
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | [LF] Art [H] FR/Art/Charas
[center][size=4][b][url=]Toyhouse[/url] | [url=]Art Shop[/url] | [url=]Art Dump[/url] | [url=]Prioritized Characters[/url][/b][/size] Hey there! This is a general looking for/selling thread! I'm always looking for art of my characters. :D If you would be interested in drawing one of my characters, feel free to post here or shoot me a PM! I'm looking for any and all art. :D I can currently offer my art, FR currency, or the UMA's below. [skin=35127][skin=22859][skin=12244] [img][/img] [center][b][size=4]Character Sales[/size][/b] These characters have what I bought them for in their bios! I am looking for gems or art in exchange for them. [url=][img][/img][/url] [img][/img] [center][b][size=4]Interested in an Art Trade?[/size][/b] Status - [b]Open[/b]/Closed I'd love to do an art trade with you! Feel free to post your characters in the thread or send me a PM and let me know who you'd be interested in drawing. :D You can check out more of my art (and the full-sized images of the examples below) in my art dump linked above! I am not comfortable with drawing humanoid or FR dragon fullbodies just yet, but I'd be willing to give anything else a try. :D [img][/img][img][/img][img][/img][img][/img]
Toyhouse | Art Shop | Art Dump | Prioritized Characters

Hey there! This is a general looking for/selling thread! I'm always looking for art of my characters. :D If you would be interested in drawing one of my characters, feel free to post here or shoot me a PM! I'm looking for any and all art. :D

I can currently offer my art, FR currency, or the UMA's below.

Character Sales

These characters have what I bought them for in their bios! I am looking for gems or art in exchange for them.


Interested in an Art Trade?

Status - Open/Closed

I'd love to do an art trade with you! Feel free to post your characters in the thread or send me a PM and let me know who you'd be interested in drawing. :D You can check out more of my art (and the full-sized images of the examples below) in my art dump linked above!

I am not comfortable with drawing humanoid or FR dragon fullbodies just yet, but I'd be willing to give anything else a try. :D

