
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | water's personal quest thread
[center][img][/img] [columns][img][/img][nextcol][color=transparent]xxx[/color][nextcol][b]quest thread[/b] please don't post this is mainly to motivate me to do other things when I feel bored with just doing the daily tasks [url=]art resources[/url] [img][/img] [url=]bad luck blitz[/url] [url=]chest challenge[/url] [url=]99 sand challenge[/url] [url=]gene everyone up![/url] breed out the ugly long drop challenge[/columns] [/center]
Venue-vert.png xxx quest thread

please don't post

this is mainly to motivate me to do other things when I feel bored with just doing the daily tasks

art resources


bad luck blitz
chest challenge
99 sand challenge
gene everyone up!
breed out the ugly
long drop challenge
OOso4C1.pngxxx they/them - fr+19 - carrd
quests | lore

not super active
[center][columns][img][/img][nextcol][size=5]bad luck blitz[/size] [url=]original thread[/url] * got more pickier with what was "notable" for loot[/columns][/center] [img][/img] [center][size=5]training fields[/size] [b]number of battles:[/b] 56 [b]notable loot[/b] [item=leafy pack][item=aquatic might fragment][item=natural might fragment][item=leafy pack][item=ember mouse][item=silky webwing] [img][/img] [size=5]woodland path[/size] [b]number of battles:[/b] 2 [b]notable loot[/b] n/a [img][/img] [size=5]scorched forest[/size] [b]number of battles:[/b] 38 (cont.) [b]notable loot:[/b] [item=centaur archer] [img][/img] [size=5]boneyard[/size] [b]number of battles:[/b] 54 [b]notable loot:[/b] [item=cranial cache] [img][/img] [size=5]sandswept delta[/size] [b]number of battles:[/b] 64 [b]notable loot:[/b] [item=iridescent scaleback][item=greatshell][item=acuity fragment][item=magical acuity fragment][item=fishscale basket][item=fishscale basket] [img][/img] [size=5]silk-strewn wreckage[/size] [b]number of battles:[/b] 91 [b]notable loot:[/b] [item=wrapped trove][item=colony killer][item=silkmith][item=might fragment] [img][/img] [size=5]blooming grove[/size] [b]number of battles:[/b] 195 [b]notable loot:[/b] [item=lilium floron][item=myosotis fox][item=fungi sage][item=earthen acuity fragment][item=leaf bolt][item=fungi sage][item=frostbite dryad][item=zephyr might fragment][item=petalmane floron] [img][/img] [size=5]forgotten cave[/size] [b]number of battles:[/b] 297 [b]notable loot:[/b] [item=centaur berserker][item=peacevine aardvark][item=blue dragon reef snail][item=acuity fragment][item=anticipate][item=earthen might fragment][item=earthen might fragment][item=glittering geode][item=freezing slash][item=swiftfoot slayer][item=crimson rogue bracers][item=cursed bat][item=contuse][item=ancient fungus][item=sap] [img][/img] [size=5]bamboo falls[/size] [b]number of battles:[/b] 17 [b]notable loot:[/b] n/a [img][/img] [size=5]thunderhead savanna[/size] [b]number of battles:[/b] 48 (cont.) [b]notable loot:[/b] [item=bubbly bisque garniture] [img][/img] [size=5]redrock cove[/size] [b]number of battles:[/b] [b]notable loot:[/b] [img][/img] [size=5]waterway[/size] [b]number of battles:[/b] [b]notable loot:[/b] [img][/img] [size=5]arena[/size] [b]number of battles:[/b] [b]notable loot:[/b] [img][/img] [size=5]volcanic vents[/size] [b]number of battles:[/b] [b]notable loot:[/b] [img][/img] [size=5]rainsong jungle[/size] [b]number of battles:[/b] [b]notable loot:[/b] [img][/img] [size=5]boreal woods[/size] [b]number of battles:[/b] [b]notable loot:[/b] [img][/img] [size=5]crystal pools[/size] [b]number of battles:[/b] [b]notable loot:[/b] [img][/img] [size=5]harpy's roost[/size] [b]number of battles:[/b] [b]notable loot:[/b] [img][/img] [size=5]ghostlight ruins[/size] [b]number of battles:[/b] [b]notable loot:[/b] [img][/img] [size=5]mire[/size] [b]number of battles:[/b] [b]notable loot:[/b] [img][/img] [size=5]kelp beds[/size] [b]number of battles:[/b] [b]notable loot:[/b] [img][/img] [size=5]golem workshop[/size] [b]number of battles:[/b] [b]notable loot:[/b] [size=5]forbidden portal[/size] [b]number of battles:[/b] [b]notable loot:[/b] [img][/img] [img][/img][/center]
Item-1.png bad luck blitz
original thread
* got more pickier with what was "notable" for loot
training fields
number of battles: 56
notable loot
Leafy Pack Aquatic Might Fragment Natural Might Fragment Leafy Pack Ember Mouse Silky Webwing


