
Dragons For Sale

Arrange the purchasing and selling of dragons.
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[center][size=7][b]Dragons' Stories[/b][/size][/center] Hello and welcome everyone! Here you can find some dragons with bits of background I’ve hatched or stumbled upon and decided to give them personality and glimpses of their lives that might help their new owners! [center][b]Just some points to consider:[/b][center] [left][LIST] [*][b]No one will go unnamed[/b], so I strongly recommend you to tell me their future names or I’ll be using their holder names before sending them! [*]Of course, nothing is set on stone. Once bought, their new owners may change their personalities, stories, names or anything about their physical appearance! [*]If you are interested in buying [b]nestmates[/b], I’ll give you a 10kT/g discount in your total for every nestmate! (Meaning Dragon full + Nestmate with discount, and so on) [*]Please note that these dragons will come with [b]hibden cooldown[/b]. [*]Even though once they are off my hands I cannot decide for them, I’d really wish for them to find good new homes, so I’ll highly appreciate not exalt them immediately. [*]If you’re thinking of exalting any of these dragons, I encourage you to reach out! I might be willing to buy them from you! [/LIST][/left] [center][size=5][b]Dragons available[/b][/size][/center] [center][b]Anselm[/b] (75kT/G)[/center] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol]Male May 15, 2024 Moon(Iridescent) Gloom(Shimmer) White(Runes) Nestmates: Colette, Kalyn, Adenike and Shana [nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol]A dragon with a golden moral compass, Anselm values his integrity over everything else. He’s always willing to lend a shoulder, but you won’t hear a single piece of advice from his part that promotes selfishness or greed, nor taking advantage of others. Anselm wants to live his life without a single regret, so his very action will be aligned with his beliefs no matter if they lead him to troubles with others.[/columns]- ------- [center][b]Colette[/b] (75kT/G)[/center] [columns]At first glance, Colette might seem a bit shy, always lost inside of her own mind and looking around the floor, but getting to know her might reveal her deep love about stones. Her own collection tells her story, do you want to hear her talk nonstop? Ask her about one! The stone she found her hatchday, the one she stumbled upon when trying to catch her first meal by herself, the group of stones that resembled her nestmates. They are her own treasure even if not all of them are shiny or pretty, they are perfect in her eyes.[nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol]Female May 15, 2024 Orca(Iridescent) Plum(Shimmer) Platinum(Runes) Nestmates: Kalyn, Anselm, Adenike and Shana [nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] ------- [center][b]Shana[/b] (75kT/G)[/center] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol]Female May 15, 2024 Obsidian(Iridescent) Lead(Shimmer) Pearl(Runes) Nestmates: Colette, Kalyn, Anselm and Adenike [nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol]If you don’t seem to find her, search for her in the stars. With exceptional knowledge in astronomy, her favorite thing to do is to fly high on the clear skies of the night, identifying every star and constellation. She even could call you one of their names, no matter if that’s not yours, that’s the way Shana can demonstrate her appreciation, find how she feels about your new nickname and you’ll find what she thinks about you![/columns] ------- [center][b]Sandip[/b] (100kT/G)[/center] [columns]What’s the ball you saw rolling at full speed on the dunes? It could be Sandip! He loves the speed, no matter if flying or rolling, but be careful, rolling on the Charged Barrens might force him to hold an amount of electricity that will get out in the form of spontaneous lightning! You’ll get used to him asking for races to every dragon in his way and insist on it, though his competitiveness also makes Sandip a bad loser… Nothing that another race proposal doesn’t fix! [nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol]Male May 20, 2024 Eggplant(Display) Cornflower(Spire) Sunshine(Spines) Nestmate: Berkay [nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] ------- [center][b]Berkay[/b] (100kT/G)[/center] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol]Male May 20, 2024 Mist(Strike) Caribbean(Spire) Raspberry(Spines) Nestmate: Sandip [nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol]The best friend of a dragon is good music and a calm day. Berkay enjoys doing anything at his own pace with a melody in the background, though he’s not as good at playing instruments as he is listening to them. Though he loves a relaxing day, he’s also weak to his brother, Sandip, and he’ll do any race his energetic nestmate wants… not without making a bit of a fuss, but what’s the fun of having siblings if not to annoy them?