
Quests & Challenges

Quests, Challenges, and Festival games.
TOPIC | Websteak's Meat Makers Breeding Log
[center][size=7]At Long Last - More Twins?![/size] [size=5]Flutter[/size] Bought for 10,000t Blood/Berry/Antique [url=][img][/img][/url] With a parent named HotChocolate I was pretty sure he would be in the clear as far as relatedness to my other pairs goes, and I was right! Not a huge range, but enough into the browns that there was no historical meat to be worried about. Flutter's parent's range below. [url=,158,159,152,5,3,1,1,HotChocolate,Carol][img][/img][/url] [size=5]Satri[/size] Bought for 18,000t Strawberry/Strawberry/Cream [url=][img][/img][/url] Satri is an interesting one! With both parents XXY (Strawberry/Strawberry/white and pearl) it looks like they come from another line that breeds true (subspecies? or something like that?) as their bios have a link to the "Contagions" and a little blurb about how they serve the Plaguebringer. Wonderful stuff, and I hope they enjoy being a part of this meat cause as well! Regardless, I am glad Satri ended up with the exact color needed in the only one that has a range. [url=,161,161,161,4,177,1,1,Trogen,Gothel][img][/img][/url] This was actually one of the earliest pairs I remember acquiring. I didn't think their chances were too bad, but they must have really liked living here because they sure held out for a while! [size=5]They had a 3.3% chance of making their own meat:[/size] [url=,161,159,161,3,2,1,1,Flutter,Satri][img][/img][/url] It took 6 nests and 21 eggs total, which means we had been waiting at least 90 days! Probably more because I am sure they didn't have another nest immediately when their cooldown was up. But it was worth the wait because again they blessed us with TWO berry/berry/creams! Not sure what the hullabaloo is about giving duplicate colors but I can't complain. I ran the numbers again and turns out there was only a 1% chance to have two meats given the max nest size of 5. I suppose they aren't really twins at all; the fae has Flaunt/Noxtide/Underbelly and the spiral has Lionfish/Flair/Underbelly. So kind of opposites, really. Just little lads. [columns][color=transparent]......[/color][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][url=][img][/img][/url][/columns] Even more interestingly, in their last five-egg nest, all five of the children were male, so it really doesn't matter who stays and who goes. Since we already have a spiral and a fae, he'll need breed changing anyway. Before he gets tossed in the plague pit though (to fulfull his meat destiny and get the appropriate genes), I think I will hold on to him for a little to see if we get a female ridgeback or snapper - the only two moderns I still need! Then we'll only need to breed change one, which will be less [s]traumatic[/s] expensive for everyone involved. If it takes too long though we might have to start venturing into collecting all of the ancients I don't have yet! EDIT: yeah I definitely couldn't wait and I changed him into a dusthide lol
At Long Last - More Twins?!

Bought for 10,000t
With a parent named HotChocolate I was pretty sure he would be in the clear as far as relatedness to my other pairs goes, and I was right! Not a huge range, but enough into the browns that there was no historical meat to be worried about. Flutter's parent's range below.

Bought for 18,000t
Satri is an interesting one! With both parents XXY (Strawberry/Strawberry/white and pearl) it looks like they come from another line that breeds true (subspecies? or something like that?) as their bios have a link to the "Contagions" and a little blurb about how they serve the Plaguebringer. Wonderful stuff, and I hope they enjoy being a part of this meat cause as well! Regardless, I am glad Satri ended up with the exact color needed in the only one that has a range.

This was actually one of the earliest pairs I remember acquiring. I didn't think their chances were too bad, but they must have really liked living here because they sure held out for a while!

They had a 3.3% chance of making their own meat:

It took 6 nests and 21 eggs total, which means we had been waiting at least 90 days! Probably more because I am sure they didn't have another nest immediately when their cooldown was up. But it was worth the wait because again they blessed us with TWO berry/berry/creams! Not sure what the hullabaloo is about giving duplicate colors but I can't complain. I ran the numbers again and turns out there was only a 1% chance to have two meats given the max nest size of 5. I suppose they aren't really twins at all; the fae has Flaunt/Noxtide/Underbelly and the spiral has Lionfish/Flair/Underbelly. So kind of opposites, really. Just little lads.
......littleladfae.png littleladspiral.png

