I don't have the money right now, but woah! radioactive soap looks great on them!

TOPIC | Chromatic Souls Hatchery

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[center][size=5][emoji=left wing size=1] [b]Halloween Hatchlings have arrived![/b] [emoji=right wing size=1][/size]
Fourteen hatchlings born today have arrived!
Due to how many there are, I won't be listing all of them, but show one of each clutch!
[size=5]You can find all of the Halloween babies [b][url=https://www1.flightrising.com/lair/404310/2311733?name=&type=undefined]RIGHT HERE[/url][/b]![/size]
[size=0][size=0][size=0][size=0][size=0][size=0][size=0]@DeeplyJuniper @clanthorn @Vicegrips @Fuse @Starfait @GayScreeching @Evermagical @nineofsin @Ohmydarlinq @xXPancakexx @lowergleam @Artyphex @Cadaver @RubyRainwing @EvilCopepod @Espurrfect @KingTulip @Mida @BirdWings @xaz @CookieDoughCrow @Nyris @EpsiWire @Prank @ilwip @hawkeyyee @Espurrfect @cuddlebunny @Emordnilap @Morrowling @Ginbet @meriwether @SpookyPuptarts @lentilmento @Geist @minthex @DandelionDaisy @Apellosine @TwelveBrackets @Quin @audire @CookieDoughCrow @Samelf @DreamSlayer @Neiratina @tuxedocatatonic @SevenEggs @Verruciformis @ChromaBoreala @zeverous @KingTulip @SirChicken @lilacfeathers @Saturnalian @MercySewerPyro @EpsiWire @Scottsky @hawkeyyee @SpiritX @faraway @Marrigan @mipha @Raire @iDerpagonair @ToxicCosmos @atrolock @maybellmay @Raan @cousland @loracarol @gloamingchild @Sciencer @Ophionyx @innerspeaker @Kaio @DillyPickle @Viverridae @Illume @Tinble @Artorias @Mythologica @ceratosaurus @Cadaver @Shadowreisa @Ginbet @TheCorruption @Nyris @nebulastep @SpiritX @Marrigan @Skylaran13 @aquilaaltair @atrolock @ultimatedirk @DjSeizure @CacklingCat @Artorias @Cadaver @Lynxfrost13 @Error429 @nebulastep @take2thesky @sodaboi @iderpagonair @aerographer @xanax @eternatus @StealthNerd @Sozki @MrsBear @Daemonengrau @awaicu @elysifish @philodendron @Woopa @Birdbian @Ryuuna @Sheona @Wufflesnuff @commoncomitatus @asarigolo @readinghell @transluxray @argotiquely @ProbablySkeletor @Cumulus @Fizzywits @TornadoTorrie @trigonometry @irlmaxxor @atrolock @Jereton @HeyElliott @Rifter @Vinyamar @BirdWings @Taksony @Ranboo @AquaArc @robbylps @UnhappyJoker @Lejsek @LavenderGriffy @caddyshack @ChissChass @nebulastep @RebelMixtapes @Jone

Fourteen hatchlings born today have arrived!
Due to how many there are, I won't be listing all of them, but show one of each clutch!
You can find all of the Halloween babies RIGHT HERE!

@DeeplyJuniper @clanthorn @Vicegrips @Fuse @Starfait @GayScreeching @Evermagical @nineofsin @Ohmydarlinq @xXPancakexx @lowergleam @Artyphex @Cadaver @RubyRainwing @EvilCopepod @Espurrfect @KingTulip @Mida @BirdWings @xaz @CookieDoughCrow @Nyris @EpsiWire @Prank @ilwip @hawkeyyee @Espurrfect @cuddlebunny @Emordnilap @Morrowling @Ginbet @meriwether @SpookyPuptarts @lentilmento @Geist @minthex @DandelionDaisy @Apellosine @TwelveBrackets @Quin @audire @CookieDoughCrow @Samelf @DreamSlayer @Neiratina @tuxedocatatonic @SevenEggs @Verruciformis @ChromaBoreala @zeverous @KingTulip @SirChicken @lilacfeathers @Saturnalian @MercySewerPyro @EpsiWire @Scottsky @hawkeyyee @SpiritX @faraway @Marrigan @mipha @Raire @iDerpagonair @ToxicCosmos @atrolock @maybellmay @Raan @cousland @loracarol @gloamingchild @Sciencer @Ophionyx @innerspeaker @Kaio @DillyPickle @Viverridae @Illume @Tinble @Artorias @Mythologica @ceratosaurus @Cadaver @Shadowreisa @Ginbet @TheCorruption @Nyris @nebulastep @SpiritX @Marrigan @Skylaran13 @aquilaaltair @atrolock @ultimatedirk @DjSeizure @CacklingCat @Artorias @Cadaver @Lynxfrost13 @Error429 @nebulastep @take2thesky @sodaboi @iderpagonair @aerographer @xanax @eternatus @StealthNerd @Sozki @MrsBear @Daemonengrau @awaicu @elysifish @philodendron @Woopa @Birdbian @Ryuuna @Sheona @Wufflesnuff @commoncomitatus @asarigolo @readinghell @transluxray @argotiquely @ProbablySkeletor @Cumulus @Fizzywits @TornadoTorrie @trigonometry @irlmaxxor @atrolock @Jereton @HeyElliott @Rifter @Vinyamar @BirdWings @Taksony @Ranboo @AquaArc @robbylps @UnhappyJoker @Lejsek @LavenderGriffy @caddyshack @ChissChass @nebulastep @RebelMixtapes @Jone
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
XxRoops | He/They XxDigital Artist Xx(Lore?) Writer XxFire Tert. Gen1's XxFR Tumblr! |
[center][size=5][emoji=left wing size=1] [b]Undertide Hatchlings have arrived![/b] [emoji=right wing size=1][/size]
Admittedly, I don't have a name for the pair yet, but they are very bright and absolutely inedible. Do NOT eat them!!
