
Flight Rising Discussion

Discuss everything and anything Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Breeds You Forget Exist
Everytime I see Wildclaw, I have a moment where I just go "oh yeah, those"

Auraboas and Dusthides also do that for me lol
Everytime I see Wildclaw, I have a moment where I just go "oh yeah, those"

Auraboas and Dusthides also do that for me lol
Can't you hear the bells singing along?
You all hear it on the radio
Can't you see the hero coming home?
Can't you hear the bells
ridgebacks definitely. i don't have any of them in my lair, and i don't see them often either
ridgebacks definitely. i don't have any of them in my lair, and i don't see them often either
I've only been on to do my dailies a few years. So the only ancient I really remember is the Gaolers and maybe Aethers.

Just now I was trying to remember if their was a newer modern than Obelisk and decided no, there wasn't. ...So I guess you can add Fathoms to that list.
I've only been on to do my dailies a few years. So the only ancient I really remember is the Gaolers and maybe Aethers.

Just now I was trying to remember if their was a newer modern than Obelisk and decided no, there wasn't. ...So I guess you can add Fathoms to that list.

Sandsurges still aren’t registered in my book.
Sandsurges still aren’t registered in my book.
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Sandsurges and fathoms
Oh and auraboas
Sandsurges and fathoms
Oh and auraboas
C41-B82-D4-74-CF-41-F7-82-B0-DDEF5-B909503.gif Previously GoldenWolf21
Snappers and Mirrors. I've ignored them for so long I forget they exist!
Snappers and Mirrors. I've ignored them for so long I forget they exist!
Sandsurges for me. They're lovely, but I only have one. [emoji=sandsurge tongue size=1]
Sandsurges for me. They're lovely, but I only have one.
animated pixel anchor by bluedragonxxx Fishes
she/her | +3 FR time
wishlist | avatar
I froze up and had to visit the scry workshop list for this one
Bogsneaks, Gaelors, and Tundras. I don't have many of each (I think one of each in my lair currently), so they come to me more as "a dragon I have" then "a bog/gae/tun I have"
I froze up and had to visit the scry workshop list for this one
Bogsneaks, Gaelors, and Tundras. I don't have many of each (I think one of each in my lair currently), so they come to me more as "a dragon I have" then "a bog/gae/tun I have"
Slowly coding, one [ at a time
Auraboas and Dusthides had so little time to shine that I forget they exist.
Auraboas and Dusthides had so little time to shine that I forget they exist.
every ancient i think
and also fathoms but my brain throws them into the ancients category because holy hell? a modern release amongst a kajillion of ancient releases? unbelievable

to clarify, i remember they exist, but i wouldn't be able to name like a half of them from the top of my head, have no idea which poses are male or female, have no idea what genes they have, etc
every ancient i think
and also fathoms but my brain throws them into the ancients category because holy hell? a modern release amongst a kajillion of ancient releases? unbelievable

to clarify, i remember they exist, but i wouldn't be able to name like a half of them from the top of my head, have no idea which poses are male or female, have no idea what genes they have, etc
Candy Stars hey there, i'm pi
frt+10 / utc+3
astrophysics major
pms and pings are welcome!
Stardust Sap Lamp happy NotN and winter holidays!!