woodland path
number of battles: 2
notable loot n/a


scorched forest
number of battles: 38 (cont.)
notable loot:
Centaur Archer


number of battles: 54
notable loot:
Cranial Cache


sandswept delta
number of battles: 64
notable loot:
Iridescent Scaleback Greatshell Acuity Fragment Magical Acuity Fragment Fishscale Basket Fishscale Basket


silk-strewn wreckage
number of battles: 91
notable loot:
Wrapped Trove Colony Killer Silkmith Might Fragment


blooming grove
number of battles: 195
notable loot:
Lilium Floron Myosotis Fox Fungi Sage Earthen Acuity Fragment Leaf Bolt Fungi Sage Frostbite Dryad Zephyr Might Fragment Petalmane Floron


forgotten cave
number of battles: 297
notable loot:
Centaur Berserker Peacevine Aardvark Blue Dragon Reef Snail Acuity Fragment Anticipate Earthen Might Fragment Earthen Might Fragment Glittering Geode Freezing Slash Swiftfoot Slayer Crimson Rogue Bracers Cursed Bat Contuse Ancient Fungus Sap


bamboo falls
number of battles: 17
notable loot: n/a


thunderhead savanna
number of battles: 48 (cont.)
notable loot:
Bubbly Bisque Garniture


redrock cove
number of battles:
notable loot:


number of battles:
notable loot:


number of battles:
notable loot:


volcanic vents
number of battles:
notable loot:


rainsong jungle
number of battles:
notable loot:


boreal woods
number of battles:
notable loot:


crystal pools
number of battles:
notable loot:


harpy's roost
number of battles:
notable loot:


ghostlight ruins
number of battles:
notable loot:


number of battles:
notable loot:


kelp beds
number of battles:
notable loot:


golem workshop
number of battles:
notable loot:

forbidden portal
number of battles:
notable loot:


OOso4C1.pngxxx they/them - fr+19 - carrd
quests | lore

not super active
[center][columns][img][/img][nextcol][color=transparent]xxx[/color][size=6]chest challenge 2018[/size][/columns] [img][/img] [columns][color=transparent]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx[/color][img][/img][nextcol][url=]original thread[/url][nextcol][img][/img][/columns] I will not be opening any chests, treasure packs and the likes until [b]15th December 2018[/b] as that is my birthday c: [img][/img] [columns][item=rusted treasure chest]x31[nextcol] [item=iron treasure chest]x16[nextcol] [item=gilded decorative chest]x4[nextcol] [item=broken penny jar]x69[nextcol] [item=leafy pack]x2[/columns] [columns][item=fishscale basket]x2[nextcol] [item=bursting sack of shinies]x2[nextcol] [item=shattered ceramic jar]x5[nextcol] [item=broken pottery jar]x103[nextcol] [item=waterlogged trunk]x3[/columns] [columns][item=broken flower pot]x2[nextcol] [item=treasured planter]x1[nextcol] [nextcol] [nextcol] [/columns] ~~~ [b]currency earned:[/b] 170,738 treasure & 109 gems [b]notable items[/b] [item=gold steampunk tail bauble][item=green birdskull headdress][item=forest green head wrap][item=silver filigree tail guard][item=simple iron bracelets][item=maned rasa][item=grassland skira][item=raptorik herder][item=frostfinder's arctic tail cozy][item=magma runner][item=druid's woodwing][item=crimson aviator satchel][item=shadowscale helmet][item=ebony filigree banner][item=mage's cranberry socks][item=white wooly coat][item=golden birdskull legband][item=Cloudgazer's Arctic Goggles][item=Poisonous Woodtreads][item=Ashmane Chimera][item=Black Linen Wing Wraps][item=Magma Runner][item=Crimson Reef Snail][item=Brown Wooly Tail][item=Phoenix][item=Pomegranate Plumed Mantle][item=Antique Lace Waist Frill][item=Dusky Rose Thorn Collar][item=Shattered Serpent] [/center]
Alstroemeria-Fox_FLIPPED.gif xxxchest challenge 2018

