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TOPIC | Newbie Treasure farming???
So I joined yesterday and I wanted to start leveling some dragons, but the guide I'm using requires a lot of abilities and might fragments, and I can't even afford the might fragments themselves which are the cheapest for me to get. I looked up some treasure farming guides and found one on Coliseum farming, but I think I'm doing something wrong because after a hour of farming at the Woodland Path and auto-selling all the food, I only got maybe 2000 treasure from it. Am I doing something wrong, or did they nerf how much you get from auto selling?
So I joined yesterday and I wanted to start leveling some dragons, but the guide I'm using requires a lot of abilities and might fragments, and I can't even afford the might fragments themselves which are the cheapest for me to get. I looked up some treasure farming guides and found one on Coliseum farming, but I think I'm doing something wrong because after a hour of farming at the Woodland Path and auto-selling all the food, I only got maybe 2000 treasure from it. Am I doing something wrong, or did they nerf how much you get from auto selling?
1. Don't auto-sell food. You get way more treasure selling them to other players in AH. The usual food price is 20t per food point, though some food types are higher (like seafood), or some specific food items were not based on food points (ie, ones that can be used in Swipp Swap)

2. Always check prices on AH before you sell anything. A lot of the 'junks' are actually worth a lot more than what the system will pay you.

That's the two tips I can think of right now. :) See if it helps. Happy gaming~
1. Don't auto-sell food. You get way more treasure selling them to other players in AH. The usual food price is 20t per food point, though some food types are higher (like seafood), or some specific food items were not based on food points (ie, ones that can be used in Swipp Swap)

2. Always check prices on AH before you sell anything. A lot of the 'junks' are actually worth a lot more than what the system will pay you.

That's the two tips I can think of right now. :) See if it helps. Happy gaming~
Oh, alright, thank you for the tips! I think I may have mistaken AH selling for auto-selling for some reason. Thanks for telling me the point to treasure ratio on the food, I was confused and just ended up auto-selling the food.
Oh, alright, thank you for the tips! I think I may have mistaken AH selling for auto-selling for some reason. Thanks for telling me the point to treasure ratio on the food, I was confused and just ended up auto-selling the food.
The point-to-treasure is the basic ratio, for foods that are easy-to-get and non-Swipp swap ingredient. If you sell on AH, you can usually get higher ratio than that. :)
The point-to-treasure is the basic ratio, for foods that are easy-to-get and non-Swipp swap ingredient. If you sell on AH, you can usually get higher ratio than that. :)
@NotMeNotToday - If it was either my or Culex's guide to Coliseum farming, note that the money you get (50k+, usually) in an hour is based on being able to kill things in one hit. You probably can't do that yet! And you especially can't do it if you don't have Eliminate yet.

Unfortunately, prices really jump when registration opens. You can either try to get the money for the stones on the Auction House by playing some Fairground games, or you can try to keep farming the Coliseum and try to make money that way and hope to get some in a drop - but the correct stones are really rare. And if you don't have Eliminate, the Fairgrounds are probably faster. You could also wait a few days - the prices will drop as new people get their stones and start farming themselves.

Focus on getting Eliminate before buying any other stones. It's 100% the most important stone to have.
@NotMeNotToday - If it was either my or Culex's guide to Coliseum farming, note that the money you get (50k+, usually) in an hour is based on being able to kill things in one hit. You probably can't do that yet! And you especially can't do it if you don't have Eliminate yet.

Unfortunately, prices really jump when registration opens. You can either try to get the money for the stones on the Auction House by playing some Fairground games, or you can try to keep farming the Coliseum and try to make money that way and hope to get some in a drop - but the correct stones are really rare. And if you don't have Eliminate, the Fairgrounds are probably faster. You could also wait a few days - the prices will drop as new people get their stones and start farming themselves.

Focus on getting Eliminate before buying any other stones. It's 100% the most important stone to have.
@Kiena - Yeah, I have eliminate on two of my dragons, and I'm trying to get another 30k treasure to get a third one. I'm just finding it hard to keep up with the guide, there's no way I'll be getting ambush on all three dragons anytime soon at 60k a pop. I've gotten some familiars and some good food to sell, as well as some stones; hopefully they sell so I can progress and get to the better farming areas.
@Kiena - Yeah, I have eliminate on two of my dragons, and I'm trying to get another 30k treasure to get a third one. I'm just finding it hard to keep up with the guide, there's no way I'll be getting ambush on all three dragons anytime soon at 60k a pop. I've gotten some familiars and some good food to sell, as well as some stones; hopefully they sell so I can progress and get to the better farming areas.
@NotMeNotToday - As you get higher level, you will be able to more easily eliminate lower level enemies (easy = fast!). Taking high level dragons into low level venues (usually called farming) can earn you a lot of trinkets and food pretty quickly. (:
@NotMeNotToday - As you get higher level, you will be able to more easily eliminate lower level enemies (easy = fast!). Taking high level dragons into low level venues (usually called farming) can earn you a lot of trinkets and food pretty quickly. (:
@NotMeNotToday - That's actually why my guide has some alternative suggestions instead of Ambush. Basically, a bit more health as you level up, plus using Rally more often. If you're having a really hard time staying alive, switch one of your glass cannons for a healer - after you're higher level, you can easily go back to lower level areas and farm really quickly, and save up the money for Ambush (and hopefully eventually a Tincture for your mage dragon, so you can turn them back into a glass cannon).

The most important thing to know is exactly how much damage you need to do to a monster, based on your dragons' strength. Use this tool if you aren't already - then you'll know when you should use Scratch before Eliminating, or use Rally instead. Note that how many extra points of Str you get from Rally is based on the level of the dragon casting the skill - it's always 5+ that dragon's level bonus points.

Hope that helps!
@NotMeNotToday - That's actually why my guide has some alternative suggestions instead of Ambush. Basically, a bit more health as you level up, plus using Rally more often. If you're having a really hard time staying alive, switch one of your glass cannons for a healer - after you're higher level, you can easily go back to lower level areas and farm really quickly, and save up the money for Ambush (and hopefully eventually a Tincture for your mage dragon, so you can turn them back into a glass cannon).

The most important thing to know is exactly how much damage you need to do to a monster, based on your dragons' strength. Use this tool if you aren't already - then you'll know when you should use Scratch before Eliminating, or use Rally instead. Note that how many extra points of Str you get from Rally is based on the level of the dragon casting the skill - it's always 5+ that dragon's level bonus points.

Hope that helps!
@Kiena - That's a very nice guide, I may look into it since I need to cough up around 180k-200k treasure just to get ambush for my three dragons. Thanks for the advice!
@Kiena - That's a very nice guide, I may look into it since I need to cough up around 180k-200k treasure just to get ambush for my three dragons. Thanks for the advice!
Don't forget to check with Crim every now and then. I make a lot of my money from her. Pinkerton rarely gives ambushes too (though I've gotten all of mine from him so far).
Don't forget to check with Crim every now and then. I make a lot of my money from her. Pinkerton rarely gives ambushes too (though I've gotten all of mine from him so far).
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