

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | Rise of the Swarm (1x1)
He looked at the dragon. "And why would I forget my friends?" He asked. He began to walk t he follow the tracks noticing one seemed to be missing and wasn't his own. "I apologize for your bored time and friends always losing." He said. He was at least polite about the idea of her boredom and game.

"No dragon should be over or underestimated. Something our leader always says." He said honestly. "And why should I run? Something wrong?" He asked. He looked around for danger around them. But what would Darkweaver do? The guard impressed her unlike so many... and the game was almost time!
He looked at the dragon. "And why would I forget my friends?" He asked. He began to walk t he follow the tracks noticing one seemed to be missing and wasn't his own. "I apologize for your bored time and friends always losing." He said. He was at least polite about the idea of her boredom and game.

"No dragon should be over or underestimated. Something our leader always says." He said honestly. "And why should I run? Something wrong?" He asked. He looked around for danger around them. But what would Darkweaver do? The guard impressed her unlike so many... and the game was almost time!
Darkweaver raised a brow at his words. "It's not about forgetting your friends, it's more about.. forgetting that this place isn't quite safe for outsiders." She paused, correcting herself slightly. "But you're fine, since you're with me." All he has to do is prove that he's worth of her protection with a game. If only he'd agree to do it.. "So.. game time?"

She smiled, gently trotting over and headbutting his arm gently. "Yeah, yeah, you're a big, smart guy." She laughed, hopping over onto a tree and climbing up it to start counting. "I'm counting down for our game, silly. Just.. run and hide. Don't get caught in any webs, and you'll be fine!" She said, gently nestling her head into the hollow of the particular tree she had climbed up to. "If I can't catch you before the sun rises, you win! But if I catch you, well.." she trailed off, letting him picture what she would do.
Darkweaver raised a brow at his words. "It's not about forgetting your friends, it's more about.. forgetting that this place isn't quite safe for outsiders." She paused, correcting herself slightly. "But you're fine, since you're with me." All he has to do is prove that he's worth of her protection with a game. If only he'd agree to do it.. "So.. game time?"

She smiled, gently trotting over and headbutting his arm gently. "Yeah, yeah, you're a big, smart guy." She laughed, hopping over onto a tree and climbing up it to start counting. "I'm counting down for our game, silly. Just.. run and hide. Don't get caught in any webs, and you'll be fine!" She said, gently nestling her head into the hollow of the particular tree she had climbed up to. "If I can't catch you before the sun rises, you win! But if I catch you, well.." she trailed off, letting him picture what she would do.
"Fine.." He said. "I shall play. now if you excuse me." He said. He quickly vanished away from the hatchling Dragon. He hid surprisingly well... no webs. No obvious location, and a decoy not far away with his helmet seemingly. As he was not wearing it now. He soon was waiting for the dragon to seek...

It was truly a horror probably. Yet here he is hiding. But if he won at least it is over... it was up to the dragon hatchling Darkweaver now.

(Just checking you read the site rules on roleplay correct?)
"Fine.." He said. "I shall play. now if you excuse me." He said. He quickly vanished away from the hatchling Dragon. He hid surprisingly well... no webs. No obvious location, and a decoy not far away with his helmet seemingly. As he was not wearing it now. He soon was waiting for the dragon to seek...

It was truly a horror probably. Yet here he is hiding. But if he won at least it is over... it was up to the dragon hatchling Darkweaver now.

(Just checking you read the site rules on roleplay correct?)
(Yes, I've read the rules! I'm going to refresh my mind with them, too, so my responses may vary as I understand them. I apologize for last night if anything I did was strange, or complicated things. I'll try better to not do that again! ;-;)

Darkweaver hummed with glee, her tiny body brimming with energy. She was enjoying this much more now, especially since she heard him rush away from her with such speed. She wasn't going to hurt him anymore, especially not since he brought her such glee in her dull life. "Okay, I'm counting!" She said, closing her eyes as she counted to let him run away with extra time.

