
Dragon Trading

Arrange Crossroads exchanges with other players.
TOPIC | =Free Dragons for Newbies! 10/13/14=
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@Aquitaine Might I reserve one from Brokentusk and Wilde? Thank you!
@Aquitaine Might I reserve one from Brokentusk and Wilde? Thank you!
Art Sales! | I collect mantis familiars!!

May I reserve an egg from Ninohu and Sentry Please?

May I reserve an egg from Ninohu and Sentry Please?
@Aquitaine I would love to reserve an egg from Quisaadi and Smallbeak's nest :)
@Aquitaine I would love to reserve an egg from Quisaadi and Smallbeak's nest :)
@Wyrdfell May I have a baby from Innis and Kindle? Thank you in advance!
@Wyrdfell May I have a baby from Innis and Kindle? Thank you in advance!
I would like to reserve an egg from Eridanos and Fraudir, please.
I would like to reserve an egg from Eridanos and Fraudir, please.
Hello! May I have the Sunbeam Ursa, please? c:
Thank you!
Hello! May I have the Sunbeam Ursa, please? c:
Thank you!

Would it be possible for me to lure Casus into my lair? He's such a handsome fellow.

Would it be possible for me to lure Casus into my lair? He's such a handsome fellow.
Is the Sunbeam Ursa still available?
Is the Sunbeam Ursa still available?
Thank you very much for helping the newbs ^w^

@Wyrdfell i would like an Auldcastle-elixir, if there are non an Innis-Kindle would be ok too, thanks in advance
Thank you very much for helping the newbs ^w^

@Wyrdfell i would like an Auldcastle-elixir, if there are non an Innis-Kindle would be ok too, thanks in advance

Could I get Kiri
Female | Coatl
Primary: Ice Clown
Secondary: Azure Freckle
Tertiary: Slate Basic

if she's still available :3?

Could I get Kiri
Female | Coatl
Primary: Ice Clown
Secondary: Azure Freckle
Tertiary: Slate Basic

if she's still available :3?
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