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxextra2.png original thread extra4.png

I will not be opening any chests, treasure packs and the likes until 15th December 2018 as that is my birthday c:

Rusted Treasure Chest x31 Iron Treasure Chest x16 Gilded Decorative Chest x4 Broken Penny Jar x69 Leafy Pack x2
Fishscale Basket x2 Bursting Sack of Shinies x2 Shattered Ceramic Jar x5 Broken Pottery Jar x103 Waterlogged Trunk x3
Broken Flower Pot x2 Treasured Planter x1


currency earned: 170,738 treasure & 109 gems
notable items
Gold Steampunk Tail Bauble Green Birdskull Headdress Forest Green Head Wrap Silver Filigree Tail Guard Simple Iron Bracelets Maned Rasa Grassland Skira Raptorik Herder Frostfinder's Arctic Tail Cozy Magma Runner Druid's Woodwing Crimson Aviator Satchel Shadowscale Helmet Ebony Filigree Banner Mage's Cranberry Socks White Wooly Coat Golden Birdskull Legband Cloudgazer's Arctic Goggles Poisonous Woodtreads Ashmane Chimera Black Linen Wing Wraps Magma Runner Crimson Reef Snail Brown Wooly Tail Phoenix Pomegranate Plumed Mantle Antique Lace Waist Frill Dusky Rose Thorn Collar Shattered Serpent
OOso4C1.pngxxx they/them - fr+19 - carrd
quests | lore

not super active
[center][columns][img][/img][nextcol][size=5]99 sand challenge[/size] [url=]original thread[/url][/columns] [img][/img] smelting down an entire stack of sand [item=sand] [b]99/99[/b] [img][/img] [center] [columns][color=transparent]...................[/color][item=green ooze][nextcol] x41[color=transparent]..........[/color][nextcol][item=yellow ooze][nextcol] x20[color=transparent]..........[/color][nextcol][item=orange ooze][nextcol] x24[color=transparent]...........[/color][/columns] [columns][color=transparent]...................[/color][item=red ooze][nextcol] x7[color=transparent]...........[/color][nextcol][item=purple ooze][nextcol] x7[color=transparent]...........[/color][nextcol][item=blue ooze][nextcol] x0[color=transparent]...........[/color][/columns] [/center]
Item-1.png 99 sand challenge
original thread

smelting down an entire stack of sand


................... Green Ooze x41.......... Yellow Ooze x20.......... Orange Ooze x24...........
................... Red Ooze x7........... Purple Ooze x7........... Blue Ooze x0...........
OOso4C1.pngxxx they/them - fr+19 - carrd
quests | lore

not super active
[center][columns][img][/img][nextcol][color=transparent]xxx[/color][size=6]gene everyone up![/size][/columns] [img][/img] Going through my lair, there are g1s and other dragons who need scrolls! not all of these are totally confirmed, they will be changing as new genes are released and as I change my mind [img][/img] [img][/img][item=primary gene: iridescent][item=tertiary gene: glowtail] [img][/img][item=secondary gene: bee][item=tertiary gene: filigree] [img][/img][item=primary gene: petals (aether)][item=secondary gene: flair (aether)][item=tertiary gene: glowtail(aether)] [/center]
Alstroemeria-Fox_FLIPPED.gif xxxgene everyone up!


