

Introduce yourself and say hello to the rest of the community.
TOPIC | Awkward Penguin
I'm not much of a forum poster anymore, but I do chat on skype when I'm not asleep or working.

Fairly new to the site, though I've been watching its creation from the beginning [as I am a fan of Peffer's work] and I must say I'm addicted, it's so cute and fun. I'd been telling myself if I was online when the window opened, I'd fly in, and so far, no regrets.

All awkwardness aside, I am an artist myself [though constantly find myself in places like this rather than working on anything], and an avid gamer playing anything from pokemon to bayonetta to Final Fantasy, and even Call of Duty if the mood strikes.

Artistically I am working on a personal story I've had since elementary school, though currently revising it as it definitely showed its age. When not working on that, I just doodle whatever I feel like at the time- dragons, pokemon, anything that isn't mine because I find everyone else more creative, the usual woes of an artist.

I once was an admin to, but after leaving I had stopped posting forums so much and just remained in my own little secluded space on DeviantArt. I'm unfortunately shy and have a hard time bringing myself to approach anyone, and so painfully awkward that... well I say stupid things that in hindsight were inappropriately timed. Or irrelevant. Like now. //cough//

I used to do a lot of roleplaying with lots of people, though bad experiences had left me wary of using any of my personal characters [simply because they filled a role, and it was a long issue I won't discuss], though I am still open for those interested in less story-oriented individuals, though I get very bored and make backstories for everything I seem to own. Like... my dragons. Right now. Have personalities. Emotional exalting. Many cry. Wow.
Okay no really though.

Gamewise, I love, love, LOVE Pokemon from generation one to current, and will geek out like no other over it. It's sad, really. Final Fantasy and Castlevania [at least the old ones] I tend to nerdgasm over, so uh... yeah sorry about that. Both had been a huge artistic inspiration for me, and a major part of my childhood [wow dark much], if not Legend of Zelda. Really there are few games I WON'T try if I haven't played them already. Unfortunately working 40 hours a week leaves me with the dilemma between artwork and playing games. It's a tough choice, and trust me both at once accomplishes nothing but woe.

I think I'm rambling too much.
Anyone wanna add me anywhere? . u . ;;
I'm available on DeviantArt, Skype, FFXIV: ARR, and apparently on here frequently. < u > ;;

//quacks and waddles away//
I'm not much of a forum poster anymore, but I do chat on skype when I'm not asleep or working.

Fairly new to the site, though I've been watching its creation from the beginning [as I am a fan of Peffer's work] and I must say I'm addicted, it's so cute and fun. I'd been telling myself if I was online when the window opened, I'd fly in, and so far, no regrets.

All awkwardness aside, I am an artist myself [though constantly find myself in places like this rather than working on anything], and an avid gamer playing anything from pokemon to bayonetta to Final Fantasy, and even Call of Duty if the mood strikes.

Artistically I am working on a personal story I've had since elementary school, though currently revising it as it definitely showed its age. When not working on that, I just doodle whatever I feel like at the time- dragons, pokemon, anything that isn't mine because I find everyone else more creative, the usual woes of an artist.

I once was an admin to, but after leaving I had stopped posting forums so much and just remained in my own little secluded space on DeviantArt. I'm unfortunately shy and have a hard time bringing myself to approach anyone, and so painfully awkward that... well I say stupid things that in hindsight were inappropriately timed. Or irrelevant. Like now. //cough//

I used to do a lot of roleplaying with lots of people, though bad experiences had left me wary of using any of my personal characters [simply because they filled a role, and it was a long issue I won't discuss], though I am still open for those interested in less story-oriented individuals, though I get very bored and make backstories for everything I seem to own. Like... my dragons. Right now. Have personalities. Emotional exalting. Many cry. Wow.
Okay no really though.

Gamewise, I love, love, LOVE Pokemon from generation one to current, and will geek out like no other over it. It's sad, really. Final Fantasy and Castlevania [at least the old ones] I tend to nerdgasm over, so uh... yeah sorry about that. Both had been a huge artistic inspiration for me, and a major part of my childhood [wow dark much], if not Legend of Zelda. Really there are few games I WON'T try if I haven't played them already. Unfortunately working 40 hours a week leaves me with the dilemma between artwork and playing games. It's a tough choice, and trust me both at once accomplishes nothing but woe.