There's also still some Halloween hatches left in [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/lair/404310/2311733]this tab[/url]! Happy to negotiate on their pricing, they will be exalted soon-ish (probably during NotN)
Female || [b]Unusual[/b] Eyes || Radioactive / Radioactive / Fire || [b]300g / 300kT[/b]
Female || [b]Rare[/b] Eyes || Radioactive / Radioactive / Fire || [b]300g / 300kT[/b]
Male || [b]Common[/b] Eyes || Radioactive / Radioactive / Fire || [b]300g / 300kT[/b]
[size=0][size=0][size=0][size=0][size=0][size=0]@take2thesky @sodaboi @iderpagonair @aerographer @xanax @eternatus @StealthNerd @Sozki @MrsBear @Daemonengrau @awaicu @elysifish @philodendron @Woopa @Birdbian @Ryuuna @Sheona @Wufflesnuff @commoncomitatus @asarigolo @readinghell @transluxray @argotiquely @ProbablySkeletor @Cumulus @Fizzywits @TornadoTorrie @trigonometry @irlmaxxor @atrolock @Jereton @HeyElliott @Rifter @Vinyamar @Taksony @Ranboo @AquaArc @robbylps @UnhappyJoker @Lejsek @LavenderGriffy @caddyshack @ChissChass @nebulastep @RebelMixtapes @Jone @Sethyial @Marrigan @Nooty @flowerpower12345 @aquilaaltair @ARKnight24 @Roheryn @Skylaran13 @atrolock @sadragons @Skylaran13 @commoncomitatus @readinghell @Ophionyx @innerspeaker @Khayria @Tinble @Gaze @Espurrfect @Mida @Ginbet @Lilacfeathers @CookieDoughCrow @Jaypaw @UnhappyJoker @GayScreeching @hawkeyyee @SpiritX

Admittedly, I don't have a name for the pair yet, but they are very bright and absolutely inedible. Do NOT eat them!!
There's also still some Halloween hatches left in this tab! Happy to negotiate on their pricing, they will be exalted soon-ish (probably during NotN)
Female || Unusual Eyes || Radioactive / Radioactive / Fire || 300g / 300kT

Female || Rare Eyes || Radioactive / Radioactive / Fire || 300g / 300kT

Male || Common Eyes || Radioactive / Radioactive / Fire || 300g / 300kT

@take2thesky @sodaboi @iderpagonair @aerographer @xanax @eternatus @StealthNerd @Sozki @MrsBear @Daemonengrau @awaicu @elysifish @philodendron @Woopa @Birdbian @Ryuuna @Sheona @Wufflesnuff @commoncomitatus @asarigolo @readinghell @transluxray @argotiquely @ProbablySkeletor @Cumulus @Fizzywits @TornadoTorrie @trigonometry @irlmaxxor @atrolock @Jereton @HeyElliott @Rifter @Vinyamar @Taksony @Ranboo @AquaArc @robbylps @UnhappyJoker @Lejsek @LavenderGriffy @caddyshack @ChissChass @nebulastep @RebelMixtapes @Jone @Sethyial @Marrigan @Nooty @flowerpower12345 @aquilaaltair @ARKnight24 @Roheryn @Skylaran13 @atrolock @sadragons @Skylaran13 @commoncomitatus @readinghell @Ophionyx @innerspeaker @Khayria @Tinble @Gaze @Espurrfect @Mida @Ginbet @Lilacfeathers @CookieDoughCrow @Jaypaw @UnhappyJoker @GayScreeching @hawkeyyee @SpiritX
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
XxRoops | He/They XxDigital Artist Xx(Lore?) Writer XxFire Tert. Gen1's XxFR Tumblr! |
Big Hatchery Update!