[/columns] ------- [center][b]Riley[/b] (100kT/G)[/center] [columns]Bold and not afraid to speak her mind up, Riley is always up for standing in the name of others, she doesn’t have time for dragons who enjoy disturbing others though she’s not a fighter, instead a good use of words is her best weapon. Always a reliable member of any team, she’ll try to do what others are afraid to do, in particular if those others are… her sibling Finley. Even though she hatched a bit later than him, he’s her pride and joy and always wants to help him! [nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol]Female May 20, 2024 Eggplant(Flaunt) Obsidian(Thread) Coal(Lace) Nestmate: Finley, Rhett [nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] ------- [center][b]Finley[/b] (100kT/G)[/center] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol]Male May 20, 2024 Mulberry(Flaunt) Plum(Thread) Lavender(Starfall) Nestmate: Riley, Rhett [nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol]A really shy and skittish dragon, you wouldn’t want to make loud noises around him if you want to avoid startle him. Finley enjoys doing his own thing in peace and quiet, and he’s fascinated by the past, always with a new book in his claws to read about history. If he has to do something he’s afraid of, he can always count on his sister Riley to help and motivate him, even if sometimes she’s louder than he’d like, Finley always wants her by his side.[/columns] ------- [center][b]Rhett[/b] (100kT/G)[/center] [columns]Rhett is a nice dragon to be around, gentle and calm. Never acts without thinking first, so a lot of his lairmates search for his advice when they are in doubt, usually giving reasonable solutions to everyone’s issues. He enjoys flying on cloudy days and is usually by himself, as he dislikes to be involved in issues with other dragons, specially if they have nothing to do with him in the first place, but never says no to good company with positive mates. [nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol]Male May 20, 2024 Ice(Flaunt) Smoke(Thread) Grape(Lace) Nestmates: Finley, Riley [nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] ------- [center][b]Zahal[/b] (100kT/G)[/center] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol]Male July 01, 2024 Fog(Display) Goldenrod(Spire) Carrot(Spines) Nestmates: Kalea, Jacey. [nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol]A true jokester, Zahal loves to make other dragons laugh even at his own expense, not afraid one bit of make a bit of a fool of himself. He also likes to play pranks and joke around, but his pranks tend to be nice and give a good time; if he ever unconsciously crosses a line or a boundary, Zahal is fast to backtrack and apologize. He’s also respectful, as he doesn’t play with dragons who had let him know they don’t enjoy his pranks.[/columns] ------- [center][b]Kalea[/b] (100kT/G)[/center] [columns]Her fragile health was never an impediment for Kalea, she’s a fierce adventurer. She loves to find new places that, at least for her, are unknown, and she sees beauty even in small caves. Not even her allergy to pollen can keep her apart from meadows, where she has found the most beautiful places. Her little secret place is a cave that leads to a plain with a giant tree and a lake, barely getting any sun from above, and just her is allowed -in her eyes- to visit that place! [nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol]Female July 01, 2024 Gloom(Strike) Robin(Lacquer) Tarnish(Spines) Nestmates: Zahal, Jacey. [nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] ------- [center][b]Jacey[/b] (100kT/G)[/center] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol]Male(Nonbinary) July 01, 2024 Royal(Strike) Jungle(Spire) Pearl(Wavecrest) Nestmates: Zahal, Kalea. [nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol]If a dragon is looking for a make-over, Jacey is always a good option! They are in love with art, more specifically, corporal art. Jacey can find some resources and natural materials and make paint to use in any dragon from head to tail. It doesn’t matter for them if the paint washes away… because that means they can try another style! Even though corporal paint is their speciality, one can always find their paintings on the most unexpected places.[/columns]
Dragons' Stories

