She had offered me the remaining of the five you were looking for. Sorry it ended early and we couldn't make a deal.

TOPIC | [W]Fake Bears [T] Egg CLOSED
She had offered me the remaining of the five you were looking for. Sorry it ended early and we couldn't make a deal.
@chloraphyll I do but all I really want right now is male
Nocturn (or egg) or lvl 25 Dragon. Don't really collect familiars and treasure is easy to farm.
Nocturn (or egg) or lvl 25 Dragon. Don't really collect familiars and treasure is easy to farm.
@chloraphyll I do but all I really want right now is male
Nocturn (or egg) or lvl 25 Dragon. Don't really collect familiars and treasure is easy to farm.
Nocturn (or egg) or lvl 25 Dragon. Don't really collect familiars and treasure is easy to farm.
Are you looking for a permanent mate? I have two males (one of which has winter colors) that I could stud out.
EDIT: I could pay for it in chests.
Are you looking for a permanent mate? I have two males (one of which has winter colors) that I could stud out.
EDIT: I could pay for it in chests.
Are you looking for a permanent mate? I have two males (one of which has winter colors) that I could stud out.
EDIT: I could pay for it in chests.
Are you looking for a permanent mate? I have two males (one of which has winter colors) that I could stud out.
EDIT: I could pay for it in chests.
Looking for a permanent mate, sorry. Not really too keen on chests either. I've opened hundreds of chests and gotten nothing except a few familiars. The only Noc I do have is because my sweet wife took pity on my bad luck gave me her second egg.
Looking for a permanent mate, sorry. Not really too keen on chests either. I've opened hundreds of chests and gotten nothing except a few familiars. The only Noc I do have is because my sweet wife took pity on my bad luck gave me her second egg.
Looking for a permanent mate, sorry. Not really too keen on chests either. I've opened hundreds of chests and gotten nothing except a few familiars. The only Noc I do have is because my sweet wife took pity on my bad luck gave me her second egg.
Looking for a permanent mate, sorry. Not really too keen on chests either. I've opened hundreds of chests and gotten nothing except a few familiars. The only Noc I do have is because my sweet wife took pity on my bad luck gave me her second egg.
Let me give this one last shot. You said you wanted lvl. 25 dergs, so perhaps I could level some for you? (Not all the way to 25, though. That would take forever. Maybe somewhere in the 13-17 range?)
Let me give this one last shot. You said you wanted lvl. 25 dergs, so perhaps I could level some for you? (Not all the way to 25, though. That would take forever. Maybe somewhere in the 13-17 range?)
Let me give this one last shot. You said you wanted lvl. 25 dergs, so perhaps I could level some for you? (Not all the way to 25, though. That would take forever. Maybe somewhere in the 13-17 range?)
Let me give this one last shot. You said you wanted lvl. 25 dergs, so perhaps I could level some for you? (Not all the way to 25, though. That would take forever. Maybe somewhere in the 13-17 range?)