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TOPIC | Lost Legends: A Lore Shop [OPEN]
Ooh! I love it! Thank you!
Ooh! I love it! Thank you!
@BlackRayser Here is your lore for Hosimo! I enjoyed writing about him! Tales of knights and glory have always been a soft spot of mine. Hopefully you enjoy it! Please be sure to let me know if you want anything edited or changed, though! [emoji=familiar heart size=1] [quote=hosimo short story]The morning air was cool as Hosimo set out on his first quest as a fully fledged knight. His mind was set on finding a challenge that would earn him glory and thoughts of his coming fame sat at the forefront of his mind as he soared over the lands below. He flew for hours before finding himself before a large mountain range. He knew them instantly for his mentor, Fortescudo, had been adamant that he needed to learn the lay of the land in order to be a successful knight. This was Frostwild Ridge, home to a fierce tribe of coarsefur yetis that guarded their dwellings so formidably that even many seasoned warriors thought twice about entering their domain. [i]This,[/i] Hosimo thought. [i]This will surely prove my valor.[/i] He ascended the frigid heights. The air grew colder and the winds battered his small frame, but nevertheless he remained undeterred. Deeper he went until he finally encountered a yeti. The hulking creature was easily two or three times Hosimo’s size. It beat its chest and roared a challenge, breath misting in the frosty air. Hosimo mustered his courage and charged forward, determined to best the yeti and win his glory. The resulting battle was fierce. The yeti was big, but his size made him slow. In a final, desperate move, Hosimo used that to his advantage, evading the yeti’s grasp and leaping back into the safety of the sky. His body ached from the encounter, battered but not beaten. He may have lost this round, but he had learned much from his exploration and his tussle with the yeti. [i]Next time,[/i] he assured himself, musing over all that he had learned. [i]Next time will be different.[/i][/quote]
@BlackRayser Here is your lore for Hosimo! I enjoyed writing about him! Tales of knights and glory have always been a soft spot of mine. Hopefully you enjoy it! Please be sure to let me know if you want anything edited or changed, though!
hosimo short story wrote:
The morning air was cool as Hosimo set out on his first quest as a fully fledged knight. His mind was set on finding a challenge that would earn him glory and thoughts of his coming fame sat at the forefront of his mind as he soared over the lands below. He flew for hours before finding himself before a large mountain range. He knew them instantly for his mentor, Fortescudo, had been adamant that he needed to learn the lay of the land in order to be a successful knight. This was Frostwild Ridge, home to a fierce tribe of coarsefur yetis that guarded their dwellings so formidably that even many seasoned warriors thought twice about entering their domain.

This, Hosimo thought. This will surely prove my valor.

He ascended the frigid heights. The air grew colder and the winds battered his small frame, but nevertheless he remained undeterred. Deeper he went until he finally encountered a yeti. The hulking creature was easily two or three times Hosimo’s size. It beat its chest and roared a challenge, breath misting in the frosty air. Hosimo mustered his courage and charged forward, determined to best the yeti and win his glory. The resulting battle was fierce. The yeti was big, but his size made him slow. In a final, desperate move, Hosimo used that to his advantage, evading the yeti’s grasp and leaping back into the safety of the sky. His body ached from the encounter, battered but not beaten. He may have lost this round, but he had learned much from his exploration and his tussle with the yeti.

Next time, he assured himself, musing over all that he had learned. Next time will be different.
Love it! You really got his personality! Thank you soso much! [emoji=coatl love size=1]
Love it! You really got his personality! Thank you soso much!
[center][img][/img] @pinglist-28195 Life got in the way, but we're back in business! Orders are now open again! It's time to seek your legend!

@[LL] Lore Slots Open

Life got in the way, but we're back in business! Orders are now open again! It's time to seek your legend!
[center][color=purple][u][b]Someone seeks a legend![/b][/u][/color] [b]Username and ID:[/b] Enamored #434514 [b]Service requested (blurb, long story, etc):[/b] blurb + short story. [b]Is this a hatchery bundle?[/b] nooo [b]Dragon you are ordering for:[/b] my baby yin! [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]What are your dragon's pronouns?[/b] she / her [b]Does this dragon have other lore I should keep in mind when writing? If no, please give me an idea of what you are looking for.[/b] noo, she just lives in a big ol' pond and loves ducks! [b]Are you okay with darker themes?[/b] sure why not, water horrors are fun [b]Any preferences or things/topics I should avoid?[/b] nothing specific [b]Anything else I should know?[/b] baby ducks follow her around all the time [b]Are you paying gems or treasure? Mixed payment is okay.[/b] treasure [b]Is this a gift? If so, please provide the username and ID of the recipient.[/b] is a little treat for me [b]If this is a gift, would you like to remain anonymous?[/b] n/a [/center]
Someone seeks a legend!

Username and ID: Enamored #434514

Service requested (blurb, long story, etc): blurb + short story.
Is this a hatchery bundle? nooo
Dragon you are ordering for: my baby yin!


What are your dragon's pronouns? she / her
Does this dragon have other lore I should keep in mind when writing? If no, please give me an idea of what you are looking for. noo, she just lives in a big ol' pond and loves ducks!