Going through my lair, there are g1s and other dragons who need scrolls!
not all of these are totally confirmed, they will be changing as new genes are released and as I change my mind


38516707p.png Primary Gene: Iridescent Tertiary Gene: Glowtail
32644662p.png Secondary Gene: Bee Tertiary Gene: Filigree
OOso4C1.pngxxx they/them - fr+19 - carrd
quests | lore

not super active
[center][columns][img][/img][nextcol][color=transparent]xxx[/color][size=6]chest challenge 2019[/size][/columns] [img][/img] [columns][color=transparent]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx[/color][img][/img][nextcol][url=]original thread[/url][nextcol][img][/img][/columns] I will not be opening any chests, treasure packs and the likes until [b]15th December 2019[/b] as that is my birthday c: [img][/img] [columns][item=rusted treasure chest]x174[nextcol] [item=iron treasure chest]x28[nextcol] [item=gilded decorative chest]x14[nextcol] [item=broken penny jar]x73[nextcol] [item=leafy pack]x11[/columns] [columns][item=fishscale basket]x3[nextcol] [item=hefty treasure cache]x1[nextcol] [item=some secret stash]x2[nextcol] [item=shattered ceramic jar]x29[nextcol] [item=broken pottery jar]x61[nextcol][/columns] [columns][item=frozen knapsack]x3[nextcol] [item=waterlogged trunk]x23[nextcol] [item=terra cotta vase]x1[nextcol] [item=broken flower pot]x9[nextcol] [item=treasured planter]x5[nextcol] [nextcol] [/columns] ~~~ [b]currency earned:[/b] 479,896 treasure & 283 gems [b]notable items[/b] [item=Mage's Peony Bag][item=Navy Aviator Scarf][item=Sparkling Violet Arm Bow][item=Maroon Neck Wrap][item=White Linen Chest Wrap][item=Ranger's Hat][item=Pretty Pink Tail Bow][item=Mage's Walnut Hat][item=Red Healer's Trail][item=Mage's Peony Socks][item=Dustrunner's Arctic Pants][item=Red Healer's Slippers][item=Forest Green Wing Wraps][item=Druid's Woodtreads][item=Teardrop Lapis Lazuli Ring][item=Sparkling Violet Tail Bow][item=Winterwatcher's Arctic Pants][item=Cat's Wing Fans][item=Black Arm Bow][item=Sweetheart Lace Collar][item=Hooded Dodo][item=Parasitic Fungus][item=Blue Birdskull Necklace][item=Frosttangle Strangler][item=Forest Rogue Mask][item=Brilliant Healer's Reference][item=Brilliant Healer's Vestments][item=Sparkling Violet Neck Bow][item=Mith Bruiser][item=Bramblecrown Stoat][item=Silver Steampunk Vest][item=Vibrant Rogue Gloves][item=Teardrop Lapis Lazuli Leg Band][item=Pretty Peach Neck Bow][item=Paper Wildclaw Masque][item=Mage's Thicket Hat][item=Rose Gold Steampunk Wing Armor][item=Gold Filigree Helmet][item=Sentry Squawker][item=Nomad's Sandwastes Sash][item=Buttercup-Edged Claw][item=Forest Rogue Footpads][item=Bluemoon Aviar][item=Scout's Hat][item=Tarnished Steel Belt][item=Ornate Iron Bracelet][item=Crimson Aviator Satchel][item=Gold Aviator Scarf][item=Woodland Headband][item=Scarlet Sylvan Filigree][item=Armored Duskflapper][item=Pretty Aqua Arm Bow][item=King Quillrunner][item=Sewer Toridae][item=Siren Sylvan Dress][item=Silver Flower Crown][item=Serthis Alchemist][item=Contrast Rogue Footpads][item=Brass Scale Cuirass][item=Golden Birdskull Headdress][item=Octoflyer][item=Permafrost Impaler][item=Pomegranate Plumed Headdress][item=Pretty Pink Tail Bow][item=Petalwing Peryton][item=Longneck Gladiator][item=Pretty Magenta Head Bow][item=Parasitic Fungus][item=Spotted Faun][item=Dustrunner's Arctic Goggles][item=Larkspur Corsage][item=Twilight Sylvan Dress][item=Constantan Steampunk Wings] [/center]
Alstroemeria-Fox_FLIPPED.gif xxxchest challenge 2019