She ended up giving him far more time to hide than she originally planned to, all because she was lost in thought, and quickly leaped down from the branches to try and find him. She knew a lot about the environment, but it still confused her some days with how the trees twist and turn. She was still very young and, even with the strength she had, it was easy for her to mistake things as another.

Thanks to her excitement, however, she failed to notice him a few times despite the size difference. It was rather embarrassing, actually, how the hatchling missed him and 'attacked' the helmet instead--trying to sink her little fangs into the helmet, thinking it was him. It was only until after the bite that she realized it wasn't him, but rather a decoy.
(Yes, I've read the rules! I'm going to refresh my mind with them, too, so my responses may vary as I understand them. I apologize for last night if anything I did was strange, or complicated things. I'll try better to not do that again! ;-;)

Darkweaver hummed with glee, her tiny body brimming with energy. She was enjoying this much more now, especially since she heard him rush away from her with such speed. She wasn't going to hurt him anymore, especially not since he brought her such glee in her dull life. "Okay, I'm counting!" She said, closing her eyes as she counted to let him run away with extra time.

She ended up giving him far more time to hide than she originally planned to, all because she was lost in thought, and quickly leaped down from the branches to try and find him. She knew a lot about the environment, but it still confused her some days with how the trees twist and turn. She was still very young and, even with the strength she had, it was easy for her to mistake things as another.

Thanks to her excitement, however, she failed to notice him a few times despite the size difference. It was rather embarrassing, actually, how the hatchling missed him and 'attacked' the helmet instead--trying to sink her little fangs into the helmet, thinking it was him. It was only until after the bite that she realized it wasn't him, but rather a decoy.
(Oh no. You didn't do anything at all wrong. I was asking because I didn't want you to get in trouble :) sorry for adding concern to you though ...)

It was a decoy! The dragon was smart... he fooled her and was not here.. Darkweaver was losing the game now as she had spent time lost or trying to bite the helmet. But the dragon who is playing with her was lasting a great deal better than most others...

But with the hunting getting later, the evening was already upon the world. It was late, and Darkweaver had not yet found the large dragon who was hiding somewhere in the woods. But what would She do?
(Oh no. You didn't do anything at all wrong. I was asking because I didn't want you to get in trouble :) sorry for adding concern to you though ...)

It was a decoy! The dragon was smart... he fooled her and was not here.. Darkweaver was losing the game now as she had spent time lost or trying to bite the helmet. But the dragon who is playing with her was lasting a great deal better than most others...

But with the hunting getting later, the evening was already upon the world. It was late, and Darkweaver had not yet found the large dragon who was hiding somewhere in the woods. But what would She do?
(Guess who finally came home from the family trip?? Me!! Sorry for the long wait! I promise I wasn't expecting to be gone for so long ;-;
But!! On another note, I've re-read all of the RP rules, so I think we'll be all fine!)

Darkweaver huffed, smacking the helmet onto the ground to detach it from her fangs, and spread out her wings as she let out a growl. She couldn't believe she fell for an easy trick, since she often used that trick to make others confused as well. Her excitement turned into annoyance from how her attack failed, and she immediately stopped smiling.

She ran around the forest floor, not caring about playing fairly anymore as she sniffed around the area--using her strong sense of smell to track down the other quickly. When she didn't find the large dragon in a certain area, she made a thread of silk to wrap around the trees to make the area she hadn't explored yet smaller and smaller. She was going to find him, and now she wasn't being kind about it. All she had to do now was find the other before the game would end.
(Guess who finally came home from the family trip?? Me!! Sorry for the long wait! I promise I wasn't expecting to be gone for so long ;-;
But!! On another note, I've re-read all of the RP rules, so I think we'll be all fine!)

Darkweaver huffed, smacking the helmet onto the ground to detach it from her fangs, and spread out her wings as she let out a growl. She couldn't believe she fell for an easy trick, since she often used that trick to make others confused as well. Her excitement turned into annoyance from how her attack failed, and she immediately stopped smiling.

