
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | pwyw half/fullbody art [waitlist]
username: Malassa
character link/image: Either or both from here (kobold and non-fr dragon)
offer: 1k gems each?
request/pose reference if any: go ham :) - two different pieces if you want to do both is perfectly fine. They belong together but it doesn't need to be couple/paired art. (I can also offer human oc's if you prefer those)
username: Malassa
character link/image: Either or both from here (kobold and non-fr dragon)
offer: 1k gems each?
request/pose reference if any: go ham :) - two different pieces if you want to do both is perfectly fine. They belong together but it doesn't need to be couple/paired art. (I can also offer human oc's if you prefer those)

sorry for the delayed response, i'd be happy to take both on! c:

sorry for the delayed response, i'd be happy to take both on! c:
Tirtouga | FR +15 | she/her

Hi, if you're still open I'd love to get something!
username: ExtinctChicken
character link/image:
offer: 650 gems?
request/pose reference if any: Maybe a sketch kinda similar to like the bottom right dragon in the examples? Just something cute :3
Hi, if you're still open I'd love to get something!
username: ExtinctChicken
character link/image:
offer: 650 gems?
request/pose reference if any: Maybe a sketch kinda similar to like the bottom right dragon in the examples? Just something cute :3
tumblr_inline_ojq6kzsCn91r2ao8y_540.png Connor ~ He|Him ~ 25 tumblr_inline_ojq6kydAev1r2ao8y_540.png

Oh my gosh he's so cute... I'd be happy to draw him!

Oh my gosh he's so cute... I'd be happy to draw him!
Tirtouga | FR +15 | she/her

Sweet! I shall look forward to it then ^^ Should I go ahead and send a cr?
Sweet! I shall look forward to it then ^^ Should I go ahead and send a cr?
tumblr_inline_ojq6kzsCn91r2ao8y_540.png Connor ~ He|Him ~ 25 tumblr_inline_ojq6kydAev1r2ao8y_540.png

You can send a CR after I send the art! ^^

You can send a CR after I send the art! ^^
Tirtouga | FR +15 | she/her

Sounds good! Thank you!!
Sounds good! Thank you!!
tumblr_inline_ojq6kzsCn91r2ao8y_540.png Connor ~ He|Him ~ 25 tumblr_inline_ojq6kydAev1r2ao8y_540.png
username: Niverdia
character link/image:
offer: 1500g
request/pose reference if any: Holding a writing feather/quill
username: Niverdia
character link/image:
offer: 1500g
request/pose reference if any: Holding a writing feather/quill

I'd be happy to draw her! ^^

I'd be happy to draw her! ^^
Tirtouga | FR +15 | she/her