Hello, hello, everyone!
It's been... a while. Almost two years to be exact! Let's get straight into the update, shall we?
Keeping up with the hatchery in the forums has been very demotivating, so I've dreaded it and never really updated you guys on hatchlings. I want to apologize for that!
I've finally made the jump to the new Pinglist system (which is this update!) and would like to inform you all about it.
I will not be moving users from the old pinglist to these - please make sure to add yourself as I do not know who is still active, who is still interested, etc.
Posts about new hatchlings will also be less formatted going forward.
I will simply post images of the babies and link the tab that holds them in my lair - this is to reduce the work it takes and make it less dreadful.
Anyway, here are the new pinglists:
And if you're confused about the names (can't blame you, it's been so long!), please take a look at my breeding pair cards right here!
I think that should cover everything. I have a nest on the way and plan to continue throwing my dragons on nests again, so there will be more!~
Thanks for taking the time and I hope you've all been doing well these past couple years!
@mecintosh @skeletor @Marrigan(Ridgeback,MSpiral) @loracarol @callili @Ophionyx(ridgeback) @innerspeaker(spiral) @Kalaiscope @Kaio @DillyPickle @Viverridae @Hnai @Illume @Kurayami @Hawktalon
@Espurrfect @Azuroru @Tinble @evirin @GothMarble @Artorias @Mythologica @firtarian @Jensei @ratlady @xaz @Nyris @(spiral) @9th @TheCorruption @GayScreeching @indigobleu @nebulastep @SpiritX @(male @spiral) @avisicarus @zeverous @Kabutomushii @Espurrfect @seylon @xXPancakexx @Kalaiscope @Tinble @Artorias @Mythologica @Solderwings @ratlady @Ginbet @TwelveBrackets @TheCorruption @nebulastep @SpiritX @(male) @avisicarus @Oktobearfest @DeeplyJuniper @clanthorn @avisicarus @SgtJessi @PunkPinkPower @TheCardinal @ineffablecomedy @Lionsong @Pineappleblood @uwuloo @Kaleidoskull @Nighthawk @KingTulip @xXPancakexx @nerdyeldritch @AzureStorm @(Skydancer) @SevenEggs @Cadaver @Shadowreisa @Mida @BirdWings @FlightCrashing @(rare, @pastel, @special @eyes) @xaz @Neiratina @tuxedocatatonic @lilacfeathers @Nyris @(spiral) @GayScreeching @Scottsky @nebulastep @SpiritX @(male) @SakurazukaHime @SgtJessi @Vicegrips @Fuse @Starfait @GayScreeching @Evermagical @nineofsin @Ohmydarlinq @xXPancakexx @lowergleam @Artyphex @Cadaver @RubyRainwing @EvilCopepod @Espurrfect @KingTulip @(wildclaw) @Mida @BirdWings @xaz @CookieDoughCrow @Nyris @EpsiWire @Prank @ilwip @hawkeyyee @avisicarus @Dadboat @(wc @f) @Espurrfect @cuddlebunny @Emordnilap @Morrowling @Ginbet @meriwether @SpookyPuptarts @lentilmento @Geist @minthex @DandelionDaisy @Apellosine @TwelveBrackets @Quin @audire @CookieDoughCrow @Samelf @(Female) @DreamSlayer @(Female) @Neiratina @tuxedocatatonic @SevenEggs @Verruciformis @ChromaBoreala @zeverous @KingTulip @SirChicken @lilacfeathers @Saturnalian @(female) @MercySewerPyro @EpsiWire @Scottsky @hawkeyyee @SpiritX @(male) @SgtJessi @Diavollo @take2thesky @sodaboi @iderpagonair @aerographer @xanax @eternatus @StealthNerd @Sozki @MrsBear @Daemonengrau @awaicu @elysifish @philodendron @Woopa @Birdbian @Ryuuna @Sheona @Wufflesnuff @commoncomitatus @asarigolo @readinghell @transluxray @argotiquely @ProbablySkeletor @Cumulus @Fizzywits @TornadoTorrie @trigonometry @irlmaxxor @atrolock @Jereton @HeyElliott @Rifter @Vinyamar @Taksony @Ranboo @AquaArc @robbylps @UnhappyJoker @Lejsek @LavenderGriffy @caddyshack @ChissChass @nebulastep @RebelMixtapes @Jone @Guardianite @Sethyial @Marrigan @Nooty @flowerpower12345 @aquilaaltair @ARKnight24 @Roheryn @Skylaran13 @atrolock @sadragons @Skylaran13 @commoncomitatus @readinghell @Ophionyx @innerspeaker @Khayria @Tinble @Gaze @Espurrfect @Mida @zeverous @Ginbet @Lilacfeathers @CookieDoughCrow @Jaypaw @UnhappyJoker @GayScreeching @hawkeyyee @SpiritX
Hello, hello, everyone!
