hi there! remember me from last year.. Sunchaser Jewelry... i'm looking for a much smaller trade now - would you be willing to trade a Black Chess Pack for 23 chests? :D
edit: i ended up grabbing the familiar from the shop itself, good luck with your other orders!!
hi there! remember me from last year.. Sunchaser Jewelry... i'm looking for a much smaller trade now - would you be willing to trade a Black Chess Pack for 23 chests? :D
edit: i ended up grabbing the familiar from the shop itself, good luck with your other orders!!
hello! new to this, have plenty of eggs and not much to do with them, and a yearning for a halo. How much would the spellwrought halo and the luminous halo be, separately? (in eggs?) (if they are available??)
hello! new to this, have plenty of eggs and not much to do with them, and a yearning for a halo. How much would the spellwrought halo and the luminous halo be, separately? (in eggs?) (if they are available??)
Hello, I'm interested in the Wavesweeper boss familiar. Can't seem to get it to drop for the life of me. How many eggs are you asking for it?
A scroll that will change the tertiary gene of one dragon to Soap. This item can only be used once and will disappear after it has been applied.
for 67 chests + a egg?
Primary Gene: Orb
Specialty Items
A scroll that will change the primary gene of one dragon to Orb. This item can only be used once and will disappear after it has been applied.
for a egg + 7 chests
Skin: run through the fields
Fathom Male Only
Skins are equippable items that can be worn like a coat of paint on top of the skin of your dragon. The look of the skin will not be passed onto offspring and may be unequipped at any time. (Designed by Silis.)
Itemid #58278
[quote name="@SolCanis" date="2025-01-03 18:36:39" ]
Hi again! I am wondering how much a trade for the following would be if you happen to have these familiars + the apparel piece?:
[item=Leafy Gladeboughs] - 47 chests
[item=Spirit of Earth] 20
[item=Spirit of Fire] 30
[item=Spirit of Ice] 31
[item=Spirit of Lightning] 23
[item=Spirit of Plague] 20
[item=Spirit of Wind] 23
Hello! Sorry for delay in handling the order. I listed down the chests, you can convert any of them to eggs 1:13 ratio :)
Hi again! I am wondering how much a trade for the following would be if you happen to have these familiars + the apparel piece?:
Leafy Gladeboughs
Dedicated acolytes of the Gladekeeper may transport precious saplings and extend the reach of the forest. (Greenskeeper Gathering 2015 Holiday Item)
- 47 chests
Spirit of Earth
An etched spirit animal that contains the essence of earth. (Rockbreaker's Ceremony Holiday Familiar 2017.)
Spirit of Fire
A burning spirit animal that contains the essence of fire.
(Flameforger's Festival Holiday Familiar 2017.)
Spirit of Ice
A snowy spirit animal that contains the essence of ice. (Crystalline Gala Holiday Familiar 2018.)
Spirit of Lightning
A flashing spirit animal that contains the essence of lightning.
(Thundercrack Carnivale Holiday Familiar 2017.)
Spirit of Plague
A festering spirit animal that contains the essence of plague. (Riot of Rot Holiday Familiar 2017.)
Spirit of Wind
An ephemeral spirit animal that contains the essence of wind. (Mistral Jamboree Holiday Familiar 2018.)
Hello! Sorry for delay in handling the order. I listed down the chests, you can convert any of them to eggs 1:13 ratio :)
Looking for a KS familiar!
Hello! I am sorry it took me so long to take care of your order. If you still are interested, prices will be updated. I felt sick entire morning, and when I finally woke, NOTN was over, and I was not able to stock the items. I can buy them from AH, but prices will be higher :(
NotN Familiars:
White Chess Herd (420g)
Black Chess Pack (420g)
Hello! I am sorry it took me so long to take care of your order. If you still are interested, prices will be updated. I felt sick entire morning, and when I finally woke, NOTN was over, and I was not able to stock the items. I can buy them from AH, but prices will be higher :(
NotN Familiars:
White Chess Herd (420g)
Black Chess Pack (420g)
[quote name="@Twizz" date="2025-01-03 23:28:36" ]
Hey there!
I'd like to order an Aberration Breed Change Scroll and a Dusthide Breed Change Scroll if possible. How many Strange Chests would you want for them?
Hello :)
Aberration Breed Change Scroll - 17 chests
Dusthide Breed Change - also 17 chests :)
[quote name="@Raon222" date="2025-01-04 06:32:35" ]
Hello! I'm looking to get a Tertiary Gene: Koi (modern)
Will one noc egg(195g) + 67 strange chests(1005g) be alright?
Will be sending a one-way CR :)
Hello! Yes that works :)