Hello and welcome everyone! Here you can find some dragons with bits of background I’ve hatched or stumbled upon and decided to give them personality and glimpses of their lives that might help their new owners!
Just some points to consider:
  • No one will go unnamed, so I strongly recommend you to tell me their future names or I’ll be using their holder names before sending them!
  • Of course, nothing is set on stone. Once bought, their new owners may change their personalities, stories, names or anything about their physical appearance!
  • If you are interested in buying nestmates, I’ll give you a 10kT/g discount in your total for every nestmate! (Meaning Dragon full + Nestmate with discount, and so on)
  • Please note that these dragons will come with hibden cooldown.
  • Even though once they are off my hands I cannot decide for them, I’d really wish for them to find good new homes, so I’ll highly appreciate not exalt them immediately.
  • If you’re thinking of exalting any of these dragons, I encourage you to reach out! I might be willing to buy them from you!

Dragons available
Anselm (75kT/G)
95049876.png Male
May 15, 2024

Nestmates: Colette, Kalyn, Adenike and Shana
BEGocSN.png A dragon with a golden moral compass, Anselm values his integrity over everything else. He’s always willing to lend a shoulder, but you won’t hear a single piece of advice from his part that promotes selfishness or greed, nor taking advantage of others. Anselm wants to live his life without a single regret, so his very action will be aligned with his beliefs no matter if they lead him to troubles with others.
Colette (75kT/G)
At first glance, Colette might seem a bit shy, always lost inside of her own mind and looking around the floor, but getting to know her might reveal her deep love about stones. Her own collection tells her story, do you want to hear her talk nonstop? Ask her about one! The stone she found her hatchday, the one she stumbled upon when trying to catch her first meal by herself, the group of stones that resembled her nestmates. They are her own treasure even if not all of them are shiny or pretty, they are perfect in her eyes. BEGocSN.png Female
May 15, 2024

Nestmates: Kalyn, Anselm, Adenike and Shana

Shana (75kT/G)
95049878.png Female
May 15, 2024

Nestmates: Colette, Kalyn, Anselm and Adenike
BEGocSN.png If you don’t seem to find her, search for her in the stars. With exceptional knowledge in astronomy, her favorite thing to do is to fly high on the clear skies of the night, identifying every star and constellation. She even could call you one of their names, no matter if that’s not yours, that’s the way Shana can demonstrate her appreciation, find how she feels about your new nickname and you’ll find what she thinks about you!

Sandip (100kT/G)
What’s the ball you saw rolling at full speed on the dunes? It could be Sandip! He loves the speed, no matter if flying or rolling, but be careful, rolling on the Charged Barrens might force him to hold an amount of electricity that will get out in the form of spontaneous lightning! You’ll get used to him asking for races to every dragon in his way and insist on it, though his competitiveness also makes Sandip a bad loser… Nothing that another race proposal doesn’t fix! BEGocSN.png Male
May 20, 2024

Nestmate: Berkay

Berkay (100kT/G)
95154107.png Male
May 20, 2024

Nestmate: Sandip
BEGocSN.png The best friend of a dragon is good music and a calm day. Berkay enjoys doing anything at his own pace with a melody in the background, though he’s not as good at playing instruments as he is listening to them. Though he loves a relaxing day, he’s also weak to his brother, Sandip, and he’ll do any race his energetic nestmate wants… not without making a bit of a fuss, but what’s the fun of having siblings if not to annoy them?

Riley (100kT/G)
Bold and not afraid to speak her mind up, Riley is always up for standing in the name of others, she doesn’t have time for dragons who enjoy disturbing others though she’s not a fighter, instead a good use of words is her best weapon. Always a reliable member of any team, she’ll try to do what others are afraid to do, in particular if those others are… her sibling Finley. Even though she hatched a bit later than him, he’s her pride and joy and always wants to help him! BEGocSN.png Female
May 20, 2024

Nestmate: Finley, Rhett

Finley (100kT/G)
95154118.png Male
May 20, 2024

Nestmate: Riley, Rhett
BEGocSN.png A really shy and skittish dragon, you wouldn’t want to make loud noises around him if you want to avoid startle him. Finley enjoys doing his own thing in peace and quiet, and he’s fascinated by the past, always with a new book in his claws to read about history. If he has to do something he’s afraid of, he can always count on his sister Riley to help and motivate him, even if sometimes she’s louder than he’d like, Finley always wants her by his side.

Rhett (100kT/G)
Rhett is a nice dragon to be around, gentle and calm. Never acts without thinking first, so a lot of his lairmates search for his advice when they are in doubt, usually giving reasonable solutions to everyone’s issues. He enjoys flying on cloudy days and is usually by himself, as he dislikes to be involved in issues with other dragons, specially if they have nothing to do with him in the first place, but never says no to good company with positive mates. BEGocSN.png Male
May 20, 2024

Nestmates: Finley, Riley

Zahal (100kT/G)
96181314.png Male
July 01, 2024

Nestmates: Kalea, Jacey.
BEGocSN.png A true jokester, Zahal loves to make other dragons laugh even at his own expense, not afraid one bit of make a bit of a fool of himself. He also likes to play pranks and joke around, but his pranks tend to be nice and give a good time; if he ever unconsciously crosses a line or a boundary, Zahal is fast to backtrack and apologize. He’s also respectful, as he doesn’t play with dragons who had let him know they don’t enjoy his pranks.