It's been... a while. Almost two years to be exact! Let's get straight into the update, shall we?
Keeping up with the hatchery in the forums has been very demotivating, so I've dreaded it and never really updated you guys on hatchlings. I want to apologize for that!
I've finally made the jump to the new Pinglist system (which is this update!) and would like to inform you all about it.
I will not be moving users from the old pinglist to these - please make sure to add yourself as I do not know who is still active, who is still interested, etc.
Posts about new hatchlings will also be less formatted going forward.
I will simply post images of the babies and link the tab that holds them in my lair - this is to reduce the work it takes and make it less dreadful.
Anyway, here are the new pinglists:
And if you're confused about the names (can't blame you, it's been so long!), please take a look at my breeding pair cards right here!
I think that should cover everything. I have a nest on the way and plan to continue throwing my dragons on nests again, so there will be more!~
Thanks for taking the time and I hope you've all been doing well these past couple years!
@mecintosh @skeletor @Marrigan(Ridgeback,MSpiral) @loracarol @callili @Ophionyx(ridgeback) @innerspeaker(spiral) @Kalaiscope @Kaio @DillyPickle @Viverridae @Hnai @Illume @Kurayami @Hawktalon
@Espurrfect @Azuroru @Tinble @evirin @GothMarble @Artorias @Mythologica @firtarian @Jensei @ratlady @xaz @Nyris @(spiral) @9th @TheCorruption @GayScreeching @indigobleu @nebulastep @SpiritX @(male @spiral) @avisicarus @zeverous @Kabutomushii @Espurrfect @seylon @xXPancakexx @Kalaiscope @Tinble @Artorias @Mythologica @Solderwings @ratlady @Ginbet @TwelveBrackets @TheCorruption @nebulastep @SpiritX @(male) @avisicarus @Oktobearfest @DeeplyJuniper @clanthorn @avisicarus @SgtJessi @PunkPinkPower @TheCardinal @ineffablecomedy @Lionsong @Pineappleblood @uwuloo @Kaleidoskull @Nighthawk @KingTulip @xXPancakexx @nerdyeldritch @AzureStorm @(Skydancer) @SevenEggs @Cadaver @Shadowreisa @Mida @BirdWings @FlightCrashing @(rare, @pastel, @special @eyes) @xaz @Neiratina @tuxedocatatonic @lilacfeathers @Nyris @(spiral) @GayScreeching @Scottsky @nebulastep @SpiritX @(male) @SakurazukaHime @SgtJessi @Vicegrips @Fuse @Starfait @GayScreeching @Evermagical @nineofsin @Ohmydarlinq @xXPancakexx @lowergleam @Artyphex @Cadaver @RubyRainwing @EvilCopepod @Espurrfect @KingTulip @(wildclaw) @Mida @BirdWings @xaz @CookieDoughCrow @Nyris @EpsiWire @Prank @ilwip @hawkeyyee @avisicarus @Dadboat @(wc @f) @Espurrfect @cuddlebunny @Emordnilap @Morrowling @Ginbet @meriwether @SpookyPuptarts @lentilmento @Geist @minthex @DandelionDaisy @Apellosine @TwelveBrackets @Quin @audire @CookieDoughCrow @Samelf @(Female) @DreamSlayer @(Female) @Neiratina @tuxedocatatonic @SevenEggs @Verruciformis @ChromaBoreala @zeverous @KingTulip @SirChicken @lilacfeathers @Saturnalian @(female) @MercySewerPyro @EpsiWire @Scottsky @hawkeyyee @SpiritX @(male) @SgtJessi @Diavollo @take2thesky @sodaboi @iderpagonair @aerographer @xanax @eternatus @StealthNerd @Sozki @MrsBear @Daemonengrau @awaicu @elysifish @philodendron @Woopa @Birdbian @Ryuuna @Sheona @Wufflesnuff @commoncomitatus @asarigolo @readinghell @transluxray @argotiquely @ProbablySkeletor @Cumulus @Fizzywits @TornadoTorrie @trigonometry @irlmaxxor @atrolock @Jereton @HeyElliott @Rifter @Vinyamar @Taksony @Ranboo @AquaArc @robbylps @UnhappyJoker @Lejsek @LavenderGriffy @caddyshack @ChissChass @nebulastep @RebelMixtapes @Jone @Guardianite @Sethyial @Marrigan @Nooty @flowerpower12345 @aquilaaltair @ARKnight24 @Roheryn @Skylaran13 @atrolock @sadragons @Skylaran13 @commoncomitatus @readinghell @Ophionyx @innerspeaker @Khayria @Tinble @Gaze @Espurrfect @Mida @zeverous @Ginbet @Lilacfeathers @CookieDoughCrow @Jaypaw @UnhappyJoker @GayScreeching @hawkeyyee @SpiritX
Big Hatchery Update!