Even more interestingly, in their last five-egg nest, all five of the children were male, so it really doesn't matter who stays and who goes. Since we already have a spiral and a fae, he'll need breed changing anyway. Before he gets tossed in the plague pit though (to fulfull his meat destiny and get the appropriate genes), I think I will hold on to him for a little to see if we get a female ridgeback or snapper - the only two moderns I still need! Then we'll only need to breed change one, which will be less traumatic expensive for everyone involved. If it takes too long though we might have to start venturing into collecting all of the ancients I don't have yet!
EDIT: yeah I definitely couldn't wait and I changed him into a dusthide lol
~Temporarily Not Soil~
[center][size=7]Small Odds Small Meat[/size] It's time to congratulate another pair I have had for quite a while! [size=5]Riccia[/size] Bought for 15,000t Maroon/Strawberry/Maize [url=][img][/img][/url] Taking more after dad ([url=]Sorbet[/url]) than mom ([url=]Kaela Mensha Khaine The Blood-Handed[/url]), Riccia shied away from a life of violence and instead chose servitude (to the meat gods of course). Fitting for his dichotomous lineage, his parents span the reds and the pinks. [url=,151,176,151,1,168,1,1,Sorbet,Khaine][img][/img][/url] [size=5]Colubris[/size] Bought for 8g Red/Maroon/Ice [url=][img][/img][/url] Arriving rather drab and basic, she flourished under watchful eyes and adopted a swirly, airy pattern that reflected her tendency to go wherever the wind takes her. We are glad it blew her over to the Scarred Wasteland where she stayed for a while. Unfortunately this tendency caused a little freezer burn when she stayed too long in the icefields, but it was still a fun experience! Although her parents matched their secondaries, the primary and tertiary had a pretty good range! Maybe that's why she liked to wander, but always came back home. [url=,154,158,158,18,154,1,1,Drakh,Wanda][img][/img][/url] Despite all the adventures, they remained devoted to each other and the pursuit of meats. Their odds weren't the best, but they knew this doesn't make them any less useful or beloved. And they certainly knew that "if at first you don't succeed, try, try again!" [size=5]They had a 1.4% chance of making their own meat:[/size] [url=,156,159,156,4,1,1,1,Laik,Sparky][img][/img][/url] At long last after six nests and 22 eggs total, they fulfilled their duty and can now move on to the next adventure! The newest meat emerged with Boulder/Paisley/Flecks, which we are strongly resisting meat-ifying immediately because maybe she will become an ancient! [url=][img][/img][/url] hnnnnnng the [url=]last meat[/url] I got was a male, and this one is a female.... the urge to change them into the last two remaining modern (snapper and ridgeback) and make a pair is intense..... but I must stay strong and wait until my snappers and ridgebacks have their own meats to see where they would best serve the Plaguemother... only time will tell if we truly are as patient as we hope! EDIT: yeah I changed her to a dusthide and then found an unrelated ridgeback that was already meat! So we just changed another that was in storage to a snapper hehe. Then we had a full modern collection for a brief period... until fathoms happened
Small Odds Small Meat

It's time to congratulate another pair I have had for quite a while!

Bought for 15,000t
Taking more after dad (Sorbet) than mom (Kaela Mensha Khaine The Blood-Handed), Riccia shied away from a life of violence and instead chose servitude (to the meat gods of course). Fitting for his dichotomous lineage, his parents span the reds and the pinks.

Bought for 8g
Arriving rather drab and basic, she flourished under watchful eyes and adopted a swirly, airy pattern that reflected her tendency to go wherever the wind takes her. We are glad it blew her over to the Scarred Wasteland where she stayed for a while. Unfortunately this tendency caused a little freezer burn when she stayed too long in the icefields, but it was still a fun experience! Although her parents matched their secondaries, the primary and tertiary had a pretty good range! Maybe that's why she liked to wander, but always came back home.

Despite all the adventures, they remained devoted to each other and the pursuit of meats. Their odds weren't the best, but they knew this doesn't make them any less useful or beloved. And they certainly knew that "if at first you don't succeed, try, try again!"

They had a 1.4% chance of making their own meat:

At long last after six nests and 22 eggs total, they fulfilled their duty and can now move on to the next adventure!

The newest meat emerged with Boulder/Paisley/Flecks, which we are strongly resisting meat-ifying immediately because maybe she will become an ancient!

hnnnnnng the last meat I got was a male, and this one is a female.... the urge to change them into the last two remaining modern (snapper and ridgeback) and make a pair is intense..... but I must stay strong and wait until my snappers and ridgebacks have their own meats to see where they would best serve the Plaguemother... only time will tell if we truly are as patient as we hope!
EDIT: yeah I changed her to a dusthide and then found an unrelated ridgeback that was already meat! So we just changed another that was in storage to a snapper hehe. Then we had a full modern collection for a brief period... until fathoms happened
~Temporarily Not Soil~
[center][size=7]Meat Meant To Be[/size] Another lovely meat baby, this time from the most unlikely of fathers! [size=5]Roulette[/size] Bought for 7,344t Berry/Maroon/Cream [url=][img][/img][/url] The first thing you may notice about Dad Roulette is that he is an almost [i]perfect[/i] meat, with the primary and tertiary spot on [i]and[/i] the secondary only [i]ONE[/i] off! When I see that I think they must come from a long meat-adjacent line. After all, the nearby colors are still cromulent meats for others who are not as stringent. However, with the lineage of [url=]Sunset[/url] [url=]Shimmer[/url] (not typically very meat-y names), my interest was captured, and boy howdy did they deliver! Now usually I display the parent's range as a small footnote but this one deserves to be embiggened. [url=,7,124,174,163,3,1,1,Sunset,Shimmer][img][/img][/url] There's oranges! And greys! And browns! Oh my! I ran the numbers and these parents have a 0.002% chance of producing any one specific color combination! Feeling #blessed that everything aligned to make a meat so close, from such a crazy big range, and that he found his way to me. <333 We actually [s]bought[/s] recruited him immediately when we saw the parents without a real plan in mind - usually we welcome them to our den in pairs because having unpaired bachelor/ettes is a lot to keep track of. His first mate [url=]Von[/url], the only one we could find that was willing to give it a shot, didn't work out because her colors were somewhat far off and not able to take full advantage of his near-miss meat, so they amicably parted ways. Luckily, we were able to find another almost-meat who matched perfectly! [size=5]Jarrah[/size] Bought for 30,000t Berry/Strawberry/Antique [url=][img][/img][/url] While her lineage is not nearly as wide ranging as Roulette there, this certainly doesn't make her less appreciated or cherished! It's pretty impressive in its own right, and with any other pairing would probably be one of the bigger ranges. Especially because [url=]Dad[/url] is black and red, but [url=]Mom[/url] is the opposite of red and (almost) black. Plus the color with the widest range happened to be the one right on target! [url=,158,157,9,1,6,1,1,Khamul,Narya][img][/img][/url] What is most impressive though, is that her parents have been around for ten years at this point! I didn't check all of Jarrah's siblings, but I bet none of them were as amenable to making meats. [size=5]They had a 12.5% chance of making their own meat:[/size] [url=,159,158,161,2,3,1,1,Roulette,Jarrah][img][/img][/url] To no one's surprise, in their second nest together (this one with only two eggs!) they hatched a lovely meat baby who is excited to fulfill her parent's meat destiny. When it all comes together so easily, I still think it was meant to be and I am glad to facilitate it. The Swirl/Clouded/Smoke that she was born with will be erased when she becomes an ancient, to be replaced in short order with new, meatier genes. [url=][img][/img][/url]
Meat Meant To Be

