
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | Mother of All Modern Dragons Quest

That makes 100% sense, and I am often in the same boat.

I'll stick him in my Den to wait a while. If you decide in the future, either way, just let me know. And if there is a twin in the future, you would have a choice. ;D


Sorry there was no bogsneak, but HotChocolate and RaspberryRipple are both adorable! Congrats on such a nice hatch! :D

That makes 100% sense, and I am often in the same boat.

I'll stick him in my Den to wait a while. If you decide in the future, either way, just let me know. And if there is a twin in the future, you would have a choice. ;D


Sorry there was no bogsneak, but HotChocolate and RaspberryRipple are both adorable! Congrats on such a nice hatch! :D

Congratulations on such pretty little fae! Looks like you have a really nice pair there, so your bogsneak will be really pretty too. :D

Congratulations on such pretty little fae! Looks like you have a really nice pair there, so your bogsneak will be really pretty too. :D
@Nerilka @Sun1

Thank you both so much! I'm definitely hoping for a Bogsneak as pretty as those two - and RaspberryRipple was an XYY!
@Nerilka @Sun1

Thank you both so much! I'm definitely hoping for a Bogsneak as pretty as those two - and RaspberryRipple was an XYY!

The first nest is always nice to see the real hatchlings, even if they’re the wrong breed! Hope you get a Bogsneak on the next nest, good luck! :)


Thank you! I will keep a not too close eye on any future green hatchlings you post! :)

The first nest is always nice to see the real hatchlings, even if they’re the wrong breed! Hope you get a Bogsneak on the next nest, good luck! :)


Thank you! I will keep a not too close eye on any future green hatchlings you post! :)

Thank you! I think Candy and this particular Cane do mesh quite well from what we've seen!

Thank you! I think Candy and this particular Cane do mesh quite well from what we've seen!

You're welcome. :D

Watch, the next green hatchling will be a coatl. hahaha

You're welcome. :D

Watch, the next green hatchling will be a coatl. hahaha
Blackberry and Odin didn't give me any Skydancers this time, but there are 3 very pretty fae [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] Two boys and a girl
Blackberry and Odin didn't give me any Skydancers this time, but there are 3 very pretty fae




Two boys and a girl
tumblr_ps6aiaSpNY1ugssd3o3_500.png meteorbombing_badge_by_jeanawei-dblyp4m.gif]

They turned out really cute! I think your SD from this pair will be absolutely adorable. :D

They turned out really cute! I think your SD from this pair will be absolutely adorable. :D

They are so precious! Congrats on a nice hatch. :D

They are so precious! Congrats on a nice hatch. :D

What lovely little fae! Wishing you good luck hatching a SD brother or sister next time for them. :D

What lovely little fae! Wishing you good luck hatching a SD brother or sister next time for them. :D