Hello, hello, everyone!
It's been... a while. Almost two years to be exact! Let's get straight into the update, shall we?
Keeping up with the hatchery in the forums has been very demotivating, so I've dreaded it and never really updated you guys on hatchlings. I want to apologize for that!
I've finally made the jump to the new Pinglist system (which is this update!) and would like to inform you all about it.
I will not be moving users from the old pinglist to these - please make sure to add yourself as I do not know who is still active, who is still interested, etc.
Posts about new hatchlings will also be less formatted going forward.
I will simply post images of the babies and link the tab that holds them in my lair - this is to reduce the work it takes and make it less dreadful.
Anyway, here are the new pinglists:
And if you're confused about the names (can't blame you, it's been so long!), please take a look at my breeding pair cards right here!
I think that should cover everything. I have a nest on the way and plan to continue throwing my dragons on nests again, so there will be more!~
Thanks for taking the time and I hope you've all been doing well these past couple years!
@mecintosh @skeletor @Marrigan(Ridgeback,MSpiral) @loracarol @callili @Ophionyx(ridgeback) @innerspeaker(spiral) @Kalaiscope @Kaio @DillyPickle @Viverridae @Hnai @Illume @Kurayami @Hawktalon
@Espurrfect @Azuroru @Tinble @evirin @GothMarble @Artorias @Mythologica @firtarian @Jensei @ratlady @xaz @Nyris @(spiral) @9th @TheCorruption @GayScreeching @indigobleu @nebulastep @SpiritX @(male @spiral) @avisicarus @zeverous @Kabutomushii @Espurrfect @seylon @xXPancakexx @Kalaiscope @Tinble @Artorias @Mythologica @Solderwings @ratlady @Ginbet @TwelveBrackets @TheCorruption @nebulastep @SpiritX @(male) @avisicarus @Oktobearfest @DeeplyJuniper @clanthorn @avisicarus @SgtJessi @PunkPinkPower @TheCardinal @ineffablecomedy @Lionsong @Pineappleblood @uwuloo @Kaleidoskull @Nighthawk @KingTulip @xXPancakexx @nerdyeldritch @AzureStorm @(Skydancer) @SevenEggs @Cadaver @Shadowreisa @Mida @BirdWings @FlightCrashing @(rare, @pastel, @special @eyes) @xaz @Neiratina @tuxedocatatonic @lilacfeathers @Nyris @(spiral) @GayScreeching @Scottsky @nebulastep @SpiritX @(male) @SakurazukaHime @SgtJessi @Vicegrips @Fuse @Starfait @GayScreeching @Evermagical @nineofsin @Ohmydarlinq @xXPancakexx @lowergleam @Artyphex @Cadaver @RubyRainwing @EvilCopepod @Espurrfect @KingTulip @(wildclaw) @Mida @BirdWings @xaz @CookieDoughCrow @Nyris @EpsiWire @Prank @ilwip @hawkeyyee @avisicarus @Dadboat @(wc @f) @Espurrfect @cuddlebunny @Emordnilap @Morrowling @Ginbet @meriwether @SpookyPuptarts @lentilmento @Geist @minthex @DandelionDaisy @Apellosine @TwelveBrackets @Quin @audire @CookieDoughCrow @Samelf @(Female) @DreamSlayer @(Female) @Neiratina @tuxedocatatonic @SevenEggs @Verruciformis @ChromaBoreala @zeverous @KingTulip @SirChicken @lilacfeathers @Saturnalian @(female) @MercySewerPyro @EpsiWire @Scottsky @hawkeyyee @SpiritX @(male) @SgtJessi @Diavollo @take2thesky @sodaboi @iderpagonair @aerographer @xanax @eternatus @StealthNerd @Sozki @MrsBear @Daemonengrau @awaicu @elysifish @philodendron @Woopa @Birdbian @Ryuuna @Sheona @Wufflesnuff @commoncomitatus @asarigolo @readinghell @transluxray @argotiquely @ProbablySkeletor @Cumulus @Fizzywits @TornadoTorrie @trigonometry @irlmaxxor @atrolock @Jereton @HeyElliott @Rifter @Vinyamar @Taksony @Ranboo @AquaArc @robbylps @UnhappyJoker @Lejsek @LavenderGriffy @caddyshack @ChissChass @nebulastep @RebelMixtapes @Jone @Guardianite @Sethyial @Marrigan @Nooty @flowerpower12345 @aquilaaltair @ARKnight24 @Roheryn @Skylaran13 @atrolock @sadragons @Skylaran13 @commoncomitatus @readinghell @Ophionyx @innerspeaker @Khayria @Tinble @Gaze @Espurrfect @Mida @zeverous @Ginbet @Lilacfeathers @CookieDoughCrow @Jaypaw @UnhappyJoker @GayScreeching @hawkeyyee @SpiritX
Hello, hello, everyone!