Another lovely meat baby, this time from the most unlikely of fathers!

Bought for 7,344t
The first thing you may notice about Dad Roulette is that he is an almost perfect meat, with the primary and tertiary spot on and the secondary only ONE off! When I see that I think they must come from a long meat-adjacent line. After all, the nearby colors are still cromulent meats for others who are not as stringent. However, with the lineage of Sunset Shimmer (not typically very meat-y names), my interest was captured, and boy howdy did they deliver!

Now usually I display the parent's range as a small footnote but this one deserves to be embiggened.
There's oranges! And greys! And browns! Oh my!

I ran the numbers and these parents have a 0.002% chance of producing any one specific color combination! Feeling #blessed that everything aligned to make a meat so close, from such a crazy big range, and that he found his way to me. <333

We actually bought recruited him immediately when we saw the parents without a real plan in mind - usually we welcome them to our den in pairs because having unpaired bachelor/ettes is a lot to keep track of. His first mate Von, the only one we could find that was willing to give it a shot, didn't work out because her colors were somewhat far off and not able to take full advantage of his near-miss meat, so they amicably parted ways.

Luckily, we were able to find another almost-meat who matched perfectly!

Bought for 30,000t
While her lineage is not nearly as wide ranging as Roulette there, this certainly doesn't make her less appreciated or cherished! It's pretty impressive in its own right, and with any other pairing would probably be one of the bigger ranges. Especially because Dad is black and red, but Mom is the opposite of red and (almost) black. Plus the color with the widest range happened to be the one right on target!
What is most impressive though, is that her parents have been around for ten years at this point! I didn't check all of Jarrah's siblings, but I bet none of them were as amenable to making meats.

They had a 12.5% chance of making their own meat:

To no one's surprise, in their second nest together (this one with only two eggs!) they hatched a lovely meat baby who is excited to fulfill her parent's meat destiny. When it all comes together so easily, I still think it was meant to be and I am glad to facilitate it.

The Swirl/Clouded/Smoke that she was born with will be erased when she becomes an ancient, to be replaced in short order with new, meatier genes.
~Temporarily Not Soil~
[center][size=7]Aaaalllll the Single Ladies[/size] [size=3](all the single ladies)[/size] [size=5]Demodex[/size] Bought for 9,000t Maroon/Blood/Cream [url=][img][/img][/url] Found on the auction house from somewhat meat-adjacent lines, Demodex was nevertheless unrelated to mine so he got to come home! I get a little worried when I see they are too meaty and sometimes almost don't bother going through the bloodline scry, because at this point there are over 60 individuals I need to compare potential new recruits to every time to ensure my meat collection remains unrelated. But I'm glad I checked him out! Hopefully the berry/berry/cream [url=]grandfather[/url] doesn't cause me problems later. Demodex's parent range below. [url=,157,158,157,2,3,1,1,Ossicles,Mange][img][/img][/url] [size=5]Xenarthra[/size] Bought for 20,069t Red/Red/White [url=][img][/img][/url] We are getting to the point where it's a bit hard to find pairs exclusively on the AH any more, so Xenarthra was found in the fodder lair of someone breeding near the red/red/white category, whom I have actually bought a few dragons from before! Thankfully I don't own any from that pair, and she was happy to make the journey over to serve the highest cause (meat making of course). Xenarthra's parent range below. [url=,160,160,160,4,4,1,1,Grigor,Marjorie][img][/img][/url] I actually could have shuffled around some pairs to make better odds, for example by taking better advantage of the perfectly-matched cream. But for some reason, because it probably doesn't matter at all, I wanted to keep the narrow ranges together! It seemed more fun that way. [size=5]They had a 2.8% chance of making their own meat:[/size] [url=,160,157,160,2,4,1,1,Demodex,Xenarthra][img][/img][/url] Well wouldn't you know, I needn't have worried about the somewhat low odds, because they made a meat their very first nest of 3 eggs! Although given a nest size of 3, at least one of them being the desired color was an 8.1%, that's still not super huge. Especially considering some of my other 3% pairs needed five or six nests before they got there! Born with fade/noxtide/gembond, I find it amusing that she was the only sibling to get mom's gembond (which will need to be changed) instead of dad's ghost (which I wanted). [url=][img][/img][/url] But that's okay, because that means I will feel less bad about possibly turning her into an ancient and erasing all the genes. Unfortunately though, can't do that yet, because [i]all FOUR[/i] of the meats I have in reserve are female. (Now we finally get to what the title of this post was referring to. Sorry, it got stuck in my head when I was trying to figure out what to do with her and I realized the situation.) Since she doesn't have a partner yet, I am going to do my best to wait and see what the next meat is in order to make the fewest changes. So she's off to cold storage for now while we hope the next meat is a male!
Aaaalllll the Single Ladies
(all the single ladies)