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxextra2.png original thread extra4.png

I will not be opening any chests, treasure packs and the likes until 15th December 2019 as that is my birthday c:

Rusted Treasure Chest x174 Iron Treasure Chest x28 Gilded Decorative Chest x14 Broken Penny Jar x73 Leafy Pack x11
Fishscale Basket x3 Hefty Treasure Cache x1 Some Secret Stash x2 Shattered Ceramic Jar x29 Broken Pottery Jar x61
Frozen Knapsack x3 Waterlogged Trunk x23 Terra Cotta Vase x1 Broken Flower Pot x9 Treasured Planter x5


currency earned: 479,896 treasure & 283 gems
notable items
Mage's Peony Bag Navy Aviator Scarf Sparkling Violet Arm Bow Maroon Neck Wrap White Linen Chest Wrap Ranger's Hat Pretty Pink Tail Bow Mage's Walnut Hat Red Healer's Trail Mage's Peony Socks Dustrunner's Arctic Pants Red Healer's Slippers Forest Green Wing Wraps Druid's Woodtreads Teardrop Lapis Lazuli Ring Sparkling Violet Tail Bow Winterwatcher's Arctic Pants Cat's Wing Fans Black Arm Bow Sweetheart Lace Collar Hooded Dodo Parasitic Fungus Blue Birdskull Necklace Frosttangle Strangler Forest Rogue Mask Brilliant Healer's Reference Brilliant Healer's Vestments Sparkling Violet Neck Bow Mith Bruiser Bramblecrown Stoat Silver Steampunk Vest Vibrant Rogue Gloves Teardrop Lapis Lazuli Leg Band Pretty Peach Neck Bow Paper Wildclaw Masque Mage's Thicket Hat Rose Gold Steampunk Wing Armor Gold Filigree Helmet Sentry Squawker Nomad's Sandwastes Sash Buttercup-Edged Claw Forest Rogue Footpads Bluemoon Aviar Scout's Hat Tarnished Steel Belt Ornate Iron Bracelet Crimson Aviator Satchel Gold Aviator Scarf Woodland Headband Scarlet Sylvan Filigree Armored Duskflapper Pretty Aqua Arm Bow King Quillrunner Sewer Toridae Siren Sylvan Dress Silver Flower Crown Serthis Alchemist Contrast Rogue Footpads Brass Scale Cuirass Golden Birdskull Headdress Octoflyer Permafrost Impaler Pomegranate Plumed Headdress Pretty Pink Tail Bow Petalwing Peryton Longneck Gladiator Pretty Magenta Head Bow Parasitic Fungus Spotted Faun Dustrunner's Arctic Goggles Larkspur Corsage Twilight Sylvan Dress Constantan Steampunk Wings
OOso4C1.pngxxx they/them - fr+19 - carrd
quests | lore