She ran around the forest floor, not caring about playing fairly anymore as she sniffed around the area--using her strong sense of smell to track down the other quickly. When she didn't find the large dragon in a certain area, she made a thread of silk to wrap around the trees to make the area she hadn't explored yet smaller and smaller. She was going to find him, and now she wasn't being kind about it. All she had to do now was find the other before the game would end.
(No problem. My apologies for any annoyance I caused by checking in a few days ago... but how was your trip? Fun? I hope. And ok :)

Not good. However time is not on her side anymore as the game turned to the hiding dragon. He was clever about this, perhaps he was not a fool? However she has been outsmarted once...

But as she searched she could see armor glinting in the brief light. Could it be him? It was difficult to see. And senses seemed to indicate it was indeed him... but what would She do now?
(No problem. My apologies for any annoyance I caused by checking in a few days ago... but how was your trip? Fun? I hope. And ok :)

Not good. However time is not on her side anymore as the game turned to the hiding dragon. He was clever about this, perhaps he was not a fool? However she has been outsmarted once...

But as she searched she could see armor glinting in the brief light. Could it be him? It was difficult to see. And senses seemed to indicate it was indeed him... but what would She do now?
(Oh, please don't apologize for that!! I'm not mad, I swear! I didn't have any time to let you know that I was leaving until I was already packing everything up because I had such little notice.. I promise usually I never just.. dip..

Ahem, but my trip was nice! Did some fishing, but didn't catch anything but mosquito bites. Well, I did catch a few small fish but I had to throw 'em back into the water because of fishing regulations.)

Darkweaver's gaze drifted towards the light that glinted in the distance, her eyes instantly drawn to the light before she even knew it. With a quick turn, she rushed towards the light and leaped up onto a tree to move quicker.

With a heavy flop onto a branch from how sharp the turn was, the small hatchling huffed. "You-" she breathed sharply, the running around had made her exhausted and it showed. "-are much too smart for my normal playmates." She hissed, though there was a hint of pride in her tone. She was glad that she found somebody smart enough to fool her, even if it also made her furious.

Her wing buzzed, her grin widening as she snuck closer to him. She was proud, and also angry enough to pounce onto his back, almost as though she was ready to make a finishing blow but, instead of hurting him, landed onto his back with a huff of pride. "Good game." She cooed, finally getting back into her playful mood that she was before. She was much kinder, too. "You almost beat me, too!"
(Oh, please don't apologize for that!! I'm not mad, I swear! I didn't have any time to let you know that I was leaving until I was already packing everything up because I had such little notice.. I promise usually I never just.. dip..

Ahem, but my trip was nice! Did some fishing, but didn't catch anything but mosquito bites. Well, I did catch a few small fish but I had to throw 'em back into the water because of fishing regulations.)

Darkweaver's gaze drifted towards the light that glinted in the distance, her eyes instantly drawn to the light before she even knew it. With a quick turn, she rushed towards the light and leaped up onto a tree to move quicker.

With a heavy flop onto a branch from how sharp the turn was, the small hatchling huffed. "You-" she breathed sharply, the running around had made her exhausted and it showed. "-are much too smart for my normal playmates." She hissed, though there was a hint of pride in her tone. She was glad that she found somebody smart enough to fool her, even if it also made her furious.

Her wing buzzed, her grin widening as she snuck closer to him. She was proud, and also angry enough to pounce onto his back, almost as though she was ready to make a finishing blow but, instead of hurting him, landed onto his back with a huff of pride. "Good game." She cooed, finally getting back into her playful mood that she was before. She was much kinder, too. "You almost beat me, too!"
(It's ok. Especially if you are busy or have something come up. I understand what happened :) hopefully you do not feel bad about me checking so much...

Ah. I understand that. Back when I was fishing we never kept any. We returned them to the lake all the time. Sorry for the bugs though...)