I think I'm rambling too much.
Anyone wanna add me anywhere? . u . ;;
I'm available on DeviantArt, Skype, FFXIV: ARR, and apparently on here frequently. < u > ;;

//quacks and waddles away//
@Kazzanti Okay first off the names Amber but you may call me Aki if you'd like, Secondly you seriously sound like someone I would most definitely get along well with. We both seem to like the same exact things. Me being one really big and I do mean big. PokeNerd. I've played almost all the games. Been following the anime series since episode 1, am now on like episode 800 something. I also love Final Fantasy I even have 5 and 6. Also I have the Advent Children movie. I do play some Call of Duty with my little brother. I'm also writing tons of original stories and am a huge Anime/Manga fan. Also I love the Legend of Zelda series~

I do a lot of Roleplaying as well but most days those who I've asked to Roleplay with only answer me like once and never again. I can be a bit shy as well though I do have a certain group of friends I consider my family where I live. And some friends who live in other states and countries who I also consider my family.
@Kazzanti Okay first off the names Amber but you may call me Aki if you'd like, Secondly you seriously sound like someone I would most definitely get along well with. We both seem to like the same exact things. Me being one really big and I do mean big. PokeNerd. I've played almost all the games. Been following the anime series since episode 1, am now on like episode 800 something. I also love Final Fantasy I even have 5 and 6. Also I have the Advent Children movie. I do play some Call of Duty with my little brother. I'm also writing tons of original stories and am a huge Anime/Manga fan. Also I love the Legend of Zelda series~

I do a lot of Roleplaying as well but most days those who I've asked to Roleplay with only answer me like once and never again. I can be a bit shy as well though I do have a certain group of friends I consider my family where I live. And some friends who live in other states and countries who I also consider my family.

Signature made by @tulips~
I still haven't figured out how to mention in these... I'm a sad individual.

Normally I'm called Kaz, it's been an alias sort of thing for years.
I used to follow the anime, but moved so frequently that eventually I got lost. I'm not sure how many movies are out now despite the overwhelming urge to sit and marathon them. I'd probably need over a week's vacation to catch up. But anything Pokemon and I'll just geek and gab your ear off. I used to be big into the mangas, too, but sadly during moves I lost them all .
Final Fantasy I own every game, played through most of them, though I don't have any from XIII. 6 is one of my all-time faves next to 7, 9, 12, and Origins.
I grew up with Zelda in the house, so naturally I'd be curious and play it, and from day one I've loved it. Granted it takes me forever to beat one, and I think I've only actually completed one game- and that was Twilight Princess. The others I'm stuck on so hardcore, but that's what I love about them. They make you think and are a little difficult to just blaze through.

I have one ongoing saga, but it's composed of several 'books' that I've been tearing down to remake, since now that I'm older, a lot of it definitely screamed generic and rather... confusing. However I love to hear about what other people are doing, it's a sort of motivation for me when friends discuss their stories and I just start storyboarding again, as I intended from the beginning to have it a graphic novel.

That's a little disappointing; I don't like to leave someone hanging like that. I find it a sort of practice for my writing, and try to always have a response. Granted with my working hours I'm not as immediate as I used to be, everyone I roleplay with is certain to get a reply. But I tend to use novel style RP rather than script just to keep my writing sharp.

I have my small circle of friends, but I always welcome more to the ring. I keep trying to be more social, but it gets hard with anxieties and work. -w-;; Sometimes it seems to offend people...
I still haven't figured out how to mention in these... I'm a sad individual.

Normally I'm called Kaz, it's been an alias sort of thing for years.
I used to follow the anime, but moved so frequently that eventually I got lost. I'm not sure how many movies are out now despite the overwhelming urge to sit and marathon them. I'd probably need over a week's vacation to catch up. But anything Pokemon and I'll just geek and gab your ear off. I used to be big into the mangas, too, but sadly during moves I lost them all .
Final Fantasy I own every game, played through most of them, though I don't have any from XIII. 6 is one of my all-time faves next to 7, 9, 12, and Origins.
I grew up with Zelda in the house, so naturally I'd be curious and play it, and from day one I've loved it. Granted it takes me forever to beat one, and I think I've only actually completed one game- and that was Twilight Princess. The others I'm stuck on so hardcore, but that's what I love about them. They make you think and are a little difficult to just blaze through.

I have one ongoing saga, but it's composed of several 'books' that I've been tearing down to remake, since now that I'm older, a lot of it definitely screamed generic and rather... confusing. However I love to hear about what other people are doing, it's a sort of motivation for me when friends discuss their stories and I just start storyboarding again, as I intended from the beginning to have it a graphic novel.