not super active
[center][columns][img][/img][nextcol][color=transparent]xxx[/color][size=6]chest challenge 2020[/size][/columns] [img][/img] [columns][color=transparent]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx[/color][img][/img][nextcol][url=]original thread[/url][nextcol][img][/img][/columns] I will not be opening any chests, treasure packs and the likes until [b]15th December 2020[/b] as that is my birthday c: [img][/img] [columns][item=rusted treasure chest]x826[nextcol] [item=iron treasure chest]x502[nextcol] [item=gilded decorative chest]x235[nextcol] [item=broken penny jar]x115[nextcol] [item=some secret stash]x1[/columns] [columns][item=shattered ceramic jar]x93[nextcol] [item=broken pottery jar]x72[nextcol] [item=waterlogged trunk]x1 [/columns] ~~~ [b]currency earned:[/b] 4,663,287 treasure + 4,974 gems [b]notable items[/b] [item=brown wizard hat][item=scarlet satin tunic][item=forest green chest wrap][item=druid's woodbrace][item=green aviator scarf][item=brown highnoon hank][item=ranger's hat][item=beautiful gander][item=vibrant rogue gloves][item=sweetheart lace anklet][item=pathfinder's hat][item=winterwatcher's arctic coat][item=gothic towel][item=mage's peony bag][item=advisor collar][item=brown wizard hat][item=forest rogue gloves][item=ornate iron bracelet][item=tutor footies][item=black leg bow][item=dented iron belt][item=mage's walnut bag][item=navy tail wrap][item=druid's woodtrail][item=winterwatcher's arctic boots][item=navy head wrap][item=green birdskull headdress][item=mage's peony bag][item=red healer's calling][item=leather tail wrap][item=black highnoon hank][item=rose gold steampunk wing armor][item=rose gold steampunk tail bauble][item=red healer's calling][item=white aviator scarf][item=crimson rogue mask][item=windwalker's arctic pants][item=rose gold steampunk spats][item=sweetheart lace collar][item=iron steampunk spats][item=ranger's quiver][item=sepia woodtrail][item=pathfinder's quiver][item=winterwalker's arctic tail cosy][item=green aviator scarf][item=sparkling violet head bow][item=brown wooly antennae][item=sweetheart lace anklet][item=daisy lei][item=ornate darksteel necklace][item=pathfinder's tail twist][item=druid's woodwing][item=violet highnoon hank] + a lot more of apparel... [item=tatterwing carcass][item=harlequin stagwing] gave up on listing everything out :') [/center]
Alstroemeria-Fox_FLIPPED.gif xxxchest challenge 2020

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxextra2.png original thread extra4.png

I will not be opening any chests, treasure packs and the likes until 15th December 2020 as that is my birthday c:

Rusted Treasure Chest x826 Iron Treasure Chest x502 Gilded Decorative Chest x235 Broken Penny Jar x115 Some Secret Stash x1
Shattered Ceramic Jar x93 Broken Pottery Jar x72 Waterlogged Trunk x1


currency earned: 4,663,287 treasure + 4,974 gems
notable items
Brown Wizard Hat Scarlet Satin Tunic Forest Green Chest Wrap Druid's Woodbrace Green Aviator Scarf Brown Highnoon Hank Ranger's Hat Beautiful Gander Vibrant Rogue Gloves Sweetheart Lace Anklet Pathfinder's Hat Winterwatcher's Arctic Coat Gothic Towel Mage's Peony Bag Advisor Collar Brown Wizard Hat Forest Rogue Gloves Ornate Iron Bracelet Tutor Footies Black Leg Bow Dented Iron Belt Mage's Walnut Bag Navy Tail Wrap Druid's Woodtrail Winterwatcher's Arctic Boots Navy Head Wrap Green Birdskull Headdress Mage's Peony Bag Red Healer's Calling Leather Tail Wrap Black Highnoon Hank Rose Gold Steampunk Wing Armor Rose Gold Steampunk Tail Bauble Red Healer's Calling White Aviator Scarf Crimson Rogue Mask Windwalker's Arctic Pants Rose Gold Steampunk Spats Sweetheart Lace Collar Iron Steampunk Spats Ranger's Quiver Sepia Woodtrail Pathfinder's Quiver Green Aviator Scarf Sparkling Violet Head Bow Brown Wooly Antennae Sweetheart Lace Anklet Daisy Lei Ornate Darksteel Necklace Pathfinder's Tail Twist Druid's Woodwing Violet Highnoon Hank
+ a lot more of apparel...