How the armor chest plate was also empty! She landed on nothing but a propped up empty suit... the armor collapses upon the weight of Darkweaver... despite how light she was at her hatchling size.

He did it twice! Who was this dragon? Why was he so smart for the game despite never playing before, he was nowhere to be seen as if he managed to slip away or avoid the silk around the area. He was not a fool like many dragons before that Darkweaver encountered and met...
(It's ok. Especially if you are busy or have something come up. I understand what happened :) hopefully you do not feel bad about me checking so much...

Ah. I understand that. Back when I was fishing we never kept any. We returned them to the lake all the time. Sorry for the bugs though...)

How the armor chest plate was also empty! She landed on nothing but a propped up empty suit... the armor collapses upon the weight of Darkweaver... despite how light she was at her hatchling size.

He did it twice! Who was this dragon? Why was he so smart for the game despite never playing before, he was nowhere to be seen as if he managed to slip away or avoid the silk around the area. He was not a fool like many dragons before that Darkweaver encountered and met...
Darkweaver's little wings buzzed loudly as her anger got the better of her. This game was no fun! Not fun at all! "Oh, when I catch that knight..!" She hissed, hopping off of the armor with a huff. She did make sure she didn't destroy the armor, though, as it looked important. It was almost like she was being careful to the equipment before her mind got back on track to what she needed to do.

"Oh, heck, right! The game!" She gasped, stumbling away from the prior "attack" she had made. Her stubby little legs were getting in the way so much, but she wouldn't let herself fly. No, that would be cheating--even if she was using the silk to trap others, she didn't do it intentionally during a game. She didn't like cheating, even if most of her tricks could be classified as "cheats" in some type of way.

She looked around the forest as fast as her little limbs could go. If only she was just a little older, than this dragon wouldn't have gotten away, surely! If she was bigger, then she really could have started the game without a care in the world. But, sadly, she was still so small and so, so very childish to really find a dragon trained in hiding like this one was.

She wouldn't lie when she thought of the knight as rather impressive, if only to irritate herself more at the thought. She didn't like loosing, not at all, and it stung more than any attack could at the total wipeout that was her attempt at finding him.

She grabbed hold of the silk from a particularly large tree and climbed up the tree, snacking on the silk as she went. It was useful to keep her energy full, at least. "Where could that boy be?! This isn't fun anymore!" She grumbled, clearly pouting about losing the game. She hadn't lost this game in a long time, and she was clearly annoyed because of it.
Darkweaver's little wings buzzed loudly as her anger got the better of her. This game was no fun! Not fun at all! "Oh, when I catch that knight..!" She hissed, hopping off of the armor with a huff. She did make sure she didn't destroy the armor, though, as it looked important. It was almost like she was being careful to the equipment before her mind got back on track to what she needed to do.

"Oh, heck, right! The game!" She gasped, stumbling away from the prior "attack" she had made. Her stubby little legs were getting in the way so much, but she wouldn't let herself fly. No, that would be cheating--even if she was using the silk to trap others, she didn't do it intentionally during a game. She didn't like cheating, even if most of her tricks could be classified as "cheats" in some type of way.

She looked around the forest as fast as her little limbs could go. If only she was just a little older, than this dragon wouldn't have gotten away, surely! If she was bigger, then she really could have started the game without a care in the world. But, sadly, she was still so small and so, so very childish to really find a dragon trained in hiding like this one was.

She wouldn't lie when she thought of the knight as rather impressive, if only to irritate herself more at the thought. She didn't like loosing, not at all, and it stung more than any attack could at the total wipeout that was her attempt at finding him.

She grabbed hold of the silk from a particularly large tree and climbed up the tree, snacking on the silk as she went. It was useful to keep her energy full, at least. "Where could that boy be?! This isn't fun anymore!" She grumbled, clearly pouting about losing the game. She hadn't lost this game in a long time, and she was clearly annoyed because of it.