Bought for 9,000t
Found on the auction house from somewhat meat-adjacent lines, Demodex was nevertheless unrelated to mine so he got to come home! I get a little worried when I see they are too meaty and sometimes almost don't bother going through the bloodline scry, because at this point there are over 60 individuals I need to compare potential new recruits to every time to ensure my meat collection remains unrelated. But I'm glad I checked him out! Hopefully the berry/berry/cream grandfather doesn't cause me problems later. Demodex's parent range below.

Bought for 20,069t
We are getting to the point where it's a bit hard to find pairs exclusively on the AH any more, so Xenarthra was found in the fodder lair of someone breeding near the red/red/white category, whom I have actually bought a few dragons from before! Thankfully I don't own any from that pair, and she was happy to make the journey over to serve the highest cause (meat making of course). Xenarthra's parent range below.

I actually could have shuffled around some pairs to make better odds, for example by taking better advantage of the perfectly-matched cream. But for some reason, because it probably doesn't matter at all, I wanted to keep the narrow ranges together! It seemed more fun that way.

They had a 2.8% chance of making their own meat:

Well wouldn't you know, I needn't have worried about the somewhat low odds, because they made a meat their very first nest of 3 eggs! Although given a nest size of 3, at least one of them being the desired color was an 8.1%, that's still not super huge. Especially considering some of my other 3% pairs needed five or six nests before they got there!

Born with fade/noxtide/gembond, I find it amusing that she was the only sibling to get mom's gembond (which will need to be changed) instead of dad's ghost (which I wanted).

But that's okay, because that means I will feel less bad about possibly turning her into an ancient and erasing all the genes. Unfortunately though, can't do that yet, because all FOUR of the meats I have in reserve are female. (Now we finally get to what the title of this post was referring to. Sorry, it got stuck in my head when I was trying to figure out what to do with her and I realized the situation.) Since she doesn't have a partner yet, I am going to do my best to wait and see what the next meat is in order to make the fewest changes. So she's off to cold storage for now while we hope the next meat is a male!
~Temporarily Not Soil~
[center][size=7]Mini Meat[/size] [size=5]Cattleya[/size] Bought for 15,000t Maroon/Blood/Antique [url=][img][/img][/url] Time to celebrate our very first ancient pair! Even though he comes from a long maroon line (via his mom's side), and dusty white-ish tertiaries, the secondary range splashed a bit of fun into the lineage and assured non-relation. His treasure / limited genes vs his wife's gem genes meant that all his kids would look like him, which I find charming. Cattleya's parent range below: [url=,158,70,158,2,10,1,1,Archibald,Colette][img][/img][/url] [size=5]Phalaenopsis[/size] Bought for 40,000t Berry/Berry/Pearl [url=][img][/img][/url] Found on the AH and recruited immediately, because I was astounded that a perfect double berry with a rather close tertiary was unrelated! Turns out the lineage of berries all the way down and a lucky white-adjacent tert meant there was a spot for her in the meat makers. Happily, the search for her partner was not too difficult, even though the whole ancient thing kind of restricts the options. Parent range: [url=,158,159,158,159,61,1,1,Dionaea,Ayaka][img][/img][/url] It can be a bit tricky to get ancient dragons with meat capabilities, because of course they are restricted to only one species, which reduces the pool of potential partners. So it is generally much easier to find moderns and breed change the meatlings whenever they come about. But these lucky veilspuns were welcomed into our den due to the difficulty and effort of condensing a much larger dragon down into a tiny buggy package (yes, I specifically looked at veilspuns to avoid having to buy a gem breed change). [size=5]They had a 4.2% chance of making their own meat:[/size] [url=,159,157,159,3,177,1,1,Cattleya,Phalaenopsis][img][/img][/url] Four nests and ten eggs later, a perfect meatling was hatched with the characteristic yellow tinge that berry sometimes gets. It really didn't take them long at all, but it sure seemed like it because I was specifically waiting for this pair before I got another veilspun. With the endless march of moderns, it doesn't matter too much when one nest doesn't produced the coveted berry/berry/cream, because we can simply try again tomorrow with the 15 or so other interchangeable pairs. With the veils though, it [i]felt[/i] like I had to wait much longer, even though their cooldown is just the same as everyone else (or even shorter). But that just makes him all the more special! Hatched with laced/blend/flecks, this will soon be hidden by more appropriate genes, while I celebrate an ancient that has all the "classic" meat genes! [url=][img][/img][/url] We only have one veil pair so it's best to wait and see the gender of the hatched one before I grab a partner and then regret it! Thankfully I had enough time to save up - and a lot of brightshine jubilee swag to sell. And even more thankfully, he is a male! So I have just the partner waiting for him! (actually NOT the most [url=]recently hatched[/url] one, which I turned her into an auraboa after a plague friend gave me an unrelated meat!)
Mini Meat