It's been... a while. Almost two years to be exact! Let's get straight into the update, shall we?
Keeping up with the hatchery in the forums has been very demotivating, so I've dreaded it and never really updated you guys on hatchlings. I want to apologize for that!
I've finally made the jump to the new Pinglist system (which is this update!) and would like to inform you all about it.
I will not be moving users from the old pinglist to these - please make sure to add yourself as I do not know who is still active, who is still interested, etc.
Posts about new hatchlings will also be less formatted going forward.
I will simply post images of the babies and link the tab that holds them in my lair - this is to reduce the work it takes and make it less dreadful.
Anyway, here are the new pinglists:
And if you're confused about the names (can't blame you, it's been so long!), please take a look at my breeding pair cards right here!
I think that should cover everything. I have a nest on the way and plan to continue throwing my dragons on nests again, so there will be more!~
Thanks for taking the time and I hope you've all been doing well these past couple years!
@mecintosh @skeletor @Marrigan(Ridgeback,MSpiral) @loracarol @callili @Ophionyx(ridgeback) @innerspeaker(spiral) @Kalaiscope @Kaio @DillyPickle @Viverridae @Hnai @Illume @Kurayami @Hawktalon
@Espurrfect @Azuroru @Tinble @evirin @GothMarble @Artorias @Mythologica @firtarian @Jensei @ratlady @xaz @Nyris @(spiral) @9th @TheCorruption @GayScreeching @indigobleu @nebulastep @SpiritX @(male @spiral) @avisicarus @zeverous @Kabutomushii @Espurrfect @seylon @xXPancakexx @Kalaiscope @Tinble @Artorias @Mythologica @Solderwings @ratlady @Ginbet @TwelveBrackets @TheCorruption @nebulastep @SpiritX @(male) @avisicarus @Oktobearfest @DeeplyJuniper @clanthorn @avisicarus @SgtJessi @PunkPinkPower @TheCardinal @ineffablecomedy @Lionsong @Pineappleblood @uwuloo @Kaleidoskull @Nighthawk @KingTulip @xXPancakexx @nerdyeldritch @AzureStorm @(Skydancer) @SevenEggs @Cadaver @Shadowreisa @Mida @BirdWings @FlightCrashing @(rare, @pastel, @special @eyes) @xaz @Neiratina @tuxedocatatonic @lilacfeathers @Nyris @(spiral) @GayScreeching @Scottsky @nebulastep @SpiritX @(male) @SakurazukaHime @SgtJessi @Vicegrips @Fuse @Starfait @GayScreeching @Evermagical @nineofsin @Ohmydarlinq @xXPancakexx @lowergleam @Artyphex @Cadaver @RubyRainwing @EvilCopepod @Espurrfect @KingTulip @(wildclaw) @Mida @BirdWings @xaz @CookieDoughCrow @Nyris @EpsiWire @Prank @ilwip @hawkeyyee @avisicarus @Dadboat @(wc @f) @Espurrfect @cuddlebunny @Emordnilap @Morrowling @Ginbet @meriwether @SpookyPuptarts @lentilmento @Geist @minthex @DandelionDaisy @Apellosine @TwelveBrackets @Quin @audire @CookieDoughCrow @Samelf @(Female) @DreamSlayer @(Female) @Neiratina @tuxedocatatonic @SevenEggs @Verruciformis @ChromaBoreala @zeverous @KingTulip @SirChicken @lilacfeathers @Saturnalian @(female) @MercySewerPyro @EpsiWire @Scottsky @hawkeyyee @SpiritX @(male) @SgtJessi @Diavollo @take2thesky @sodaboi @iderpagonair @aerographer @xanax @eternatus @StealthNerd @Sozki @MrsBear @Daemonengrau @awaicu @elysifish @philodendron @Woopa @Birdbian @Ryuuna @Sheona @Wufflesnuff @commoncomitatus @asarigolo @readinghell @transluxray @argotiquely @ProbablySkeletor @Cumulus @Fizzywits @TornadoTorrie @trigonometry @irlmaxxor @atrolock @Jereton @HeyElliott @Rifter @Vinyamar @Taksony @Ranboo @AquaArc @robbylps @UnhappyJoker @Lejsek @LavenderGriffy @caddyshack @ChissChass @nebulastep @RebelMixtapes @Jone @Guardianite @Sethyial @Marrigan @Nooty @flowerpower12345 @aquilaaltair @ARKnight24 @Roheryn @Skylaran13 @atrolock @sadragons @Skylaran13 @commoncomitatus @readinghell @Ophionyx @innerspeaker @Khayria @Tinble @Gaze @Espurrfect @Mida @zeverous @Ginbet @Lilacfeathers @CookieDoughCrow @Jaypaw @UnhappyJoker @GayScreeching @hawkeyyee @SpiritX
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
XxRoops | He/They XxDigital Artist Xx(Lore?) Writer XxFire Tert. Gen1's XxFR Tumblr! |
[center][size=5]"Vivid Visions" hatchlings available![/size]
Click on the hatchling or see [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/lair/404310/2311733/1]the tab[/url] to take a closer look![/center]
Additionally, apologies for the ping on everyone so shortly after last time, but I forgot to add an "all hatchlings" pinglist, which I figured would make sense as well.
