
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | [Closed] Allocen's SIGN Shop FRC/USD 2/2
[b]Dragon:[/b] [img][/img] [b]Pose you want:[/b] I was thinking something that has a bit of attitude? Sassy or smug maybe. But I completely trust your judgement on posing! [b]Payment:[/b] USD Please (I don't mind paying extra for the snakes!)
Dragon: dragon?age=1&body=30&bodygene=62&breed=19&element=11&eyetype=0&gender=0&tert=161&tertgene=393&winggene=140&wings=86&auth=d4c57c1a25562ddea6434afc5dd4fd9fc6415f8f&dummyext=prev.png
Pose you want: I was thinking something that has a bit of attitude? Sassy or smug maybe. But I completely trust your judgement on posing!
Payment: USD Please (I don't mind paying extra for the snakes!)
@liquidcrystal Hello again and welcome back! [emoji=aether love size=2] What a beautiful couple! They actually seem very in love. Yes I can do that! I will make him in a reflected pose with expressions with interaction with her and the sun! I'll send the payment link by PM :) ------ @iamwrath Welcome! Got it - Oh don't worry the price is Ok! I'll send the payment link by PM [emoji=aether winking size=2]

Hello again and welcome back!

What a beautiful couple!
They actually seem very in love.
Yes I can do that! I will make him in a reflected pose
with expressions with interaction with her and the sun!
I'll send the payment link by PM :)


Got it - Oh don't worry the price is Ok!
I'll send the payment link by PM

[center]Up Up! We still have: 1 [b]USD[/b] slots [emoji=money bag size=1] 2 [b]FRC[/b] Slots [emoji=gem size=1] [size=2]Remembering that slots in USD have delivery priority.[/size] [emoji=aether star size=2] [/center]
Up Up!

We still have:
1 USD slots
2 FRC Slots
Remembering that slots in USD have delivery priority.

[b]Dragon:[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Pose you want:[/b] Shooting a smarmy grin at the viewer with a rose in his mouth. Would like to keep his sly glance if possible along with the rainbow starswirl. He thinks he's [b]very[/b] charming. [b]Payment:[/b] USD
Dragon: 100339136_350.png
Pose you want: Shooting a smarmy grin at the viewer with a rose in his mouth. Would like to keep his sly glance if possible along with the rainbow starswirl. He thinks he's very charming.
Payment: USD
@yawfle Please be welcome! You got the Slot. [emoji=aether laughing size=2] I'll send the payment link by PM :)

Please be welcome!
You got the Slot.

I'll send the payment link by PM :)

[center][b]Dragon:[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Pose you want:[/b] like her fate namesake, i want her to just look serious and mysterious! [b]Payment:[/b] Gems![/center]
Dragon: 92463611_350.png
Pose you want: like her fate namesake, i want her to just look serious and mysterious!
Payment: Gems!
[center]@DoctorStrange Welcome Doctor! [img][/img] You got your slot. [emoji=aether winking size=2] You can send your payment via PM - Afte that 'ill add your [url=]trello card on QUEUE[/url] so you can track your order! :) Delivery until 17th [/center]

Welcome Doctor!


You got your slot.

You can send your payment via PM - Afte that 'ill add your trello card on QUEUE
so you can track your order! :)
Delivery until 17th
[b]Dragon:[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]Pose you want: [/b] don't have any specific idea but i'd love something that's playful! [b]Payment:[/b] gems
Pose you want: don't have any specific idea but i'd love something that's playful!
Payment: gems
ill make this nice and aesthetic later shhhh

pronouns page | tumblr | carrd

Sorry the delay - I'm a little sick these days.
You got the last slot - thank you so much!
I'll send the payment link by PM ^^

@DoctorStrange // @Jereton // @RetroCatalyst // @commoncomitatus

I would like to take this opportunity to let you know that I may delay the delivery of your orders by a few days as I am still recovering from the flu.

But I intend to deliver everything by the 20th. I apologize for that.

Sorry the delay - I'm a little sick these days.
You got the last slot - thank you so much!
I'll send the payment link by PM ^^

@DoctorStrange // @Jereton // @RetroCatalyst // @commoncomitatus

I would like to take this opportunity to let you know that I may delay the delivery of your orders by a few days as I am still recovering from the flu.

But I intend to deliver everything by the 20th. I apologize for that.
[center][size=6][b]Last Delivery Work:[/b][/size] [url=][img][/img][/url] [size=2] For [url=]liquidcrystal[/url][/size]
Last Delivery Work:

For liquidcrystal
