TOPIC | [LF] Dragons for accents (still looking)

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Have this two, maybe they will interest you :)
I don't know how you feel about basic g1's but I have this fellow sitting in my hibden that I had kind of a plan for, which would have involved breed changing and geneing him which I haven't gotten around to yet, but it occurred to me that he might look good in a couple of your accents.
This is he:
and I was thinking about maybe golden delicious
or granny smith
He has a tricky tert, which is why I'd landed on the scries in his bio but it could always be left basic.
I don't know how you feel about basic g1's but I have this fellow sitting in my hibden that I had kind of a plan for, which would have involved breed changing and geneing him which I haven't gotten around to yet, but it occurred to me that he might look good in a couple of your accents.
This is he:

and I was thinking about maybe golden delicious
or granny smith
He has a tricky tert, which is why I'd landed on the scries in his bio but it could always be left basic.
This is he:

and I was thinking about maybe golden delicious

golden delicious
or granny smith

granny smith
He has a tricky tert, which is why I'd landed on the scries in his bio but it could always be left basic.
I have these this veilspun that looks kinda neat with this skin
[columns][img]https://www1.flightrising.com/dgen/dressing-room/scry?sdid=4878347&skin=51880&apparel=&xt=dressing.png[/img][nextcol][size=5]15[emoji=gem size=1] Or 15k[emoji=treasure size=1]
I've got Cerul available at 15g / 15kt:
I have this lad here who could match a few, but particularly that first tundra-m skin!
hes pwyw! just want him to have a good home ^v^

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