Are you okay with darker themes? sure why not, water horrors are fun
Any preferences or things/topics I should avoid? nothing specific
Anything else I should know? baby ducks follow her around all the time

Are you paying gems or treasure? Mixed payment is okay. treasure

Is this a gift? If so, please provide the username and ID of the recipient.
is a little treat for me
If this is a gift, would you like to remain anonymous? n/a
X X XUHiyHZI.png
@enamored sure thing! your total is 25kt!
@enamored sure thing! your total is 25kt!
[center][color=purple][u][b]Someone seeks a legend![/b][/u][/color] [b]Username and ID:[/b] PhantomClawMews #588232 [b]Service requested (blurb, long story, etc):[/b] long story + blurb! [b]Is this a hatchery bundle?[/b] nope! [b]Dragon you are ordering for:[/b] Winterfell! [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]What are your dragon's pronouns?[/b] he/they! [b]Does this dragon have other lore I should keep in mind when writing? If no, please give me an idea of what you are looking for.[/b] no. Lore idea could be that he's a 3 tailed kitsune! He isn’t malicious, and actually guides spirits so they’re not lost/bound. He lives in an abandoned moon shrine. [b]Are you okay with darker themes?[/b] yes! [b]Any preferences or things/topics I should avoid?[/b] no [b]Anything else I should know?[/b] Extra lore idea: humans are highly superstitious and attacked his little camp/village when he was a kit, so he’s wary of kitsune hunters. The spirits probably look like white flames or glowing white petals. He also uses blue foxfire to attack. [b]Are you paying gems or treasure? Mixed payment is okay.[/b] treasure!! [b]Is this a gift? If so, please provide the username and ID of the recipient.[/b] nope [b]If this is a gift, would you like to remain anonymous?[/b] no[/center]
Someone seeks a legend!

Username and ID: PhantomClawMews #588232

Service requested (blurb, long story, etc): long story + blurb!
Is this a hatchery bundle? nope!
Dragon you are ordering for: Winterfell!


What are your dragon's pronouns? he/they!
Does this dragon have other lore I should keep in mind when writing? If no, please give me an idea of what you are looking for. no. Lore idea could be that he's a 3 tailed kitsune! He isn’t malicious, and actually guides spirits so they’re not lost/bound. He lives in an abandoned moon shrine.

Are you okay with darker themes? yes!
Any preferences or things/topics I should avoid? no
Anything else I should know? Extra lore idea: humans are highly superstitious and attacked his little camp/village when he was a kit, so he’s wary of kitsune hunters. The spirits probably look like white flames or glowing white petals. He also uses blue foxfire to attack.

Are you paying gems or treasure? Mixed payment is okay. treasure!!

