Like, at all? And what would be a fair price (per outfit)
Here are some examples if that helps:
Stooges Fit
Noma Outfir
Outfit for Noma
For Cookie
Sea Theme Stoogwen
Raffle fit
Like, at all? And what would be a fair price (per outfit)
Here are some examples if that helps:
Stooges Fit
Noma Outfir
Outfit for Noma
For Cookie
Sea Theme Stoogwen
Raffle fit
astralofthesea First off, lovely outfits! They look wonderful :))
In general, I know that if I have questions or requests for someone to help me dress a dragon, I just make my own thread and ask for help in the dragon share forum and usually one or two people will respond and give suggestions/ make an outfit for the derg of interest. There are also a few "free dressing threads" going around as well that I've seen, so selling might be difficult. That being said, never hurts to give it a shot!
astralofthesea First off, lovely outfits! They look wonderful :))
In general, I know that if I have questions or requests for someone to help me dress a dragon, I just make my own thread and ask for help in the dragon share forum and usually one or two people will respond and give suggestions/ make an outfit for the derg of interest. There are also a few "free dressing threads" going around as well that I've seen, so selling might be difficult. That being said, never hurts to give it a shot!