TBmRRMw.pngO930dUy.pngCawfee Shop - ArtRavenswood HatcheryFile Island Hatchery
[center][size=5][b]Prioritized Characters[/b][/size] I am currently prioritizing art of these characters; however, if no one here interests you, feel free to check out the rest of my Toyhouse! I would love art of anyone. :D Check below to see additional information about them! Such as personality and interactions. :D [i]I wrote them all while half asleep so definitely ask for more information if you'd like :D[/i] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [img][/img][/center] [b]Camille[/b] [LIST][*]Camille is a fallen angel (instead of wings she can turn into a pied crow :D). She's pretty dark and gloomy, cold, probably only ever really smiles when she's around Alina. She was previously able to heal, but after dying, killing a god, and coming back to life, her healing magic only ever seems to harm others. She still has her fire though. She likes fire. She's currently spending most of her free time foraging for plants and materials to make pigment for paints, healing potions, and poisons for the more nefarious things while she plots ways to kill more gods cause they're all turning to the dark side for some reason??? [*][i]Interactions[/i] - Alina! They're partners so ship art is cool. Cami warms up a lot around Alina but Alina tends to be the more affectionate one. [/LIST] [b]Alina[/b] [LIST][*]Alina is a healer and she has her own shop where she "sells" [i]free[/i] healing services and [i]not-free[/i] things like potions (that Cami makes! That's why they're not free, oops) and other various knick-knacks. She's sweet, always happy, she just wants to help others (including any of the woodland creatures she finds near her home). She uses water magic to heal! [*][i]Interactions[/i] - Camille! They're partners so ship art is cool. Alina is always bright and cheery and tends to show more affection, Camille is warmer around Alina but tends to be reserved.[/LIST] [b]Ruta[/b] [LIST][*]Ruta's a monster hunter from a different world that was magically whisked away into a world of dragons and monsters that aren't... supposed to be hunted? Her camera functions as a weapon - take a picture, burn the picture, no more monster wow! Though it doesn't work on most monsters in this world - dragons, this random dog she met, [i]Camille[/i] (she's definitely tried more than once). She tends to be pretty gloomy, though unlike Camille, puts on a smile anyway to appear happy. She's very particular about her appearance, everything must be neat and everything must be pink. [*][i]Interactions[/i] - Camille and Alina! She's friends with the both of them, though probably a tad bit more close to Alina than Camille (angels aren't very nice in her previous world). Feel free to do little silly snapshots as if she's taking pictures of everyone with her camera! Pyrrha! Best dog, she thinks Pyrrha's pretty cool but is still a bit spooked by the supernatural.[/LIST] [b]Pyrrha[/b] [LIST][*]Pyrrha is best dog...bird. Bird dog. She is used to track and hunt by one of my OC's (no reference). Very playful. Has the wiggles. [i]Zoomies[/i] Just a dog that's also a birb. [*]Smother her in Borzoi memes. [i]Let me do it for youuuu[/i] [*]I'd definitely give freedom for your interpretation of her design! If the winged face is too hard to read, feel free to use a sighthound's snout instead and just have the floppy winged ears. :D [*][i]Interactions[/i] - Ruta! Pyrrha manages to always track her down wherever she is. Ruta thinks she's terrifying but you can't be too terrified of the bestest girl.[/LIST] [b]Hesperia[/b] [LIST][*]Hesperia grew up in a wealthy family and tends to look down on others. She's intelligent, serious, and somewhat cold. She's great with a sword but is also critical of herself for her inability to learn magic despite being taught since she was young. Has a hard time getting close to others, especially in the case of growing a bond with her dragon. Jericho does all of the heavy lifting with raising and caring for two dragons. She's loyal and protective though, eventually becoming friends with Jericho. She hates this demon that they're travelling with though. [*][i]Interactions[/i] - Jericho! They're best friends on a journey together. They hated each other in the beginning but they're past that now, shh. She acts as a sort of guard/protector, though they both have each other's backs when needed.[/LIST] [b]Jericho[/b] [LIST][*]Jericho's just a guy who grew up in a small village in the desert until one day a prophet came to the village and told him he was destined for great things! And then that prophet ended up being a demon and that demon, Jericho, and Hesperia (who he did not get along with) have been riding camels in circles around the desert to try to find this super secret special kingdom just for Jericho. Big Golden Retriever energy. He's learning how to use magic and that's been really fun! He is/will be a dragon rider and his dragon is an earth dragon, so he is specifically learning earth magic. [*][i]Interactions[/i] - Hesperia! They're best friends on a journey together. They hatched each other in the beginning but they're past that now, shh.[/LIST] [b]Elodie[/b] [LIST][*]She is a fusion of Lapras (Pokemon) and Ryugumon (Digimon). She's just here to be elegant and pretty![/LIST] [b]Unnamed[/b] [LIST][*]Poor guy doesn't have a name yet, but he's a fusion of Chatot (Pokemon) and Punkmon (Digimon). He's a music gremlin. Have him jamming to music. Having a great time listening to the most [i]metal[/i] thing you can think of. [i]There's probably parrot memes, feel free to have fun with him! I'm bad at memes sadly, whoops.[/i][/LIST] [b]Cawfee[/b] [LIST][*]It's my boy! Cawfee! He's just a silly little bird who really, really loves coffee. Make him as silly as possible. Or as serious as possible. Have fun![/LIST] [b]Raka[/b] [LIST][*]Raka is based off of a Pesquet's Parrot, or Dracula Parrot, and a melanistic serval. They're an older bird, a monster hunter with a haunted past (and also many, many debts due to a gambling addiction, shh). They absolutely love playing cards, but they are absolutely terrible at playing cards. So Raka constantly finds themselves running into troubles visiting towns. Someway, somehow, someone always recognizes Raka. They're currently on a journey (haven't quite decided what but it's for a very important reason, definitely) alongside an unnamed OC who Raka acts as a sort of mentor to. [*][i]Interactions[/i] - [url=]Unnamed OC[/url][/LIST]
Prioritized Characters

