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TOPIC | Birds.
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this is my favourite bird tumblr
this is my favourite bird tumblr
oh no, people are posting adorable pictures of their birds now. It's too cute. /twitches Here is my lovebird Peanut being weird on my messy computer desk. [img][/img] [size=2][i]i'm cup birb[/i][/size]
oh no, people are posting adorable pictures of their birds now. It's too cute.

Here is my lovebird Peanut being weird on my messy computer desk.
i'm cup birb
@junipa, meeeeeeee, so much! I have a list going of all the birds I've identified this year (by sight, by sound, or both), and I constantly identify bird calls in my head without even meaning to. I really want to go on a trip to somewhere new so I can see even more bird. c: It's so fun!
@junipa, meeeeeeee, so much! I have a list going of all the birds I've identified this year (by sight, by sound, or both), and I constantly identify bird calls in my head without even meaning to. I really want to go on a trip to somewhere new so I can see even more bird. c: It's so fun!
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@alphaeon haha cool! I'm not that good at by sound. but I'm pretty good by sight and behavior!

I go to school w/in 150 miles of my hometown so there's no new birds there or anything. but whenever we go on trips my dad and I try to add birds to our lists - we went to Arizona a couple years back and added something like 25 birds in a trip less than a week long!

there's also an osprey nest downtown where I live, on top of a telephone pole, and u can see the babies peekin their heads up when you're driving around shopping.

& this one red tailed hawk likes to eat its dinner on top of my backyard fence, which is SUPER cool except then I have to poke what it leaves behind off the fence so it doesn't stay there for ages lmao
@alphaeon haha cool! I'm not that good at by sound. but I'm pretty good by sight and behavior!

I go to school w/in 150 miles of my hometown so there's no new birds there or anything. but whenever we go on trips my dad and I try to add birds to our lists - we went to Arizona a couple years back and added something like 25 birds in a trip less than a week long!

there's also an osprey nest downtown where I live, on top of a telephone pole, and u can see the babies peekin their heads up when you're driving around shopping.

& this one red tailed hawk likes to eat its dinner on top of my backyard fence, which is SUPER cool except then I have to poke what it leaves behind off the fence so it doesn't stay there for ages lmao
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seeking XYZ (or any double!) g1 with
coral, clay, & gloom in any order

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You guys are all professional birders. :(
You guys are all professional birders. :(

This is one of the best boards I've seen in a while. xD

*sits here and watches the comments*

Yeaaah, though, birds are quite awesome! My boyfriend and I have been giving our backyard birds wild bird seed and have been enjoying their presence in the mornings. We get a lot of European Starlings, House Sparrows, Winter Sparrows, Carolina Wrens, Mourning Doves, Black and White Warblers, Blue Jays, and Northern Cardinals! We have a rather large flock of sparrows that often stop by very early in the morning and hang around until late morning. Even though sparrows are very common here, they're extremely adorable. *^*
This is one of the best boards I've seen in a while. xD

*sits here and watches the comments*

Yeaaah, though, birds are quite awesome! My boyfriend and I have been giving our backyard birds wild bird seed and have been enjoying their presence in the mornings. We get a lot of European Starlings, House Sparrows, Winter Sparrows, Carolina Wrens, Mourning Doves, Black and White Warblers, Blue Jays, and Northern Cardinals! We have a rather large flock of sparrows that often stop by very early in the morning and hang around until late morning. Even though sparrows are very common here, they're extremely adorable. *^*
this thread is a good thread
this thread is a good thread
You're addressing Captain mintSMASH, the Airbright Explorer, The Green Typhoon of the Swooping Swarm and Charter of Far Currents!
Heck yes birds.
Heck yes birds.
Okay but why has nobody brought up The Mincing Mockingbird Guide to Troubled Birds? A snippet from the summary: "The Mincing Mockingbird Guide to Troubled Birds is an illustrated pocket field guide that enables anyone to quickly identify psychotic, violent or mentally unstable bird species." And one of the illustrations (featuring a shrike): [img][/img]
Okay but why has nobody brought up The Mincing Mockingbird Guide to Troubled Birds?
A snippet from the summary:
"The Mincing Mockingbird Guide to Troubled Birds is an illustrated pocket field guide that enables anyone to quickly identify psychotic, violent or mentally unstable bird species."

And one of the illustrations (featuring a shrike):
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