That's a little disappointing; I don't like to leave someone hanging like that. I find it a sort of practice for my writing, and try to always have a response. Granted with my working hours I'm not as immediate as I used to be, everyone I roleplay with is certain to get a reply. But I tend to use novel style RP rather than script just to keep my writing sharp.

I have my small circle of friends, but I always welcome more to the ring. I keep trying to be more social, but it gets hard with anxieties and work. -w-;; Sometimes it seems to offend people...
*Smiles* I think I just found my newest best friend ^_^ We have a lot in common and seriously you just sound so awesome!!!! And I would love to read some of your stories if that's alright. I'm always looking for new and exciting things to read~

I hear ya, That's mainly why I roleplay to help improve my skills and to make new friends. That's part of the reason why I love it so much~ And If I'm unable to continue on with whatever Roleplay I'm in, I'll be sure to let you know before I go and just leave.

Oh trust me I'm the same way when it comes to socializing with people. Like I was at a pawn shop once with my mom. And there was this really cute dude wearing a MegaMan shirt. So I basically just told him that I liked his shirt and never spoke to him again after that. @Kazzanti
*Smiles* I think I just found my newest best friend ^_^ We have a lot in common and seriously you just sound so awesome!!!! And I would love to read some of your stories if that's alright. I'm always looking for new and exciting things to read~

I hear ya, That's mainly why I roleplay to help improve my skills and to make new friends. That's part of the reason why I love it so much~ And If I'm unable to continue on with whatever Roleplay I'm in, I'll be sure to let you know before I go and just leave.

Oh trust me I'm the same way when it comes to socializing with people. Like I was at a pawn shop once with my mom. And there was this really cute dude wearing a MegaMan shirt. So I basically just told him that I liked his shirt and never spoke to him again after that. @Kazzanti

Signature made by @tulips~
LOL- As I work on them, I often post them up on my DeviantArt account as chapters for feedback, though between work and laying them out, I have nothing anymore. But I will certainly allow you to read them as they're worked on.

I normally give it a few before deciding, and if I really have nothing, I'm one to inform. I normally use Google Docs, though, simply because one group I was in was fond of it and I could easily access it from anywhere.

Oh gosh I do that too often to count. I miss out on so many things, or eat my foot because I said the wrong thing. -__-'
One of these days I'm going to just slip up with calling someone Handsome Face and never see them again.
LOL- As I work on them, I often post them up on my DeviantArt account as chapters for feedback, though between work and laying them out, I have nothing anymore. But I will certainly allow you to read them as they're worked on.

I normally give it a few before deciding, and if I really have nothing, I'm one to inform. I normally use Google Docs, though, simply because one group I was in was fond of it and I could easily access it from anywhere.

Oh gosh I do that too often to count. I miss out on so many things, or eat my foot because I said the wrong thing. -__-'
One of these days I'm going to just slip up with calling someone Handsome Face and never see them again.

I'm just going to slip right in and join this convo like yeah.
Because I already like Aki lots and it seems she's found another awesome peep.
Plus I'm terribly inexperienced on forums and thus come across awkward anyways.
Sooo hai there Kaz!--it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance! (ノ゚▽゚)ノ

I too am an avid gamer; it's pretty much a mirror of your own passions actually.
FF, Zelda, and Pokemon are all near and dear to my heart as I also grew up with them.
You have exquisite taste in saying that you love FFVI and that you play FFXIV.
What server do you play on? I wonder if I've ran into you before. Lol.

I also used to RP but had awful experiences and habits that I pretty much quit.
Though I find myself reminiscing on the good moments and so I write here and there.
I haven't dabbled in anything on this site so far yet though; never did any dragon RPs.
Is it safe to say that we even shared RP styles; T1 or mayhaps T2?

I'm just going to slip right in and join this convo like yeah.
Because I already like Aki lots and it seems she's found another awesome peep.
Plus I'm terribly inexperienced on forums and thus come across awkward anyways.
Sooo hai there Kaz!--it's a pleasure to make your acquaintance! (ノ゚▽゚)ノ

I too am an avid gamer; it's pretty much a mirror of your own passions actually.
FF, Zelda, and Pokemon are all near and dear to my heart as I also grew up with them.
You have exquisite taste in saying that you love FFVI and that you play FFXIV.
What server do you play on? I wonder if I've ran into you before. Lol.

I also used to RP but had awful experiences and habits that I pretty much quit.
Though I find myself reminiscing on the good moments and so I write here and there.
I haven't dabbled in anything on this site so far yet though; never did any dragon RPs.
Is it safe to say that we even shared RP styles; T1 or mayhaps T2?
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@Kazzanti That's so awesome~ That's actually where I posted some of my stories on my DeviantART account. Most of mine are normally chapters for feedback. Because I'm still a novice writer and don't have all that much experience. ^_^

I normally Roleplay through E-mail or PM's I find it way easier to keep in contact with friends that way~ And to let them know when I'm not available.