I am currently prioritizing art of these characters; however, if no one here interests you, feel free to check out the rest of my Toyhouse! I would love art of anyone. :D

Check below to see additional information about them! Such as personality and interactions. :D I wrote them all while half asleep so definitely ask for more information if you'd like :D



  • Camille is a fallen angel (instead of wings she can turn into a pied crow :D). She's pretty dark and gloomy, cold, probably only ever really smiles when she's around Alina. She was previously able to heal, but after dying, killing a god, and coming back to life, her healing magic only ever seems to harm others. She still has her fire though. She likes fire. She's currently spending most of her free time foraging for plants and materials to make pigment for paints, healing potions, and poisons for the more nefarious things while she plots ways to kill more gods cause they're all turning to the dark side for some reason???
  • Interactions - Alina! They're partners so ship art is cool. Cami warms up a lot around Alina but Alina tends to be the more affectionate one.

  • Alina is a healer and she has her own shop where she "sells" free healing services and not-free things like potions (that Cami makes! That's why they're not free, oops) and other various knick-knacks. She's sweet, always happy, she just wants to help others (including any of the woodland creatures she finds near her home). She uses water magic to heal!
  • Interactions - Camille! They're partners so ship art is cool. Alina is always bright and cheery and tends to show more affection, Camille is warmer around Alina but tends to be reserved.

  • Ruta's a monster hunter from a different world that was magically whisked away into a world of dragons and monsters that aren't... supposed to be hunted? Her camera functions as a weapon - take a picture, burn the picture, no more monster wow! Though it doesn't work on most monsters in this world - dragons, this random dog she met, Camille (she's definitely tried more than once). She tends to be pretty gloomy, though unlike Camille, puts on a smile anyway to appear happy. She's very particular about her appearance, everything must be neat and everything must be pink.
  • Interactions - Camille and Alina! She's friends with the both of them, though probably a tad bit more close to Alina than Camille (angels aren't very nice in her previous world). Feel free to do little silly snapshots as if she's taking pictures of everyone with her camera! Pyrrha! Best dog, she thinks Pyrrha's pretty cool but is still a bit spooked by the supernatural.

  • Pyrrha is best dog...bird. Bird dog. She is used to track and hunt by one of my OC's (no reference). Very playful. Has the wiggles. Zoomies Just a dog that's also a birb.
  • Smother her in Borzoi memes. Let me do it for youuuu
  • I'd definitely give freedom for your interpretation of her design! If the winged face is too hard to read, feel free to use a sighthound's snout instead and just have the floppy winged ears. :D
  • Interactions - Ruta! Pyrrha manages to always track her down wherever she is. Ruta thinks she's terrifying but you can't be too terrified of the bestest girl.

  • Hesperia grew up in a wealthy family and tends to look down on others. She's intelligent, serious, and somewhat cold. She's great with a sword but is also critical of herself for her inability to learn magic despite being taught since she was young. Has a hard time getting close to others, especially in the case of growing a bond with her dragon. Jericho does all of the heavy lifting with raising and caring for two dragons. She's loyal and protective though, eventually becoming friends with Jericho. She hates this demon that they're travelling with though.
  • Interactions - Jericho! They're best friends on a journey together. They hated each other in the beginning but they're past that now, shh. She acts as a sort of guard/protector, though they both have each other's backs when needed.

  • Jericho's just a guy who grew up in a small village in the desert until one day a prophet came to the village and told him he was destined for great things! And then that prophet ended up being a demon and that demon, Jericho, and Hesperia (who he did not get along with) have been riding camels in circles around the desert to try to find this super secret special kingdom just for Jericho. Big Golden Retriever energy. He's learning how to use magic and that's been really fun! He is/will be a dragon rider and his dragon is an earth dragon, so he is specifically learning earth magic.
  • Interactions - Hesperia! They're best friends on a journey together. They hatched each other in the beginning but they're past that now, shh.

