

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Fishing - Open (1st time here!)
The little Mirror hopped along the empty shoals, keeping to the shallows as she eyed the waters for prey. Seafood had become a favorite for Flicker, she found the meat softer and the prey less likely to deal any permanent damage while it fought back.

Claws of rippled charcoal and black splashed playfully through the soft loamy sands, all eight olive colored eyes swirling excitedly as she spotted a small group of Bobtailed Squid picking along the corals not more then 10ft from shore. Squid and octopus had to be among some of her favorite pickings, they were fun to eat and even play with afterwards; all those little arms were the best of snacks, not to mention they were fun to toss and chase!

Without thinking, the black and red hatchling leapt into the ocean; her wings flopping awkwardly on the surface of the water, her tail failing to give her any true direction, and then the realization kicked in...

She couldn't swim!!
The little Mirror hopped along the empty shoals, keeping to the shallows as she eyed the waters for prey. Seafood had become a favorite for Flicker, she found the meat softer and the prey less likely to deal any permanent damage while it fought back.

Claws of rippled charcoal and black splashed playfully through the soft loamy sands, all eight olive colored eyes swirling excitedly as she spotted a small group of Bobtailed Squid picking along the corals not more then 10ft from shore. Squid and octopus had to be among some of her favorite pickings, they were fun to eat and even play with afterwards; all those little arms were the best of snacks, not to mention they were fun to toss and chase!

Without thinking, the black and red hatchling leapt into the ocean; her wings flopping awkwardly on the surface of the water, her tail failing to give her any true direction, and then the realization kicked in...

She couldn't swim!!

(sorry, the IMG feature doesn't seem to be working for me! D: Anywhoot, I know Mirrors are supposed to be kinda hurrr da durrr, lol. And Flicker is no exception!)

(sorry, the IMG feature doesn't seem to be working for me! D: Anywhoot, I know Mirrors are supposed to be kinda hurrr da durrr, lol. And Flicker is no exception!)
[url=] [img][/img] [/url] Moonracer was stuck with fishing for the day. Andromeda was tired of training Nutshell in the Mire, and Brainstorm would get electrocuted with his powerpack. She was again called upon to do the chores. She had caught all that she needed to and grumbled as she walked back, dripping wet with water. Lightning dragons don't get wet, and here she is. Dripping wet. From fins to tail. She was just about to take flight when she heard a shrill cry from the direction of the ocean. She looked, but didn't immediately see anything. Maren? No.... Birds maybe? No again. That's when she saw the little one. A little Mirror hatchie struggling to stay above the water. She dropped her catch and quickly dived into the water to save the struggling girl (hey I'm new too! Cool first time for us both!)


Moonracer was stuck with fishing for the day. Andromeda was tired of training Nutshell in the Mire, and Brainstorm would get electrocuted with his powerpack. She was again called upon to do the chores.

She had caught all that she needed to and grumbled as she walked back, dripping wet with water. Lightning dragons don't get wet, and here she is. Dripping wet. From fins to tail.

She was just about to take flight when she heard a shrill cry from the direction of the ocean. She looked, but didn't immediately see anything. Maren? No.... Birds maybe? No again.

That's when she saw the little one. A little Mirror hatchie struggling to stay above the water. She dropped her catch and quickly dived into the water to save the struggling girl

(hey I'm new too! Cool first time for us both!)
+3 hrs
Woops a ping may help!

Woops a ping may help!

+3 hrs
(Sorry @CyberNexus ! Managed to come down with a 48hr flu! All better meow! :3 )

Her first cry for help echoed out, almost lost amongst the hatchling's own desperate thrashing, each useless stroke against the ocean finding the Mirror fledgling's head dipping periodically beneath the surface - leaving each other squeal and yell that Flicker managed to try and bellow out, gurgled and impractical.

The young female's eyes and throat were burning fiercely from the saltwater, and unbeknownst by Flicker, she was slowly, but surely towing herself away from the safety of shore.

The hysterics of her panic was exhausting the little fledgling, floundering wings began to slouch down onto the surface of the water, whatever airbubbles that had been cupped beneath them burbling out.