Is this a gift? If so, please provide the username and ID of the recipient. nope
If this is a gift, would you like to remain anonymous? no
@PhantomClawMews Welcome back! Your total this time is 40kt! Feel free to send it over when you get the chance and in the meantime I'll put your name down!
@PhantomClawMews Welcome back! Your total this time is 40kt! Feel free to send it over when you get the chance and in the meantime I'll put your name down!
[center]@Enamored Here is your lore for Yin! Let me know if you would like anything rewritten or changed! [quote=yin blurb]Yin is quiet and reserved. She sees the value in being part of a larger group, but at the same time dislikes the company of other dragons. For this reason, she has made her home within a large pond situated near the border of her clan’s territory. She spends her days lurking in the watery depths. A film of algae covers her scales and often only her antlers are visible from the shore. These are often dismissed as nothing but driftwood that has fallen into the pond. She has formed a rather unusual bond with the local flock of ducks and will care for their ducklings so the parents can feed and stretch their wings. She almost always has a trail of them swimming after her or nestlings among her antlers if she is submerged. In return for her protection, the ducklings provide her with food. Much like the call of siren, their flock is an oddity in that their calls possess magical properties capable of luring the unsuspecting towards them and, by association, to their guardian... [/quote] [quote=yin story]Yin lounged lazily under the surface of the water. On the surface, ducklings danced, swam and sheltered among the crown of antlers adorning her head. She rarely fully submerged, often leaving her antlers exposed to protect the ducklings she guarded. Her eyes were closed in relaxation, allowing the gentle chirps and whistles of her charges to lull her into a state of tranquility. This was how she often spent her days, but the meditation was interrupted when she heard her ducklings begin to swim away. Cracking an eye open, she saw their little orange feet poking below the water’s surface, paddling and pushing their bodies towards the shore. Their calls continued to waft softly around the pond, but she could feel that they had changed. She had long since developed a resistance to the unusual properties the cries of this flock possessed, but others were often not so lucky. She remained submerged, keeping one eye on the ducklings’ webbed feet. Gradually, her charges began circling back in her direction. Only this time they were followed by a set of feet wading through the shallows after them. A cloud of silt was kicked up around them as they moved farther and farther away from shore. Closer and closer they came to Yin’s position where she lurked in the deepest part of the pond. Their movements, previously stiff and slow, became quick, ungraceful and frantic as the victim finally pulled free of the ducklings’ mesmerizing spell. By now they were too far from shore and their body was too tired from the effort of getting out into the middle of the pond. They passed the point of no return even if they refused to accept that fact. It was only now that Yin finally raised her head so that her eyes poked above the surface of the water. Her lazy blue stare met the frantic eyes of the other dragon floundering in the water. For a moment, hope lit their expression. They probably thought she was here to save them. Poor thing. They panicked once more when she merely continued to watch them, realization that this was their end setting in. The dragon’s head dipped under the water once, then twice. They spluttered frantically for air, water splashing all around them as they fought to stay afloat. Finally, Yin ducked back under the surface and darted towards the other dragon. Her jaws clamped firmly around their ankle, and she drove down into the deeps. The other dragon fought, kicked and twisted, trying everything they could to get away, but Yin’s grip held firm. The water turned a murky red around them from the wound on their leg. Only once they reached the bottom of the pond did she release them. She swam back to simply watch them again. They had no strength left to make for the surface at this point and instead stared up at the light reflecting through the water with sad, scared eyes. Bubbles leaked from the mouth. They reached up as if trying to grasp something. Then their eyes rolled back in their head, and they stopped moving. Tiny yellow specks darted down from the surface. The ducklings were here and together with Yin, they moved to feed.[/quote]
@Enamored Here is your lore for Yin! Let me know if you would like anything rewritten or changed!
yin blurb wrote:
Yin is quiet and reserved. She sees the value in being part of a larger group, but at the same time dislikes the company of other dragons. For this reason, she has made her home within a large pond situated near the border of her clan’s territory. She spends her days lurking in the watery depths. A film of algae covers her scales and often only her antlers are visible from the shore. These are often dismissed as nothing but driftwood that has fallen into the pond. She has formed a rather unusual bond with the local flock of ducks and will care for their ducklings so the parents can feed and stretch their wings. She almost always has a trail of them swimming after her or nestlings among her antlers if she is submerged. In return for her protection, the ducklings provide her with food. Much like the call of siren, their flock is an oddity in that their calls possess magical properties capable of luring the unsuspecting towards them and, by association, to their guardian...
yin story wrote:
Yin lounged lazily under the surface of the water. On the surface, ducklings danced, swam and sheltered among the crown of antlers adorning her head. She rarely fully submerged, often leaving her antlers exposed to protect the ducklings she guarded. Her eyes were closed in relaxation, allowing the gentle chirps and whistles of her charges to lull her into a state of tranquility. This was how she often spent her days, but the meditation was interrupted when she heard her ducklings begin to swim away. Cracking an eye open, she saw their little orange feet poking below the water’s surface, paddling and pushing their bodies towards the shore. Their calls continued to waft softly around the pond, but she could feel that they had changed. She had long since developed a resistance to the unusual properties the cries of this flock possessed, but others were often not so lucky.

She remained submerged, keeping one eye on the ducklings’ webbed feet. Gradually, her charges began circling back in her direction. Only this time they were followed by a set of feet wading through the shallows after them. A cloud of silt was kicked up around them as they moved farther and farther away from shore. Closer and closer they came to Yin’s position where she lurked in the deepest part of the pond. Their movements, previously stiff and slow, became quick, ungraceful and frantic as the victim finally pulled free of the ducklings’ mesmerizing spell. By now they were too far from shore and their body was too tired from the effort of getting out into the middle of the pond. They passed the point of no return even if they refused to accept that fact. It was only now that Yin finally raised her head so that her eyes poked above the surface of the water. Her lazy blue stare met the frantic eyes of the other dragon floundering in the water. For a moment, hope lit their expression. They probably thought she was here to save them. Poor thing. They panicked once more when she merely continued to watch them, realization that this was their end setting in.

The dragon’s head dipped under the water once, then twice. They spluttered frantically for air, water splashing all around them as they fought to stay afloat. Finally, Yin ducked back under the surface and darted towards the other dragon. Her jaws clamped firmly around their ankle, and she drove down into the deeps. The other dragon fought, kicked and twisted, trying everything they could to get away, but Yin’s grip held firm. The water turned a murky red around them from the wound on their leg. Only once they reached the bottom of the pond did she release them. She swam back to simply watch them again. They had no strength left to make for the surface at this point and instead stared up at the light reflecting through the water with sad, scared eyes. Bubbles leaked from the mouth. They reached up as if trying to grasp something. Then their eyes rolled back in their head, and they stopped moving. Tiny yellow specks darted down from the surface. The ducklings were here and together with Yin, they moved to feed.
[center]@Evaria this is amazing, i love the direction it took! and the way her little ducklings are apart of the hunt, the perfect distraction. i love some good water based horror, this is stunning. thank you!! [emoji=familiar heart size=1] you captured her 100%, i'll be re-reading this for WEEKS!

this is amazing, i love the direction it took!
and the way her little ducklings are apart of the hunt,
the perfect distraction. i love some good water based
horror, this is stunning. thank you!!

you captured her 100%, i'll be re-reading this for WEEKS!
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