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TOPIC | [MIRE] Arcane Archmages | L25 Raffle

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@JadePower your entry has been fixed! The formula function was pulling from the wrong row. Thank you to peraspera & OldDergYuri for pointing this out.
I'll be taking the next thirty-ish minutes to do a full run though of my PMs & CRs to make sure everything is accurate. Thank you everyone for your patience with my mistakes on this run! [emoji=heart size=1]
@JadePower your entry has been fixed! The formula function was pulling from the wrong row. Thank you to peraspera & OldDergYuri for pointing this out.
I'll be taking the next thirty-ish minutes to do a full run though of my PMs & CRs to make sure everything is accurate. Thank you everyone for your patience with my mistakes on this run!
I'll be taking the next thirty-ish minutes to do a full run though of my PMs & CRs to make sure everything is accurate. Thank you everyone for your patience with my mistakes on this run!

Whew! Thank you everyone!
I play Flight Rising off a tablet, so keeping tabs on the spreadsheets is tricksy.
I play Flight Rising off a tablet, so keeping tabs on the spreadsheets is tricksy.
Saccharo's raffle is now closed.
I'm still checking up on final ticket counts, but her winner will be announced shortly + fun surprise!
Thank you all for participating and sticking with me <3
I'm still checking up on final ticket counts, but her winner will be announced shortly + fun surprise!
Thank you all for participating and sticking with me <3
@pinglist-37771 Our winner for Saccharo is ticket 244 - [b]@DiRoxy![/b]
Thank you to everyone participating in Saccharo - that was the LARGEST response by far. Our next Archmage (which some of you were teased on) is SpecterMurk!
He is a three year old mage build (I know, I'm sorry - but I'm not made of eliminates). Paired with the entire Bloodscale Set, Bloodhsard Chains, and a Harlequin Stagwing, he's here to look for a new home to go to! His build consists of being a tanky mage that can get you through MOST venues, albeit slowly. Best paired with a glass canon.
My super fun surprise I've been teasing? Ta-da~ Each winner will be getting a commemorative art piece for their won raffle dragons! And to my previous winners - we're working on yours now. Made by my lovely partner [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/clan-profile/720179]Kontillation[/url], we thought this would be a nice additional thank you gift to all of you supporting Arcane Dom. I'll make a separate post about the (very few) rules surrounding them soon!
(Yes, I know it's massive. We're working on resizing it where it isn't all icky pixelated.)
@Arcane Archmages Our winner for Saccharo is ticket 244 - @DiRoxy!
Thank you to everyone participating in Saccharo - that was the LARGEST response by far. Our next Archmage (which some of you were teased on) is SpecterMurk!
He is a three year old mage build (I know, I'm sorry - but I'm not made of eliminates). Paired with the entire Bloodscale Set, Bloodhsard Chains, and a Harlequin Stagwing, he's here to look for a new home to go to! His build consists of being a tanky mage that can get you through MOST venues, albeit slowly. Best paired with a glass canon.
My super fun surprise I've been teasing? Ta-da~ Each winner will be getting a commemorative art piece for their won raffle dragons! And to my previous winners - we're working on yours now. Made by my lovely partner Kontillation, we thought this would be a nice additional thank you gift to all of you supporting Arcane Dom. I'll make a separate post about the (very few) rules surrounding them soon!
(Yes, I know it's massive. We're working on resizing it where it isn't all icky pixelated.)
Thank you to everyone participating in Saccharo - that was the LARGEST response by far. Our next Archmage (which some of you were teased on) is SpecterMurk!

He is a three year old mage build (I know, I'm sorry - but I'm not made of eliminates). Paired with the entire Bloodscale Set, Bloodhsard Chains, and a Harlequin Stagwing, he's here to look for a new home to go to! His build consists of being a tanky mage that can get you through MOST venues, albeit slowly. Best paired with a glass canon.
My super fun surprise I've been teasing? Ta-da~ Each winner will be getting a commemorative art piece for their won raffle dragons! And to my previous winners - we're working on yours now. Made by my lovely partner Kontillation, we thought this would be a nice additional thank you gift to all of you supporting Arcane Dom. I'll make a separate post about the (very few) rules surrounding them soon!

(Yes, I know it's massive. We're working on resizing it where it isn't all icky pixelated.)
congrats to the winner!!! the artwork is amazing <3
congrats to the winner!!! the artwork is amazing <3
he/him | FR+11hr | somewhat of a casual | social anxiety connoisseur | wishlist
@Archmage Updates
Additional Rules for Winners:
You get complimentary art of your dragon from my lovely partner, Kontillation! This will only be the dragon's breed + genes.
This is simply new rules for art that will be accompanying Archmages in the future, also located on the first post. Additionally, we are looking for 1 more copy of Narwin Harvester & Narwin Fisher before it is taken off our call list. (Fisher = 45 tickets, Harvester = 55 tickets)
Additional Rules for Winners:
You get complimentary art of your dragon from my lovely partner, Kontillation! This will only be the dragon's breed + genes.
- The image MUST link back to her FR profile. I do this ahead of time before I send it out, but please do not remove her watermark and link back in some form to her FR page.
- You may not steal, reprint, sell, or claim that artwork is yours. Do not remove her watermark. Additionally, she may require to use these for a future art shop: this is her artistic property, and it may be used as an example.
- While not a rule, I'd prefer if the art stays WITH the raffled dragon.
- As my girlfriend is human too, there may be extenuating circumstances that do not allow for your art to be made on time or at all. Please keep this in mind: this is not apart of the raffle prize, it is an expression of gratitude from both me and her for being such a loving community.
- If for some reason the art becomes an issue, I am at liberty to remove it all together.
This is simply new rules for art that will be accompanying Archmages in the future, also located on the first post. Additionally, we are looking for 1 more copy of Narwin Harvester & Narwin Fisher before it is taken off our call list. (Fisher = 45 tickets, Harvester = 55 tickets)
@Archmage Updates
Additional Rules for Winners:
You get complimentary art of your dragon from my lovely partner, Kontillation! This will only be the dragon's breed + genes.
This is simply new rules for art that will be accompanying Archmages in the future, also located on the first post. Additionally, we are looking for 1 more copy of Narwin Harvester & Narwin Fisher before it is taken off our call list. (Fisher = 45 tickets, Harvester = 55 tickets)
Additional Rules for Winners:
You get complimentary art of your dragon from my lovely partner, Kontillation! This will only be the dragon's breed + genes.
- The image MUST link back to her FR profile. I do this ahead of time before I send it out, but please do not remove her watermark and link back in some form to her FR page.
- You may not steal, reprint, sell, or claim that artwork is yours. Do not remove her watermark. Additionally, she may require to use these for a future art shop: this is her artistic property, and it may be used as an example.
- While not a rule, I'd prefer if the art stays WITH the raffled dragon.
- As my girlfriend is human too, there may be extenuating circumstances that do not allow for your art to be made on time or at all. Please keep this in mind: this is not apart of the raffle prize, it is an expression of gratitude from both me and her for being such a loving community.
- If for some reason the art becomes an issue, I am at liberty to remove it all together.
This is simply new rules for art that will be accompanying Archmages in the future, also located on the first post. Additionally, we are looking for 1 more copy of Narwin Harvester & Narwin Fisher before it is taken off our call list. (Fisher = 45 tickets, Harvester = 55 tickets)

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