Hello Hello! I'm not the fondest of raffles so I'm going to do something a little different. Write me a story and you'll get some free dragons, familiars, or training!
UPDATE: Extending the end date for the 15th
Requirements to enter:
-Semi-permanent residency, where dragons will not be exalted immediately
- Must have joined within the last 2 registration windows
- Must have less then 30 Dragons
-Please name the dragons you win
-Stories must be at least 1 paragraph (3-5 sentences)
-Can be posted on fourm or sent to me via message
-If sent via message please post on fourm to let me know you're entering
-If posted on fourm keep it Pg-13
-Can enter once in each category
Have fun!
Hello Hello! I'm not the fondest of raffles so I'm going to do something a little different. Write me a story and you'll get some free dragons, familiars, or training!
UPDATE: Extending the end date for the 15th
Requirements to enter:
-Semi-permanent residency, where dragons will not be exalted immediately
- Must have joined within the last 2 registration windows
- Must have less then 30 Dragons
-Please name the dragons you win
-Stories must be at least 1 paragraph (3-5 sentences)
-Can be posted on fourm or sent to me via message
-If sent via message please post on fourm to let me know you're entering
-If posted on fourm keep it Pg-13
-Can enter once in each category
Have fun!
[quote][b]Blank Slates[/b]
These fine dragons have no names, no levels, and no personality. They are all yours to mold however you like!
Write a short story about the dragon of your choosing. It can be in any format or situation you want. Go nuts!
This is a [b]first come first serve[/b] category. If you write a story about these dragons they are yours!
I will be shifting out dragons until till [b]Jan 15th[/b] so be sure to keep checking back![/Quote]
[quote][b]Training Sessions[/b]
My top coliseum team will train your dragons into deadly fighters!
Write a short story about your dragon being trained [b]or[/b] a random story about any current dragon in your lair.
There will be 3 prize slots, each at different levels of training. All stats will remain undistributed and each dragon will receive and attack stone of their element.
Prizes will be decided on [b]Jan 15th[/b], your dragons will be returned to you trained by the [b]Forth week of January[/b].
[b]The Dragons below are not given away, they are the dragons used to train yours[/b] [/quote]
[b]First prize:[/b] One physical dragon and one magical dragon trained to lvl 7
[b]Second Prize:[/b] One dragon trained to lvl 9
[b]Third prize:[/b] One dragon trained to lvl 5
Training Sessions
My top coliseum team will train your dragons into deadly fighters!
Write a short story about your dragon being trained or a random story about any current dragon in your lair.
There will be 3 prize slots, each at different levels of training. All stats will remain undistributed and each dragon will receive and attack stone of their element.
Prizes will be decided on Jan 15th, your dragons will be returned to you trained by the Forth week of January.
The Dragons below are not given away, they are the dragons used to train yours

First prize: One physical dragon and one magical dragon trained to lvl 7

Second Prize: One dragon trained to lvl 9

Third prize: One dragon trained to lvl 5
[quote][b]Familiar Fun[/b]
These critters will be given to your dragon as companions! Write about their first meeting or their time together!
Will be given out on [b]Jan 15th[/b][/quote]
[item=Carmine Serthis]
[item=Ruby Webwing]
[Item=Wildwood owl]
AZElfling @
SleepyMatsu @
Pinging those who requested it :D
Why of course! Can't wait to read more of your writing!
Why of course! Can't wait to read more of your writing!
Just bumping for today. ^^
Just bumping for today. ^^
Thank you! Bumpity Bump Bump!