Head fins flickered gently as what sounded like a splash reached them just before they slipped beneath the sea along with the rest of her.
(Sorry @CyberNexus ! Managed to come down with a 48hr flu! All better meow! :3 )

Her first cry for help echoed out, almost lost amongst the hatchling's own desperate thrashing, each useless stroke against the ocean finding the Mirror fledgling's head dipping periodically beneath the surface - leaving each other squeal and yell that Flicker managed to try and bellow out, gurgled and impractical.

The young female's eyes and throat were burning fiercely from the saltwater, and unbeknownst by Flicker, she was slowly, but surely towing herself away from the safety of shore.

The hysterics of her panic was exhausting the little fledgling, floundering wings began to slouch down onto the surface of the water, whatever airbubbles that had been cupped beneath them burbling out.

Head fins flickered gently as what sounded like a splash reached them just before they slipped beneath the sea along with the rest of her.
@EkhoStream (ouch the flu is always a rough one. I don't mind waits I'm chill lol)

Moonracer swam out into the ocean, her powerful arms propelling her sinuous length through the powerful current. The hatchling wasn't going down without a fight, she had to give her that. Within seconds she swam the yards that separated them with ease, and dove her head under the thrashing hatchling. The hatchling clung onto her head fins for dear life as Moonracer lifted her head above the water and turned back to shore.

As she swam back she wondered what she would do with the hatchling. She had stopped crying by now, and started to shiver from the coldness of leaving the water. It wasn't cold out, so Moonracer wasn't all that worried about her health. All she could think of was why the hatchling was alone, and stuck in the middle of the ocean. She lowered her head and the hatchling jumped off, gratefully back on land.
@EkhoStream (ouch the flu is always a rough one. I don't mind waits I'm chill lol)

Moonracer swam out into the ocean, her powerful arms propelling her sinuous length through the powerful current. The hatchling wasn't going down without a fight, she had to give her that. Within seconds she swam the yards that separated them with ease, and dove her head under the thrashing hatchling. The hatchling clung onto her head fins for dear life as Moonracer lifted her head above the water and turned back to shore.

As she swam back she wondered what she would do with the hatchling. She had stopped crying by now, and started to shiver from the coldness of leaving the water. It wasn't cold out, so Moonracer wasn't all that worried about her health. All she could think of was why the hatchling was alone, and stuck in the middle of the ocean. She lowered her head and the hatchling jumped off, gratefully back on land.
+3 hrs
Flicker did cling like her life depended on it, normally she probably would have been a little more careful about her claws, but right now her brain was a little addled from the small amount of saltwater she had inhaled. She coughed and shivered as she held onto what she was quickly realizing was her savior and another Mirror on top of it.

The little fledgling had only spent time with her own kind in the huddled warmth of the nesting grounds through incubation, knowing her siblings for only a day or so after the clutch had hatched. Flicker herself had opened her eyes to the world as a dreamer, brave and wandering from the nest the moment she'd been able to walk.

It was then that a newly constructed Magic clan had come to claim her, they were a small group of young dragons from different clans; devoting themselves to each other, The Arcanist, and wandering about the continents.

Being bullheaded and adventurous as it was, Flicker had barely hesitated when her ridgebacked babysitter had told her to sit and watch as he had done some foraging for food. Spire was quite a bit of a stargazer – so he'd be too busy enjoying himself to take notice to her disappearance right away.

The small black and red hatchling continued to cough up some of the water, her tired wings flopping and dragging in the sand as she tried to lift her head enough for a weak, “T-thank you”, her tailtip twitching in a small wag. "S-stupid squid." Flicker curled her lips in a tiny snarl towards the water, stumbling awkwardly as she tried to shake herself of the water.

@CyberNexus ( *babbles* lol. )
Flicker did cling like her life depended on it, normally she probably would have been a little more careful about her claws, but right now her brain was a little addled from the small amount of saltwater she had inhaled. She coughed and shivered as she held onto what she was quickly realizing was her savior and another Mirror on top of it.