Bought for 15,000t
Time to celebrate our very first ancient pair! Even though he comes from a long maroon line (via his mom's side), and dusty white-ish tertiaries, the secondary range splashed a bit of fun into the lineage and assured non-relation. His treasure / limited genes vs his wife's gem genes meant that all his kids would look like him, which I find charming. Cattleya's parent range below:

Bought for 40,000t
Found on the AH and recruited immediately, because I was astounded that a perfect double berry with a rather close tertiary was unrelated! Turns out the lineage of berries all the way down and a lucky white-adjacent tert meant there was a spot for her in the meat makers. Happily, the search for her partner was not too difficult, even though the whole ancient thing kind of restricts the options. Parent range:

It can be a bit tricky to get ancient dragons with meat capabilities, because of course they are restricted to only one species, which reduces the pool of potential partners. So it is generally much easier to find moderns and breed change the meatlings whenever they come about. But these lucky veilspuns were welcomed into our den due to the difficulty and effort of condensing a much larger dragon down into a tiny buggy package (yes, I specifically looked at veilspuns to avoid having to buy a gem breed change).

They had a 4.2% chance of making their own meat:

Four nests and ten eggs later, a perfect meatling was hatched with the characteristic yellow tinge that berry sometimes gets. It really didn't take them long at all, but it sure seemed like it because I was specifically waiting for this pair before I got another veilspun. With the endless march of moderns, it doesn't matter too much when one nest doesn't produced the coveted berry/berry/cream, because we can simply try again tomorrow with the 15 or so other interchangeable pairs. With the veils though, it felt like I had to wait much longer, even though their cooldown is just the same as everyone else (or even shorter). But that just makes him all the more special!

Hatched with laced/blend/flecks, this will soon be hidden by more appropriate genes, while I celebrate an ancient that has all the "classic" meat genes!

We only have one veil pair so it's best to wait and see the gender of the hatched one before I grab a partner and then regret it! Thankfully I had enough time to save up - and a lot of brightshine jubilee swag to sell. And even more thankfully, he is a male! So I have just the partner waiting for him! (actually NOT the most recently hatched one, which I turned her into an auraboa after a plague friend gave me an unrelated meat!)
~Temporarily Not Soil~
[center][size=7]Spiral Steak[/size] [size=5]Hypanthium[/size] From a friend! Maroon/Red/Rose [url=][img][/img][/url] A windborn traveler on his way to serve the Lightweaver, news of my meat escapades reached Hypanthium, who decided to stop by for a bit. He figured his rosey red colors could be of service, and had a very interesting time getting patterned up and meating his new friends (I cannot believe I haven't used that pun before. Shame on me). It is quite interesting how white is close to pink so possible meat makers can be red all over, even though once we get to that point it's straying a liiittle farther away than what we usually go for. Fortunately, he made up for it by being only one off on the primary and secondary, and from a very unique lineage! I was worried that dad [url=]KingCrimson[/url] might be too meat-y (and related to some of my other meats), but fortunately he was not. And mom [url=]Andromeda[/url] is a lovely blue (!!!) and pink to ensure all her children are unique! [url=,46,156,168,154,35,1,1,KingCrimson,Andromeda][img][/img][/url] [size=5]Urtica[/size] Bought for 15,000t Berry/Blood/Antique [url=][img][/img][/url] Urtica's parents have been around for a long while! Born in [url=]2016[/url] and [url=]2015[/url] with a few children between them, their range does encompass berry/berry/cream! Maybe one day I will look through their lineage list and see if they have ever had a meat! Fortunately if they did, their meat lines have not reached here yet. So even though Urtica's family range is small, she was happily able to pair up for The Great Cause (meat. of course). [url=,154,160,154,4,1,1,1,Vermilion,Scythe][img][/img][/url] [size=5]They had a 2.5% chance of making their own meat:[/size] [url=,159,160,157,176,3,1,1,Hypanthium,Urtica][img][/img][/url] This is one of my mid-tier pairs, meaning the meat odds weren't abysmal but still not super great, so I was counting on them hanging out for a while. However, they defied all my expectations by producing a meat on their very second nest, out of four eggs total! I guess they really wanted to make up for wegging me on their very first nest. Born with falcon/peregrine/underbelly, time to wait until a meat partner comes along to know if you will be a modern or an ancient! [url=][img][/img][/url] As this was quite a surprise and I wasn't expecting a meat from that pair quite yet, I don't have any immediate plans, so off to the meat locker! (it's ok she will be well taken care of there. Sleepy quasi-meat until she can fulfill her destiny with Meat Genes)
Spiral Steak

From a friend!
A windborn traveler on his way to serve the Lightweaver, news of my meat escapades reached Hypanthium, who decided to stop by for a bit. He figured his rosey red colors could be of service, and had a very interesting time getting patterned up and meating his new friends (I cannot believe I haven't used that pun before. Shame on me). It is quite interesting how white is close to pink so possible meat makers can be red all over, even though once we get to that point it's straying a liiittle farther away than what we usually go for. Fortunately, he made up for it by being only one off on the primary and secondary, and from a very unique lineage! I was worried that dad KingCrimson might be too meat-y (and related to some of my other meats), but fortunately he was not. And mom Andromeda is a lovely blue (!!!) and pink to ensure all her children are unique!