It is here now though!
[size=0][size=0][size=0][size=0][size=0][size=0][size=0][size=0][size=0][size=0]@mecintosh @skeletor @Marrigan(Ridgeback,MSpiral) @loracarol @callili @Ophionyx(ridgeback) @innerspeaker(spiral) @Kalaiscope @Kaio @DillyPickle @Viverridae @Hnai @Illume @Kurayami @Hawktalon
@Espurrfect @Azuroru @Tinble @evirin @GothMarble @Artorias @Mythologica @firtarian @Jensei @ratlady @xaz @Nyris @(spiral) @9th @TheCorruption @GayScreeching @indigobleu @nebulastep @SpiritX @(male @spiral) @avisicarus @zeverous @Kabutomushii @Espurrfect @seylon @xXPancakexx @Kalaiscope @Tinble @Artorias @Mythologica @Solderwings @ratlady @Ginbet @TwelveBrackets @TheCorruption @nebulastep @SpiritX @(male) @avisicarus @Oktobearfest @DeeplyJuniper @clanthorn @avisicarus @SgtJessi @PunkPinkPower @TheCardinal @ineffablecomedy @Lionsong @Pineappleblood @uwuloo @Kaleidoskull @Nighthawk @KingTulip @xXPancakexx @nerdyeldritch @AzureStorm @(Skydancer) @SevenEggs @Cadaver @Shadowreisa @Mida @BirdWings @FlightCrashing @(rare, @pastel, @special @eyes) @xaz @Neiratina @tuxedocatatonic @lilacfeathers @Nyris @(spiral) @GayScreeching @Scottsky @nebulastep @SpiritX @(male) @SakurazukaHime @SgtJessi @Vicegrips @Fuse @Starfait @GayScreeching @Evermagical @nineofsin @Ohmydarlinq @xXPancakexx @lowergleam @Artyphex @Cadaver @RubyRainwing @EvilCopepod @Espurrfect @KingTulip @(wildclaw) @Mida @BirdWings @xaz @CookieDoughCrow @Nyris @EpsiWire @Prank @ilwip @hawkeyyee @avisicarus @Dadboat @(wc @f) @Espurrfect @cuddlebunny @Emordnilap @Morrowling @Ginbet @meriwether @SpookyPuptarts @lentilmento @Geist @minthex @DandelionDaisy @Apellosine @TwelveBrackets @Quin @audire @CookieDoughCrow @Samelf @(Female) @DreamSlayer @(Female) @Neiratina @tuxedocatatonic @SevenEggs @Verruciformis @ChromaBoreala @zeverous @KingTulip @SirChicken @lilacfeathers @Saturnalian @(female) @MercySewerPyro @EpsiWire @Scottsky @hawkeyyee @SpiritX @(male) @SgtJessi @Diavollo @take2thesky @sodaboi @iderpagonair @aerographer @xanax @eternatus @StealthNerd @Sozki @MrsBear @Daemonengrau @awaicu @elysifish @philodendron @Woopa @Birdbian @Ryuuna @Sheona @Wufflesnuff @commoncomitatus @asarigolo @readinghell @transluxray @argotiquely @ProbablySkeletor @Cumulus @Fizzywits @TornadoTorrie @trigonometry @irlmaxxor @atrolock @Jereton @HeyElliott @Rifter @Vinyamar @Taksony @Ranboo @AquaArc @robbylps @UnhappyJoker @Lejsek @LavenderGriffy @caddyshack @ChissChass @nebulastep @RebelMixtapes @Jone @Guardianite @Sethyial @Marrigan @Nooty @flowerpower12345 @aquilaaltair @ARKnight24 @Roheryn @Skylaran13 @atrolock @sadragons @Skylaran13 @commoncomitatus @readinghell @Ophionyx @innerspeaker @Khayria @Tinble @Gaze @Espurrfect @Mida @zeverous @Ginbet @Lilacfeathers @CookieDoughCrow @Jaypaw @UnhappyJoker @GayScreeching @hawkeyyee @SpiritX
Additionally, apologies for the ping on everyone so shortly after last time, but I forgot to add an "all hatchlings" pinglist, which I figured would make sense as well.
It is here now though!