Kalea (100kT/G)
Her fragile health was never an impediment for Kalea, she’s a fierce adventurer. She loves to find new places that, at least for her, are unknown, and she sees beauty even in small caves. Not even her allergy to pollen can keep her apart from meadows, where she has found the most beautiful places. Her little secret place is a cave that leads to a plain with a giant tree and a lake, barely getting any sun from above, and just her is allowed -in her eyes- to visit that place! BEGocSN.png Female
July 01, 2024

Nestmates: Zahal, Jacey.

Jacey (100kT/G)
96181315.png Male(Nonbinary)
July 01, 2024

Nestmates: Zahal, Kalea.
BEGocSN.png If a dragon is looking for a make-over, Jacey is always a good option! They are in love with art, more specifically, corporal art. Jacey can find some resources and natural materials and make paint to use in any dragon from head to tail. It doesn’t matter for them if the paint washes away… because that means they can try another style! Even though corporal paint is their speciality, one can always find their paintings on the most unexpected places.
[center][size=7][b]Dragons Sold[/b][/size][/center] [center][b]Kalyn[/b][/center] [columns]The best companion in any adventure you want to have, Kalyn is fearless and will face even the unknown with a brave and positive attitude. Might not be the fastest dragon in Sornieth, but she’s the living proof that the important thing is the journey and not the goal. Kalyn doesn’t travel to get anything but good memories with her friends, but who wouldn’t like to obtain a prize at the end of the road? It doesn’t matter if it’s knowledge, a treasure or just a bit of sightseeing, count her in! [nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol]Female May 15, 2024 Cream(Iridescent) Eldritch(Shimmer) Pearl(Runes) Nestmates: Colette, Anselm, Adenike and Shana [nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] ------- [center][b]Adenike[/b][/center] [columns][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol]Female May 15, 2024 Smoke(Crystal) Smoke(Shimmer) Lead(Runes) Nestmates: Colette, Kalyn, Anselm and Shana[nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url] [nextcol]Just like the roses in her garden, Adenike is made of layers. The first one will be made of thorns, hard to get to her and understand what she thinks or what drives her. But any who dares to get closer and won’t be afraid of her rough exterior might find the bloom of a beautiful flower, soft and a pleasure to have her around. In her eyes, the thorn and the flower have the same right to be appreciated, no matter what presentation they have, but woe to the one who mistreats her beloved garden.[/columns]
Dragons Sold
The best companion in any adventure you want to have, Kalyn is fearless and will face even the unknown with a brave and positive attitude. Might not be the fastest dragon in Sornieth, but she’s the living proof that the important thing is the journey and not the goal. Kalyn doesn’t travel to get anything but good memories with her friends, but who wouldn’t like to obtain a prize at the end of the road? It doesn’t matter if it’s knowledge, a treasure or just a bit of sightseeing, count her in! BEGocSN.png Female
May 15, 2024

Nestmates: Colette, Anselm, Adenike and Shana

95049877.png Female
May 15, 2024

Nestmates: Colette, Kalyn, Anselm and Shana
BEGocSN.png Just like the roses in her garden, Adenike is made of layers. The first one will be made of thorns, hard to get to her and understand what she thinks or what drives her. But any who dares to get closer and won’t be afraid of her rough exterior might find the bloom of a beautiful flower, soft and a pleasure to have her around. In her eyes, the thorn and the flower have the same right to be appreciated, no matter what presentation they have, but woe to the one who mistreats her beloved garden.
@Serac I'd love to grab Kalyn. You can use her hold name
@Serac I'd love to grab Kalyn. You can use her hold name
@Jeth She's on her way! Thank you!
@Jeth She's on her way! Thank you!
Hihi :D

I have the treasure for Adenike whenever you're ready ^_^
Hihi :D

I have the treasure for Adenike whenever you're ready ^_^
@Livyamel She's on her way, thank you!!
@Livyamel She's on her way, thank you!!
@Serac of course! She's beautiful <3
@Serac of course! She's beautiful <3
love these! may i be added to a pinglist if you're gonna add more?
love these! may i be added to a pinglist if you're gonna add more?
i don't mind pings at all!

clan lore!
@sneakyraccoon Thank you!! I'll make sure to ping you when I add more!
@sneakyraccoon Thank you!! I'll make sure to ping you when I add more!
Bump with new dragons!

@sneakyraccoon Ping requested <3
Bump with new dragons!

@sneakyraccoon Ping requested <3
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