian and my wrist is dead.
[i]Write Russian in cursive, they said. It's easier, they said[/i]. I've been practicing tryong to get my characters right for like two hours, and I don't know what writing sheet music feels like, but I'm p sure it's like this.
gerre @
KsCandide @
Technically I've already "made" a thread, it's just only reserved posts for now. Once my class load eases up, I'll actually go work on it, but I'm adding you to my pinglist!
On a related note, I've purchased a notebook to practice my Russian and my wrist is dead.
Write Russian in cursive, they said. It's easier, they said. I've been practicing tryong to get my characters right for like two hours, and I don't know what writing sheet music feels like, but I'm p sure it's like this.
orneryOgre AHAHAHA who said cursive Cyrillic was easier omg
have you seen those pictures comparing handwritten П И Й Ц Ч or, our favourite, м т ш & щ
who thought this language was a good idea. it isn't.
especially with the what, six sets of pronouns and cases? plus tenses? they say english is hard. at least we skipped out on gendered words.
orneryOgre AHAHAHA who said cursive Cyrillic was easier omg
have you seen those pictures comparing handwritten П И Й Ц Ч or, our favourite, м т ш & щ
who thought this language was a good idea. it isn't.
especially with the what, six sets of pronouns and cases? plus tenses? they say english is hard. at least we skipped out on gendered words.
+19FR time (-7h, a day ahead)
They prob meant to tell me its faster to write, if you kno it at least, b/c printed Cyrillic takes for-frickin-ever to handwrite. I haven't seen the images you're talking abt, but this was how my mom taught me cursive, tho I've changed a couple characters a bit just b/c I'd constantly forget how they looked.
They prob meant to tell me its faster to write, if you kno it at least, b/c printed Cyrillic takes for-frickin-ever to handwrite. I haven't seen the images you're talking abt, but this was how my mom taught me cursive, tho I've changed a couple characters a bit just b/c I'd constantly forget how they looked.
hha idk why everyone says English is hard...just look at Finnish and Estonian with a dozen cases, Irish with some weird sentence word order pattern (from an English perspective), Navojo that verbifies everythinggg aha.
writing sheet music isn't too bad? since you can make pretty faint marks and it will still be readable, so I just make these ugly little slashes instead of beautiful black circles for the notes XD
hha idk why everyone says English is hard...just look at Finnish and Estonian with a dozen cases, Irish with some weird sentence word order pattern (from an English perspective), Navojo that verbifies everythinggg aha.
writing sheet music isn't too bad? since you can make pretty faint marks and it will still be readable, so I just make these ugly little slashes instead of beautiful black circles for the notes XD

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