@mecintosh @skeletor @Marrigan(Ridgeback,MSpiral) @loracarol @callili @Ophionyx(ridgeback) @innerspeaker(spiral) @Kalaiscope @Kaio @DillyPickle @Viverridae @Hnai @Illume @Kurayami @Hawktalon
@Espurrfect @Azuroru @Tinble @evirin @GothMarble @Artorias @Mythologica @firtarian @Jensei @ratlady @xaz @Nyris @(spiral) @9th @TheCorruption @GayScreeching @indigobleu @nebulastep @SpiritX @(male @spiral) @avisicarus @zeverous @Kabutomushii @Espurrfect @seylon @xXPancakexx @Kalaiscope @Tinble @Artorias @Mythologica @Solderwings @ratlady @Ginbet @TwelveBrackets @TheCorruption @nebulastep @SpiritX @(male) @avisicarus @Oktobearfest @DeeplyJuniper @clanthorn @avisicarus @SgtJessi @PunkPinkPower @TheCardinal @ineffablecomedy @Lionsong @Pineappleblood @uwuloo @Kaleidoskull @Nighthawk @KingTulip @xXPancakexx @nerdyeldritch @AzureStorm @(Skydancer) @SevenEggs @Cadaver @Shadowreisa @Mida @BirdWings @FlightCrashing @(rare, @pastel, @special @eyes) @xaz @Neiratina @tuxedocatatonic @lilacfeathers @Nyris @(spiral) @GayScreeching @Scottsky @nebulastep @SpiritX @(male) @SakurazukaHime @SgtJessi @Vicegrips @Fuse @Starfait @GayScreeching @Evermagical @nineofsin @Ohmydarlinq @xXPancakexx @lowergleam @Artyphex @Cadaver @RubyRainwing @EvilCopepod @Espurrfect @KingTulip @(wildclaw) @Mida @BirdWings @xaz @CookieDoughCrow @Nyris @EpsiWire @Prank @ilwip @hawkeyyee @avisicarus @Dadboat @(wc @f) @Espurrfect @cuddlebunny @Emordnilap @Morrowling @Ginbet @meriwether @SpookyPuptarts @lentilmento @Geist @minthex @DandelionDaisy @Apellosine @TwelveBrackets @Quin @audire @CookieDoughCrow @Samelf @(Female) @DreamSlayer @(Female) @Neiratina @tuxedocatatonic @SevenEggs @Verruciformis @ChromaBoreala @zeverous @KingTulip @SirChicken @lilacfeathers @Saturnalian @(female) @MercySewerPyro @EpsiWire @Scottsky @hawkeyyee @SpiritX @(male) @SgtJessi @Diavollo @take2thesky @sodaboi @iderpagonair @aerographer @xanax @eternatus @StealthNerd @Sozki @MrsBear @Daemonengrau @awaicu @elysifish @philodendron @Woopa @Birdbian @Ryuuna @Sheona @Wufflesnuff @commoncomitatus @asarigolo @readinghell @transluxray @argotiquely @ProbablySkeletor @Cumulus @Fizzywits @TornadoTorrie @trigonometry @irlmaxxor @atrolock @Jereton @HeyElliott @Rifter @Vinyamar @Taksony @Ranboo @AquaArc @robbylps @UnhappyJoker @Lejsek @LavenderGriffy @caddyshack @ChissChass @nebulastep @RebelMixtapes @Jone @Guardianite @Sethyial @Marrigan @Nooty @flowerpower12345 @aquilaaltair @ARKnight24 @Roheryn @Skylaran13 @atrolock @sadragons @Skylaran13 @commoncomitatus @readinghell @Ophionyx @innerspeaker @Khayria @Tinble @Gaze @Espurrfect @Mida @zeverous @Ginbet @Lilacfeathers @CookieDoughCrow @Jaypaw @UnhappyJoker @GayScreeching @hawkeyyee @SpiritX
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
XxRoops | He/They XxDigital Artist Xx(Lore?) Writer XxFire Tert. Gen1's XxFR Tumblr! |
[center][size=5]Midnight's Dawn hatchlings available![/size]
Click on the hatchling or see [url=https://www1.flightrising.com/lair/404310/2311733/1]the tab[/url] to take a closer look!
@pinglist-38621 @pinglist-38524
Midnight's Dawn hatchlings available!

Click on the hatchling or see the tab to take a closer look!
@[Hatchery] Any And All @[Hatchery] Other Hatchlings

Click on the hatchling or see the tab to take a closer look!
@[Hatchery] Any And All @[Hatchery] Other Hatchlings
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() |
XxRoops | He/They XxDigital Artist Xx(Lore?) Writer XxFire Tert. Gen1's XxFR Tumblr! |
[center][size=5]Beyond The Stars hatchling available![/size]
@pinglist-38621 @pinglist-38521
[center][emoji=left wing size=1] [size=5][b]Happy Halloween![/b][/size] [emoji=right wing size=1]
@pinglist-38621 @pinglist-38524

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