The little fledgling had only spent time with her own kind in the huddled warmth of the nesting grounds through incubation, knowing her siblings for only a day or so after the clutch had hatched. Flicker herself had opened her eyes to the world as a dreamer, brave and wandering from the nest the moment she'd been able to walk.

It was then that a newly constructed Magic clan had come to claim her, they were a small group of young dragons from different clans; devoting themselves to each other, The Arcanist, and wandering about the continents.

Being bullheaded and adventurous as it was, Flicker had barely hesitated when her ridgebacked babysitter had told her to sit and watch as he had done some foraging for food. Spire was quite a bit of a stargazer – so he'd be too busy enjoying himself to take notice to her disappearance right away.

The small black and red hatchling continued to cough up some of the water, her tired wings flopping and dragging in the sand as she tried to lift her head enough for a weak, “T-thank you”, her tailtip twitching in a small wag. "S-stupid squid." Flicker curled her lips in a tiny snarl towards the water, stumbling awkwardly as she tried to shake herself of the water.

@CyberNexus ( *babbles* lol. )
@EkhoStream Moonracer grinned slightly. This hatchling was young, yes. But she was quite smart for her age. "Your welcome. Yeah, squid can be a real pain at times." Moonracer had never been quite good with children, and as a typical Mirror she was never good in conversation either. There was some extra water and salt on the scared hatchling, so she decided to lick off the hatchling, attempting to sooth the young one a bit before questioning further.

(all the babbles)
@EkhoStream Moonracer grinned slightly. This hatchling was young, yes. But she was quite smart for her age. "Your welcome. Yeah, squid can be a real pain at times." Moonracer had never been quite good with children, and as a typical Mirror she was never good in conversation either. There was some extra water and salt on the scared hatchling, so she decided to lick off the hatchling, attempting to sooth the young one a bit before questioning further.

(all the babbles)
+3 hrs

Those little eyes flashed brightly up at the elder Mirror, and despite everything, Flicker actually gave a big happy grin, "But tasty!! Chewy and wiggling!!" Her head fins twitched and flicked, her chest starting to heave at a more regular rate again, though her breath hitched lightly in her throat at the sudden feeling of the other dragon's tongue.

Moonracer's attempt at soothing was a bit of a surprise, though Flicker couldn't help but rumble happily; her own mother not having even worried much about cleaning over the short period they'd been together.

"Mmm~" Her head butted up into the cleaning somewhat like a happy kitten might, plunking her little bottom down in the sand and stretching her wings a bit.

Those little eyes flashed brightly up at the elder Mirror, and despite everything, Flicker actually gave a big happy grin, "But tasty!! Chewy and wiggling!!" Her head fins twitched and flicked, her chest starting to heave at a more regular rate again, though her breath hitched lightly in her throat at the sudden feeling of the other dragon's tongue.

Moonracer's attempt at soothing was a bit of a surprise, though Flicker couldn't help but rumble happily; her own mother not having even worried much about cleaning over the short period they'd been together.

"Mmm~" Her head butted up into the cleaning somewhat like a happy kitten might, plunking her little bottom down in the sand and stretching her wings a bit.
@EkhoStream Moonracer continued grooming the hatchling for a while, for she seemed to enjoy the comforting. After a while, she stopped, as she had pressing matters to get to. The parents to Flicker must be scared for her, as she had wandered off, possibly quite far. "Do you have a clan, young one?" Moonracer wording made her stop. What happened if she didn't have a clan. She had heard of it before, but she hoped that this wasn't the case. No hatchling should have so spend the beginning of their life without others around to spend time with.

(what coast is this on? Theres so many in the world)
@EkhoStream Moonracer continued grooming the hatchling for a while, for she seemed to enjoy the comforting. After a while, she stopped, as she had pressing matters to get to. The parents to Flicker must be scared for her, as she had wandered off, possibly quite far. "Do you have a clan, young one?" Moonracer wording made her stop. What happened if she didn't have a clan. She had heard of it before, but she hoped that this wasn't the case. No hatchling should have so spend the beginning of their life without others around to spend time with.

(what coast is this on? Theres so many in the world)
+3 hrs