Bought for 15,000t
Urtica's parents have been around for a long while! Born in 2016 and 2015 with a few children between them, their range does encompass berry/berry/cream! Maybe one day I will look through their lineage list and see if they have ever had a meat! Fortunately if they did, their meat lines have not reached here yet. So even though Urtica's family range is small, she was happily able to pair up for The Great Cause (meat. of course).

They had a 2.5% chance of making their own meat:

This is one of my mid-tier pairs, meaning the meat odds weren't abysmal but still not super great, so I was counting on them hanging out for a while. However, they defied all my expectations by producing a meat on their very second nest, out of four eggs total! I guess they really wanted to make up for wegging me on their very first nest.

Born with falcon/peregrine/underbelly, time to wait until a meat partner comes along to know if you will be a modern or an ancient!

As this was quite a surprise and I wasn't expecting a meat from that pair quite yet, I don't have any immediate plans, so off to the meat locker! (it's ok she will be well taken care of there. Sleepy quasi-meat until she can fulfill her destiny with Meat Genes)
~Temporarily Not Soil~
[center][size=7]Meat Matinée[/size] [size=5]Starburst[/size] Bought for 74g Berry/Strawberry/Cream [url=][img][/img][/url] Recruited the day [url=]Tripe[/url] was hatched because apparently I can't let the number of meat makers I have decrease for any reason, Starburst's moving expenses were a bit more exorbitant than usual (Hey, he had to travel pretty far all right?). However, he was well worth it! Getting a sandsurge pair to start and avoiding [s]a breed chance scroll[/s] er, I mean, all the research and development it takes to toss a dragon in the wyrmwound and have something resembling a sandsurge crawl out would save me a bucket of gems later. And his colors were almost perfect to begin with! You know the drill, too close makes me worry that there is a meat ancestor convergence somewhere in the family tree, but never fear! Just look at this wonderful parent range! [url=,175,155,53,155,6,1,1,PyreStorm,Xylose][img][/img][/url] Ok actually making this in big too because whoooooa [url=,175,155,53,155,6,1,1,PyreStorm,Xylose][img][/img][/url] We are both so glad he found his calling here with his lovely wife: [size=5]Kajikia[/size] Bought for 30g Berry/Berry/Pearl [url=][img][/img][/url] With double berry and a dad named [url=]Carrion[/url], we almost passed over her as "certainly related and don't bother checking because it will be a waste of time." But [i]something[/i] caused me to pause and check her lineage, and we were so glad to find pleasant red parents far enough removed from the rest of our big happy family. Looks like she picked up the parent's XXY trend, and in the perfect color as well! [url=,152,171,152,6,154,1,1,Carrion,Wight][img][/img][/url] [size=5]They had an 11.1% chance of making their own meat:[/size] [url=,159,161,159,2,177,1,1,Starburst,Kajikia][img][/img][/url] I was right in having high hopes for this pair, as in their very first nest out of three eggs they hit the (meat) target with a bang! Born with flaunt/diamondback/thundercrack, embracing the lightning flight that sandsurges originate from, we all know the genes on this gal will have to be changed in short order. [url=][img][/img][/url] But just a minute here - if she was hatched so soon (on May 18), why the long wait for the announcement (on July 22)? Well, these two are my best sandsurge pair [i]by far[/i], with their 11% chance compared to my other two pair's about 2% and 3%. I was waiting for them to produce a meat brother as well, so they could both hang out and wait for my other pairs to produce an unrelated sandsurge. Then the first meat-surge that hatches would already have a pair! Well, four nests and eight eggs later they had done no such thing, but turns out they didn't have to.... (to be continued)
Meat Matinée

Bought for 74g
Recruited the day Tripe was hatched because apparently I can't let the number of meat makers I have decrease for any reason, Starburst's moving expenses were a bit more exorbitant than usual (Hey, he had to travel pretty far all right?).

However, he was well worth it! Getting a sandsurge pair to start and avoiding a breed chance scroll er, I mean, all the research and development it takes to toss a dragon in the wyrmwound and have something resembling a sandsurge crawl out would save me a bucket of gems later. And his colors were almost perfect to begin with! You know the drill, too close makes me worry that there is a meat ancestor convergence somewhere in the family tree, but never fear! Just look at this wonderful parent range!