  • She is a fusion of Lapras (Pokemon) and Ryugumon (Digimon). She's just here to be elegant and pretty!

  • Poor guy doesn't have a name yet, but he's a fusion of Chatot (Pokemon) and Punkmon (Digimon). He's a music gremlin. Have him jamming to music. Having a great time listening to the most metal thing you can think of. There's probably parrot memes, feel free to have fun with him! I'm bad at memes sadly, whoops.

  • It's my boy! Cawfee! He's just a silly little bird who really, really loves coffee. Make him as silly as possible. Or as serious as possible. Have fun!

  • Raka is based off of a Pesquet's Parrot, or Dracula Parrot, and a melanistic serval. They're an older bird, a monster hunter with a haunted past (and also many, many debts due to a gambling addiction, shh). They absolutely love playing cards, but they are absolutely terrible at playing cards. So Raka constantly finds themselves running into troubles visiting towns. Someway, somehow, someone always recognizes Raka. They're currently on a journey (haven't quite decided what but it's for a very important reason, definitely) alongside an unnamed OC who Raka acts as a sort of mentor to.
  • Interactions - Unnamed OC
TBmRRMw.pngO930dUy.pngCawfee Shop - ArtRavenswood HatcheryFile Island Hatchery
Res in case
Res in case
TBmRRMw.pngO930dUy.pngCawfee Shop - ArtRavenswood HatcheryFile Island Hatchery
Hello. I need gems to fund my apparel and genes. So I am opening commissions, I do not have an official thread/post for it though. Headshots for 500 gems and Chibi fullbody for 1300 gems. My TAT is usually same day but the longest will be 3 days.

Here are my examples.

Please dm me if you’re interested or if you have any questions. Thank you.
Hello. I need gems to fund my apparel and genes. So I am opening commissions, I do not have an official thread/post for it though. Headshots for 500 gems and Chibi fullbody for 1300 gems. My TAT is usually same day but the longest will be 3 days.

Here are my examples.

Please dm me if you’re interested or if you have any questions. Thank you.
gently pokes you. hello again for the 500th time :3c

i must say that pyrrha is incredibly intriguing to me and i'd looove to draw her. or really any of your characters, of course! especially alina and/or camille also interest me :D

would be interested in FRC, art trades, or a combination of the two! preferably a combo honestly :0

as for prices/values/whatever, i'm currently in the process of making a new commissions sheet for updated prices, but for now it's totally okay to go by my current prices in my normal art shop. mspaint shop prices will likely be staying the same, though! if they do go up, it won't be by much. i'd be happy to do any type of art for ya, just know that the mspaint art is generally a shorter turnaround- however, i have spring break next week, so i should be able to get some more 'serious' art done then.

let me know if you're interested and we can work something out! :D

edit to add: im also kinda interested in this guy maybe?
gently pokes you. hello again for the 500th time :3c

i must say that pyrrha is incredibly intriguing to me and i'd looove to draw her. or really any of your characters, of course! especially alina and/or camille also interest me :D

would be interested in FRC, art trades, or a combination of the two! preferably a combo honestly :0

as for prices/values/whatever, i'm currently in the process of making a new commissions sheet for updated prices, but for now it's totally okay to go by my current prices in my normal art shop. mspaint shop prices will likely be staying the same, though! if they do go up, it won't be by much. i'd be happy to do any type of art for ya, just know that the mspaint art is generally a shorter turnaround- however, i have spring break next week, so i should be able to get some more 'serious' art done then.

let me know if you're interested and we can work something out! :D

edit to add: im also kinda interested in this guy maybe?
eyayah | art shop | LF art | doodle shop
TBmRRMw.pngO930dUy.pngCawfee Shop - ArtRavenswood HatcheryFile Island Hatchery
TBmRRMw.pngO930dUy.pngCawfee Shop - ArtRavenswood HatcheryFile Island Hatchery
@Cawfee for 650g a character I could do this style for any humans/humanoids. They will be fullbodies [img][/img]
@Cawfee for 650g a character I could do this style for any humans/humanoids. They will be fullbodies
