[b]I'm not sure if you're meaning those specific colors, but this lady is Splash/Splash/Teal so she's near the range.[/b]
I'm not sure if you're meaning those specific colors, but this lady is Splash/Splash/Teal so she's near the range.

My PC would be 35k, and my Skydancer is 25k :) (let me know which one you want)
My PC would be 35k, and my Skydancer is 25k :) (let me know which one you want)
Well, only the last two are left. The imp is on the AH for 54444 and the PC I was thinking about 30000. I could go lower on both and would prefer gems actually.
Well, only the last two are left. The imp is on the AH for 54444 and the PC I was thinking about 30000. I could go lower on both and would prefer gems actually.
@Che4pTrick0530 I'm not sure if you're asking for a combination of those colors or not, but I have several dragons with Aqua.
All of them are currently on the Auction House for 20kT, but price is negotiable.
Che4pTrick0530 I'm not sure if you're asking for a combination of those colors or not, but I have several dragons with Aqua.



All of them are currently on the Auction House for 20kT, but price is negotiable.
I have this girl right now:
Female #8729892
leaf iri / emerald shimmer / jungle basic
I also have a few pairs that can produce the colours you like:
[*]a pair of iri/shim/gembond coatls with this range: http://fr.fintastic.net/?id=23,23,31,31,67,67,1
[*]a pair of iri/shim/gembond coatl/wc with this range: http://fr.fintastic.net/?id=2,2,39,23,43,41,1
[*]a pair of iri/shim/gembond or circuit tundra/spiral with this range: http://fr.fintastic.net/?id=31,32,21,29,2,2,1
[*]a pair of iri/shim/gembond or circuit imp/wc with this range: http://fr.fintastic.net/?id=28,29,30,28,41,41,1
[*]a pair of iri/shim/gembond or crackle SDs with this range: http://fr.fintastic.net/?id=36,20,22,31,21,32,1
[*]a pair of soon-to-be-iri/shim/soon-to-be-gembond imp/SD with this range: http://fr.fintastic.net/?id=32,28,32,28,32,29,1
Let me know if you'd like to be added to any of their ping lists!
I have this girl right now:

Female #8729892
leaf iri / emerald shimmer / jungle basic
I also have a few pairs that can produce the colours you like:
- a pair of iri/shim/gembond coatls with this range: http://fr.fintastic.net/?id=23,23,31,31,67,67,1
- a pair of iri/shim/gembond coatl/wc with this range: http://fr.fintastic.net/?id=2,2,39,23,43,41,1
- a pair of iri/shim/gembond or circuit tundra/spiral with this range: http://fr.fintastic.net/?id=31,32,21,29,2,2,1
- a pair of iri/shim/gembond or circuit imp/wc with this range: http://fr.fintastic.net/?id=28,29,30,28,41,41,1
- a pair of iri/shim/gembond or crackle SDs with this range: http://fr.fintastic.net/?id=36,20,22,31,21,32,1
- a pair of soon-to-be-iri/shim/soon-to-be-gembond imp/SD with this range: http://fr.fintastic.net/?id=32,28,32,28,32,29,1
Let me know if you'd like to be added to any of their ping lists!
aqua/aqua/midnight female

aqua/aqua/midnight female
Arazamatazza I would like to buy your dragon, what is the price
Arazamatazza I would like to buy your dragon, what is the price
40kT? She's currently unlisted though and I am more than willing to haggle
40kT? She's currently unlisted though and I am more than willing to haggle
These babies bother have Caribbean :D Second gen too

These babies bother have Caribbean :D Second gen too
In case you're still looking... Here's a carribean primary thing.
In case you're still looking... Here's a carribean primary thing.