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Hey all! I'm looking to add a few more shadow themed dragons to my lair. Bonus points if they were born during the festival. I really would like modern dragons as I prefer to dress 'em up. I really like XYZ dragons too! Please show me what you got!
Hey all! I'm looking to add a few more shadow themed dragons to my lair. Bonus points if they were born during the festival. I really would like modern dragons as I prefer to dress 'em up. I really like XYZ dragons too! Please show me what you got!
Maybe this boy? Not born during the festival tho (feel free to haggle!) [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][br][size=2][url=][color=c0c0c0]Code created by DalphiaRoses's Code Generator[/color][/url][/size][nextcol][center][url=][br][b]Tapu[/b] [br]ID# - 100778691[/url][br][emoji=arcane rune size=1] Uncommon Eyes[br][img][/img][br][br]Stonewash | Piebald[br]Overcast | Bee[br]Phthalo | Opal[br] [emoji=treasure size=1] 35.000 [br][emoji=gem size=1] 35[br] [url=][img][/img][/url][/columns]
Maybe this boy? Not born during the festival tho (feel free to haggle!)
Code created by DalphiaRoses's Code Generator


ID# - 100778691

Uncommon Eyes

Stonewash | Piebald
Overcast | Bee
Phthalo | Opal


I have this girl I'm trying to re-home. She'd be completely free if you're interested! [url=][img][/img][/url]
I have this girl I'm trying to re-home. She'd be completely free if you're interested!

Hi! I only have one modern born yesterday. She has the same colors as the Shadowbinder: [url=][img][/img][/url] Feel free to take a look at [url=]my sales tab[/url] for ancients also born during the festival, or older moderns. :)
Hi! I only have one modern born yesterday. She has the same colors as the Shadowbinder:

Feel free to take a look at my sales tab for ancients also born during the festival, or older moderns. :)
[quote name="Shalott" date="2025-02-24 16:02:00" ] Hi! I only have one modern born yesterday. She has the same colors as the Shadowbinder: [url=][img][/img][/url] Feel free to take a look at [url=]my sales tab[/url] for ancients also born during the festival, or older moderns. :) [/quote] Nabbed her! I was actually planning on getting more dragons with the deities colors. Thank you!
Shalott wrote on 2025-02-24 16:02:00:
Hi! I only have one modern born yesterday. She has the same colors as the Shadowbinder:

Feel free to take a look at my sales tab for ancients also born during the festival, or older moderns. :)

Nabbed her! I was actually planning on getting more dragons with the deities colors. Thank you!
[center]i have some neat dragons sitting around! [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][center] (#101249939) [b]Obsidia[/b] female snapper light | uncommon second generation [emoji=primary gene] shale | pinstripe [emoji=secondary gene] plum | trail [emoji=tertiary gene] driftwood | opal [emoji=money bag] 30kt/g [url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][center] (#101249940) [b]Astrid[/b] female fathom light | unusual second generation [emoji=primary gene] shale | pinstripe [emoji=secondary gene] plum | trail [emoji=tertiary gene] grey | opal [emoji=money bag] 30kt/g [url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][center] (#95811957) male guardian light | common [emoji=primary gene] midnight | boa [emoji=secondary gene] twilight | flair [emoji=tertiary gene] oilslick | runes [emoji=money bag] 30kt/g (or free! currently in giveaway tab!)[/columns]
i have some neat dragons sitting around!
female snapper
light | uncommon
second generation

shale | pinstripe
plum | trail
driftwood | opal

female fathom
light | unusual
second generation

shale | pinstripe
plum | trail
grey | opal

male guardian
light | common

midnight | boa
twilight | flair
oilslick | runes

(or free! currently in giveaway tab!)
Maybe Her can like You? is lil Dark and i think is like Trickmurk Event [emoji=familiar heart size=1] ( is Born during the Event 24/02 ) [img alt=""][/img] [url=]Here[/url] if you wanna see, if you are interested i can sell for 20g/20ktr, if you are interested tell me and i send the PA
Maybe Her can like You?
is lil Dark and i think is like Trickmurk Event ( is Born during the Event 24/02 )

Here if you wanna see, if you are interested i can sell for 20g/20ktr, if you are interested tell me and i send the PA
c464frZ.pngMain Den:PrimalsSelling TabrGWyoVz.png
Glad she found such a nice home! Thank you and I hope you enjoy her. ^^
Glad she found such a nice home! Thank you and I hope you enjoy her. ^^
[quote name="Terboherbo" date="2025-02-24 17:24:02" ] [center]i have some neat dragons sitting around! [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][center] (#101249939) [b]Obsidia[/b] female snapper light | uncommon second generation [emoji=primary gene] shale | pinstripe [emoji=secondary gene] plum | trail [emoji=tertiary gene] driftwood | opal [emoji=money bag] 30kt/g [url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][center] (#101249940) [b]Astrid[/b] female fathom light | unusual second generation [emoji=primary gene] shale | pinstripe [emoji=secondary gene] plum | trail [emoji=tertiary gene] grey | opal [emoji=money bag] 30kt/g [url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][center] (#95811957) male guardian light | common [emoji=primary gene] midnight | boa [emoji=secondary gene] twilight | flair [emoji=tertiary gene] oilslick | runes [emoji=money bag] 30kt/g (or free! currently in giveaway tab!)[/columns] [/quote] Grabbed Astrid from ya, thank you!
i have some neat dragons sitting around!
female snapper
light | uncommon
second generation

shale | pinstripe
plum | trail
driftwood | opal

female fathom
light | unusual
second generation

shale | pinstripe
plum | trail
grey | opal

male guardian
light | common

midnight | boa
twilight | flair
oilslick | runes

(or free! currently in giveaway tab!)

Grabbed Astrid from ya, thank you!
Hiya! You can take a peak at my 2nd lair tab for more shadow dragons but here's some shadow-y ones! [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url] All of the dragons shown are guaranteed to be 100% organically hatched Shadow Dragons! No additives or artificial flavors! REAL sparkles!
Hiya! You can take a peak at my 2nd lair tab for more shadow dragons but here's some shadow-y ones!




All of the dragons shown are guaranteed to be 100% organically hatched Shadow Dragons! No additives or artificial flavors! REAL sparkles!
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