Tatterwing Carcass Harlequin Stagwing

gave up on listing everything out :')
OOso4C1.pngxxx they/them - fr+19 - carrd
quests | lore

not super active
[center][columns][img][/img][nextcol][color=transparent]xxx[/color][size=6]chest challenge 2021[/size][/columns] [img][/img] [columns][color=transparent]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx[/color][img][/img][nextcol][url=]original thread[/url][nextcol][img][/img][/columns] I will not be opening any chests, treasure packs and the likes until [b]15th December 2021[/b] as that is my birthday c: [img][/img] [columns][item=rusted treasure chest]x597[nextcol] [item=iron treasure chest]x300[nextcol] [item=gilded decorative chest]x141[nextcol] [item=broken penny jar]x116[nextcol] [item=some secret stash]x1[/columns] [columns][item=shattered ceramic jar]x32[nextcol] [item=broken pottery jar]x119[nextcol] [item=waterlogged trunk]x5[nextcol] [item=broken flower pot]x1 [/columns] ~~~ [b]currency earned:[/b] 2,967,052 treasure + 3,043 gems [b]notable items[/b] um. there's too many [/center]
Alstroemeria-Fox_FLIPPED.gif xxxchest challenge 2021

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxextra2.png original thread extra4.png

I will not be opening any chests, treasure packs and the likes until 15th December 2021 as that is my birthday c:

Rusted Treasure Chest x597 Iron Treasure Chest x300 Gilded Decorative Chest x141 Broken Penny Jar x116 Some Secret Stash x1
Shattered Ceramic Jar x32 Broken Pottery Jar x119 Waterlogged Trunk x5 Broken Flower Pot x1


currency earned: 2,967,052 treasure + 3,043 gems
notable items
um. there's too many
OOso4C1.pngxxx they/them - fr+19 - carrd
quests | lore

not super active
[center][columns][img][/img][nextcol][color=transparent]xxx[/color][size=6]chest challenge 2023[/size][/columns] [img][/img] [columns][color=transparent]xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx[/color][img][/img][nextcol][url=]original thread[/url][nextcol][img][/img][/columns] it turns out that i may have missed 2022 and 2023 so consider this a mini opening of the chests i managed to accumulate between the last opening (15th dec 2021 to 31th dec 2023) - was not very active [img][/img] [columns][item=rusted treasure chest]x258[nextcol] [item=iron treasure chest]x95[nextcol] [item=gilded decorative chest]x58[nextcol] [item=broken penny jar]x32[nextcol] [item=leafy pack]x8[/columns] [columns][item=some secret stash]x1[nextcol] [item=shattered ceramic jar]x60[nextcol] [item=broken pottery jar]x15[nextcol] [item=waterlogged trunk]x2[nextcol] [item=broken flower pot]x1[/columns] [columns][item=glittering geode]x3[nextcol] [item=basket of treasure]x1[nextcol][/columns] ~~~ [b]currency earned:[/b] 1,142,217 treasure + 1,131 gems [/center]
Alstroemeria-Fox_FLIPPED.gif xxxchest challenge 2023

xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxextra2.png original thread extra4.png

it turns out that i may have missed 2022 and 2023 so consider this a mini opening of the chests i managed to accumulate between the last opening (15th dec 2021 to 31th dec 2023) - was not very active

Rusted Treasure Chest x258 Iron Treasure Chest x95 Gilded Decorative Chest x58 Broken Penny Jar x32 Leafy Pack x8
Some Secret Stash x1 Shattered Ceramic Jar x60 Broken Pottery Jar x15 Waterlogged Trunk x2 Broken Flower Pot x1
Glittering Geode x3 Basket of Treasure x1


currency earned: 1,142,217 treasure + 1,131 gems
OOso4C1.pngxxx they/them - fr+19 - carrd
quests | lore

not super active
[center][columns][img][/img][nextcol][size=5]chest challenge 2024[/size] [url=]original thread[/url][/columns] [img][/img] was also not too active [img][/img] [columns][item=rusted treasure chest]x124[nextcol] [item=iron treasure chest]x123[nextcol] [item=gilded decorative chest]x66[nextcol] [item=shattered ceramic jar]x5[nextcol][/columns] [img][/img] [b]currency earned:[/b] 1,077,657 treasure + 1,370 gems [/center]
Item-1.png chest challenge 2024
original thread

was also not too active

Rusted Treasure Chest x124 Iron Treasure Chest x123 Gilded Decorative Chest x66 Shattered Ceramic Jar x5


currency earned: 1,077,657 treasure + 1,370 gems
OOso4C1.pngxxx they/them - fr+19 - carrd
quests | lore

not super active