I'm almost always like that whenever I see a good looking guy. I'll say hi to them and that's it. Or they just so happen to look like my one ex which is just creepy and awkward.

And yes @Wytch is an amazingly awesome person who is just totally super nice and epic!!!
@Kazzanti That's so awesome~ That's actually where I posted some of my stories on my DeviantART account. Most of mine are normally chapters for feedback. Because I'm still a novice writer and don't have all that much experience. ^_^

I normally Roleplay through E-mail or PM's I find it way easier to keep in contact with friends that way~ And to let them know when I'm not available.

I'm almost always like that whenever I see a good looking guy. I'll say hi to them and that's it. Or they just so happen to look like my one ex which is just creepy and awkward.

And yes @Wytch is an amazingly awesome person who is just totally super nice and epic!!!

Signature made by @tulips~
I am so awkward I find few things awkward, so HI HOW YA DOIN
I currently play on two servers; Jenova and Leviathan under the alias Wawa Skittletits for the former and Vela Kodakhara on the latter. I'm always running around helping new players and play as a healer and a summoner as they're my favorite classes.

I had more written but somehow the forums ate my post...

RP-wise I started out on Forums, but after I left and went to chatrooms, that's when I got iffy on who I used. My story and its characters I didn't want changed the way they did, because to them it wasn't something like that at all. It was a toybox. So I just shyed away, and kept my ring of friends to RP with. We still do, but anymore it's just me and the ones that tie their stories in with mine and vice versa.
I haven't really done any Dragon rps though, I'm just silly and like making things up in my head about them.
I am so awkward I find few things awkward, so HI HOW YA DOIN
I currently play on two servers; Jenova and Leviathan under the alias Wawa Skittletits for the former and Vela Kodakhara on the latter. I'm always running around helping new players and play as a healer and a summoner as they're my favorite classes.

I had more written but somehow the forums ate my post...

RP-wise I started out on Forums, but after I left and went to chatrooms, that's when I got iffy on who I used. My story and its characters I didn't want changed the way they did, because to them it wasn't something like that at all. It was a toybox. So I just shyed away, and kept my ring of friends to RP with. We still do, but anymore it's just me and the ones that tie their stories in with mine and vice versa.
I haven't really done any Dragon rps though, I'm just silly and like making things up in my head about them.
@Yaoilove20 I only took one Creative Writing class my whole life, so I'm very much still learning. The thing that started my stories was a state-wide test where it would give writing prompts, and each year I continued off the previous, and after accumulating five years of drafts, I decided to make it a thing. Now it's absolutely huge, since I continued up until Highschool, but looking back... ehehe... ehh...

I have on email for friends, one for everything else, because boy howdy, I'm swamped in spam from all my subscriptions. FFXIV:ARR is very fond of ads that somehow get your email. And I'm not going to buy penis enlargement ***** or go on a cruise in the bahamas.

amg I just stare at them awkwardly and stutter a lot. Sitting and hoping they notice my STARING, except I quickly run away. -___-;; Because I'm so amazing.
@Yaoilove20 I only took one Creative Writing class my whole life, so I'm very much still learning. The thing that started my stories was a state-wide test where it would give writing prompts, and each year I continued off the previous, and after accumulating five years of drafts, I decided to make it a thing. Now it's absolutely huge, since I continued up until Highschool, but looking back... ehehe... ehh...

I have on email for friends, one for everything else, because boy howdy, I'm swamped in spam from all my subscriptions. FFXIV:ARR is very fond of ads that somehow get your email. And I'm not going to buy penis enlargement ***** or go on a cruise in the bahamas.

amg I just stare at them awkwardly and stutter a lot. Sitting and hoping they notice my STARING, except I quickly run away. -___-;; Because I'm so amazing.
@Kazzanti I never took any classes per say, But I've been writing since I was very, very little.

Oh my goodness I get those same type of e-mails every single day. I mean last time I checked I'm a female. And have no need for such spam.

I do the same exact thing. It's no wonder I'm single -_-
@Kazzanti I never took any classes per say, But I've been writing since I was very, very little.

Oh my goodness I get those same type of e-mails every single day. I mean last time I checked I'm a female. And have no need for such spam.

I do the same exact thing. It's no wonder I'm single -_-

Signature made by @tulips~