Ok actually making this in big too because whoooooa

We are both so glad he found his calling here with his lovely wife:

Bought for 30g
With double berry and a dad named Carrion, we almost passed over her as "certainly related and don't bother checking because it will be a waste of time." But something caused me to pause and check her lineage, and we were so glad to find pleasant red parents far enough removed from the rest of our big happy family. Looks like she picked up the parent's XXY trend, and in the perfect color as well!

They had an 11.1% chance of making their own meat:

I was right in having high hopes for this pair, as in their very first nest out of three eggs they hit the (meat) target with a bang!

Born with flaunt/diamondback/thundercrack, embracing the lightning flight that sandsurges originate from, we all know the genes on this gal will have to be changed in short order.

But just a minute here - if she was hatched so soon (on May 18), why the long wait for the announcement (on July 22)? Well, these two are my best sandsurge pair by far, with their 11% chance compared to my other two pair's about 2% and 3%. I was waiting for them to produce a meat brother as well, so they could both hang out and wait for my other pairs to produce an unrelated sandsurge. Then the first meat-surge that hatches would already have a pair! Well, four nests and eight eggs later they had done no such thing, but turns out they didn't have to.... (to be continued)
~Temporarily Not Soil~
[center]It's a double feature! [size=7]Surging Forward[/size] [size=5]Hew[/size] Bought for 6,000t Cerise/Blood/Maize [url=][img][/img][/url] This sparkly splashy boy was happily added to the crew when it was found that his pink and red lineage didn't overlap with anyone. It's a bit farther away than I would normally go, but when we are dealing with ancients beggars can't be choosers! Sacrificing a wider range for the needed breed comes with some tradeoffs. Thankfully, people seem to like sandsurges in the red range and don't mind breeding them! Hew's parent range below: [url=,153,170,155,1,160,1,1,Roosevelt,Velvet][img][/img][/url] [size=5]Strudel[/size] Bought for 10,000t Garnet/Berry/Cream [url=][img][/img][/url] With two perfect colors, I sadly couldn't take advantage of matching the secondary and tertiary, because switching pairs would leave fantastic odds for one, while leaving the other unable to make the target tertiary color. Since we are aiming for more genetic diversity, we press on! Strudel's parent range is a little narrow and there's a berry/berry/cream grandparent but a win is a win so no complaints here! Interestingly, her parents are also both exalted which is somewhat uncommon from all the meat makers that I have acquired. Strudel's parent range below: [url=,159,155,159,4,1,1,1,Rudie,Flank][img][/img][/url] [size=5]They had a 2.1% chance of making their own meat:[/size] [url=,155,157,159,1,2,1,1,Hew,Strudel][img][/img][/url] Although it took five nests and 16 eggs, at long last a splotchy little meatling cracked out of his egg. And lo! What rejoicing was had that he just so happened to be a male! As at the moment our cold storage is at a bit of a dearth when it comes to boys - there are currently [i]four[/i] ladies waiting for a pair but ZERO spare dudes. So if it was [i]another[/i] female we would still be playing the waiting game, but thankfully instead we can complete our sandsurge pair! Hatched with wrought/paint/sparkle taking after dad, he will soon have genes more befitting someone of his position. [url=][img][/img][/url] And that concludes the last of the ancients! We must still press on, however, as now all we are missing are the fathoms and a female wildclaw. But after that we are not over! Oh no! We must continue to gather more to hold and cherish and lie in wait until they release the next breed!
It's a double feature!
Surging Forward

Bought for 6,000t
This sparkly splashy boy was happily added to the crew when it was found that his pink and red lineage didn't overlap with anyone. It's a bit farther away than I would normally go, but when we are dealing with ancients beggars can't be choosers! Sacrificing a wider range for the needed breed comes with some tradeoffs. Thankfully, people seem to like sandsurges in the red range and don't mind breeding them! Hew's parent range below:

Bought for 10,000t
With two perfect colors, I sadly couldn't take advantage of matching the secondary and tertiary, because switching pairs would leave fantastic odds for one, while leaving the other unable to make the target tertiary color. Since we are aiming for more genetic diversity, we press on! Strudel's parent range is a little narrow and there's a berry/berry/cream grandparent but a win is a win so no complaints here! Interestingly, her parents are also both exalted which is somewhat uncommon from all the meat makers that I have acquired. Strudel's parent range below:

They had a 2.1% chance of making their own meat:

Although it took five nests and 16 eggs, at long last a splotchy little meatling cracked out of his egg. And lo! What rejoicing was had that he just so happened to be a male! As at the moment our cold storage is at a bit of a dearth when it comes to boys - there are currently four ladies waiting for a pair but ZERO spare dudes. So if it was another female we would still be playing the waiting game, but thankfully instead we can complete our sandsurge pair!

Hatched with wrought/paint/sparkle taking after dad, he will soon have genes more befitting someone of his position.

