
Bug Report Forums

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TOPIC | Insects Not Converting
So I have been gathering insects and trying to convert them into food for a few days now and I have been met with the same issue; insects disappear from my hoard and the numbers by the insect icon doesn't change.
The numbers do decrease when I feed my dragons and other gathered food items are converting normally. This has been happening for a few days now.
So I have been gathering insects and trying to convert them into food for a few days now and I have been met with the same issue; insects disappear from my hoard and the numbers by the insect icon doesn't change.
The numbers do decrease when I feed my dragons and other gathered food items are converting normally. This has been happening for a few days now.

Try clearing your cache and then report back here if that doesn't help any.

Try clearing your cache and then report back here if that doesn't help any.
I have cleared my cache and it still won't convert the insects
I have cleared my cache and it still won't convert the insects