
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | TH Purge ($/T/FRC)
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Yeah, unfortunately nothing did in regards to a trade for Kami ;v; sorry!

Yeah, unfortunately nothing did in regards to a trade for Kami ;v; sorry!
would you accept 1kg for them? its all i can offer rn. i could also offer items if you're interested
would you accept 1kg for them? its all i can offer rn. i could also offer items if you're interested
hoard sale

I'd be looking for a bit more for them unfortunately, and I'm not really after items at this moment ;v;

I'd be looking for a bit more for them unfortunately, and I'm not really after items at this moment ;v;

Would be interested in Skye here, around how much would you be looking for 'em?
(Wishing you the hugest of gls with the doggo! Hopefully they only get better soon if not already! ^^)

Would be interested in Skye here, around how much would you be looking for 'em?
(Wishing you the hugest of gls with the doggo! Hopefully they only get better soon if not already! ^^)
Tiaxy || She/her || Adult
Sprite Recolors

No set price atm, just looking for a fair offer! ^^ Also I appreciate the wishes <3

No set price atm, just looking for a fair offer! ^^ Also I appreciate the wishes <3
Icc, can offer art for 'em atm! Here are my art as example I have made and uploaded so far onto th and would be offering similar pieces to the 2 most recent ones I made if that would be something you would be interested in!
Can also offer other types of styles I made before, if any other catches your eye instead from the available exampls!

Can draw most non-human/oid ocs and the sort mainly (still working on that)
Icc, can offer art for 'em atm! Here are my art as example I have made and uploaded so far onto th and would be offering similar pieces to the 2 most recent ones I made if that would be something you would be interested in!
Can also offer other types of styles I made before, if any other catches your eye instead from the available exampls!

Can draw most non-human/oid ocs and the sort mainly (still working on that)
Tiaxy || She/her || Adult
Sprite Recolors

I'd be willing to work out something in terms of art for them, sure! Feel free to PM me with an actual art offer and we can go from there ^^

I'd be willing to work out something in terms of art for them, sure! Feel free to PM me with an actual art offer and we can go from there ^^
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