And that concludes the last of the ancients! We must still press on, however, as now all we are missing are the fathoms and a female wildclaw. But after that we are not over! Oh no! We must continue to gather more to hold and cherish and lie in wait until they release the next breed!
~Temporarily Not Soil~
[center][size=7]¿TRES carnes? ¿En esta economía?[/size] (three meats? In this economy?) [size=5]Reuben[/size] Bought for 50g Berry/Berry/Maize [url=][img][/img][/url] Turns out berry/berry/cream is somewhat of a popular color combination (as it should be), and there are other wonderful folks out there collecting breeding pairs too. Some intrepid individuals even collect G1s pairs! We are not that picky for our meats, as I worry that would take like 30 years and altogether too many gems to assemble such a G1 collection. Maybe some day we'll get a G2 meat pair, but that day is not today. Luckily there are others to help out, and Ruben here is the closest this G1 pair could get to a meat! An amazingly small parent range especially for a G1, all of their children will end up with a maize tertiary. Of course, this is very close but not what I am looking for. After a quick check to make sure none of their other offspring contributed their genes to my existing meat collection, he felt right at home! [url=,155,160,159,1,1,1,1,Ligament,Tendon][img][/img][/url] So we need to introduce a little tertiary variety, and thankfully another G1 pair had the perfect dragon! [size=5]Sammich[/size] Traded for coli leveling service Berry/Maroon/Cream [url=][img][/img][/url] Although Sammich's G1 parents [i]can[/i] make a G2 meat, they have only a 0.64% chance of doing do, and that is presumptuous of us to think they will want to join our clan and not stay in their birthplace. So, we figured that this might be a long time coming before we [i]might[/i] have a [i]chance[/i] to get a meat from this lineage. So we were more than happy to welcome a daughter who was very close: spot-on primary and tertiary with one off on the secondary. Parent range: [url=,159,156,168,170,4,1,1,Berry,Benny] [img][/img][/url] With the parents already pretty close and doing the hard part for me, they had a fantastic chance! [size=5]They had a 25% chance of making their own meat:[/size] [url=,159,159,158,1,2,1,1,Reuben,Sammich][img][/img][/url] Despite that, their first nest of three beat the odds and gave no meat at all! But sometimes the stars just aren't aligned and that's ok. Their next nest of three, however, was a big surprise! [u]ALL THREE EGGS[/u] were berry/berry/cream. There was only a 1.6% chance that they would ALL be the target color. What a fantastic clutch of happy little triplets! Welcome to one female meer and her two guardian brothers: [columns][color=transparent]......[/color][url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol][url=][img][/img][nextcol][/url] [url=][img][/img][/url][nextcol] [/columns] While I will eventually end up keeping only one, Ruben Sammich did in two nests what my [url=]sandsurge pair[/url] never actually finished: getting both a male and female! To be fair, they did start out with much better odds. But still! So the triplets will hang out with me until my other G2 pair makes a G3 meat. So no matter if that one is male or female, we will have a someone in waiting ready to become our very last modern meat pair!
¿TRES carnes? ¿En esta economía?
(three meats? In this economy?)

Bought for 50g
Turns out berry/berry/cream is somewhat of a popular color combination (as it should be), and there are other wonderful folks out there collecting breeding pairs too. Some intrepid individuals even collect G1s pairs! We are not that picky for our meats, as I worry that would take like 30 years and altogether too many gems to assemble such a G1 collection. Maybe some day we'll get a G2 meat pair, but that day is not today.

Luckily there are others to help out, and Ruben here is the closest this G1 pair could get to a meat! An amazingly small parent range especially for a G1, all of their children will end up with a maize tertiary. Of course, this is very close but not what I am looking for. After a quick check to make sure none of their other offspring contributed their genes to my existing meat collection, he felt right at home!

So we need to introduce a little tertiary variety, and thankfully another G1 pair had the perfect dragon!

Traded for coli leveling service
Although Sammich's G1 parents can make a G2 meat, they have only a 0.64% chance of doing do, and that is presumptuous of us to think they will want to join our clan and not stay in their birthplace. So, we figured that this might be a long time coming before we might have a chance to get a meat from this lineage. So we were more than happy to welcome a daughter who was very close: spot-on primary and tertiary with one off on the secondary.
Parent range:

With the parents already pretty close and doing the hard part for me, they had a fantastic chance!

They had a 25% chance of making their own meat:

Despite that, their first nest of three beat the odds and gave no meat at all! But sometimes the stars just aren't aligned and that's ok. Their next nest of three, however, was a big surprise!

ALL THREE EGGS were berry/berry/cream. There was only a 1.6% chance that they would ALL be the target color.
What a fantastic clutch of happy little triplets! Welcome to one female meer and her two guardian brothers:
......Twin1-Scale.png Twin2-Scale.png

While I will eventually end up keeping only one, Ruben Sammich did in two nests what my sandsurge pair never actually finished: getting both a male and female! To be fair, they did start out with much better odds. But still!

So the triplets will hang out with me until my other G2 pair makes a G3 meat. So no matter if that one is male or female, we will have a someone in waiting ready to become our very last modern meat pair!
~Temporarily Not Soil~
[center] [emoji=meat size=5] [emoji=meat size=5] [emoji=meat size=5] [emoji=meat size=5] [emoji=meat size=5][emoji=meat size=5] I prefer if you don't post here please! If you would like to talk, am always happy to get messages or [url=]profile comments[/url]! Thank you! [emoji=meat size=5] [emoji=meat size=5] [emoji=meat size=5] [emoji=meat size=5] [emoji=meat size=5][emoji=meat size=5][/center]

I prefer if you don't post here please!
If you would like to talk, am always happy to get messages or profile comments!
Thank you!
~Temporarily Not Soil~