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TOPIC | Lost Legends: A Lore Shop [OPEN]
Ahhhh I love it!! She's a perfect match for Maeden, equal parts wicked and clever! That little dark twist at the end is amazing! Thank you so much! :D

I have the lineart for your piece done, I'm still working on coloring it (I can update this with a wip in a little while, I'm not near my ipad right now), I'm hoping to get it finished either tonight or tomorrow! :D
Ahhhh I love it!! She's a perfect match for Maeden, equal parts wicked and clever! That little dark twist at the end is amazing! Thank you so much! :D

I have the lineart for your piece done, I'm still working on coloring it (I can update this with a wip in a little while, I'm not near my ipad right now), I'm hoping to get it finished either tonight or tomorrow! :D
A digital art drawing of a blue furred tundra. He has a blue and gold magician's hat, a silver star earring and silver and blue wingdrapes. The background has a space pattern, also in blue.
@DragonJade You're very welcome! I'm glad you like it! She was so much fun to write about! Take your time with what you're working on and please do not feel rushed at all! I am definitely willing to wait! [emoji=familiar heart size=1]
@DragonJade You're very welcome! I'm glad you like it! She was so much fun to write about! Take your time with what you're working on and please do not feel rushed at all! I am definitely willing to wait!
[center][color=purple][u][b]Someone seeks a legend![/b][/u][/color] [b]Username and ID:[/b] GlitchingFlame [b]Service requested (blurb, long story, etc):[/b] long story! x2 [b]Dragon you are ordering for:[/b] [url=][img][/img][/url][url=][img][/img][/url] [b]What are your dragon's pronouns?[/b] Ghost(He/Him), Kalina(She/Her) [b]Does this dragon have other lore I should keep in mind when writing? If no, please give me an idea of what you are looking for.[/b] Ghost: I'd like him to have some sort of mechanical robotic test subject origin, and him having escaped, but lost part of his memories. Otherwise, I don't have anything for him, even personality >< Feel free to headcanon Kalina: Same for her, she doesn't have any personality or anything. Everything in her bio is from her previous owner that I haven't updated. She's a jester from a sorta... voodoo circus, and kinda cuckoo. Pleasseee headcanon. aljdslf [b]Are you okay with darker themes?[/b] Hell yes please, angst, trafficking, murdering, SH, anything you're comfortable with. [b]Any preferences or things/topics I should avoid?[/b] n/a [b]Anything else I should know?[/b] [b]Are you paying gems or treasure? Mixed payment is okay.[/b] gems!
Someone seeks a legend!

Username and ID: GlitchingFlame

Service requested (blurb, long story, etc): long story! x2
Dragon you are ordering for:


What are your dragon's pronouns? Ghost(He/Him), Kalina(She/Her)
Does this dragon have other lore I should keep in mind when writing? If no, please give me an idea of what you are looking for.

Ghost: I'd like him to have some sort of mechanical robotic test subject origin, and him having escaped, but lost part of his memories. Otherwise, I don't have anything for him, even personality >< Feel free to headcanon

Kalina: Same for her, she doesn't have any personality or anything. Everything in her bio is from her previous owner that I haven't updated. She's a jester from a sorta... voodoo circus, and kinda cuckoo. Pleasseee headcanon. aljdslf

Are you okay with darker themes? Hell yes please, angst, trafficking, murdering, SH, anything you're comfortable with.
Any preferences or things/topics I should avoid? n/a
Anything else I should know?

Are you paying gems or treasure? Mixed payment is okay. gems!
@GlitchingFlame Thank you for your order! Generally speaking, I prefer people only order for one dragon at a time, but since no one else is waiting for lore right now I will go ahead and take both of your kiddos. [emoji=familiar heart size=1] Together, their lore will bring you to a combined total of [b]80 gems[/b]. Feel free to send payment over and I will get started!

Thank you for your order!

Generally speaking, I prefer people only order for one dragon at a time, but since no one else is waiting for lore right now I will go ahead and take both of your kiddos. Together, their lore will bring you to a combined total of 80 gems. Feel free to send payment over and I will get started!
[center][color=purple][u][b]Someone seeks a legend![/b][/u][/color] [b]Username and ID:[/b] PhantomClawMews #588232 [b]Service requested (blurb, long story, etc):[/b] long story + blurb! [b]Is this a hatchery bundle?[/b] nope! [b]Dragon you are ordering for:[/b] Proteus! [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]What are your dragon's pronouns?[/b] he/they! [b]Does this dragon have other lore I should keep in mind when writing? If no, please give me an idea of what you are looking for.[/b] no. I have a lore idea that he's an ancient sea serpent who curses/ blesses(?) people to become merpeople- at the cost of their souls. He probably eats them if they try to back out of the deal/try to attack/attempt to take their soul back. Maybe the victims turn bc of some ancient ritual at night/eat a scale or something. [b]Are you okay with darker themes?[/b] yes! [b]Any preferences or things/topics I should avoid?[/b] no [b]Anything else I should know?[/b] nope! [b]Are you paying gems or treasure? Mixed payment is okay.[/b] treasure!! [b]Is this a gift? If so, please provide the username and ID of the recipient.[/b] nope [b]If this is a gift, would you like to remain anonymous?[/b] no[/center]
Someone seeks a legend!

Username and ID: PhantomClawMews #588232

Service requested (blurb, long story, etc): long story + blurb!
Is this a hatchery bundle? nope!
Dragon you are ordering for: Proteus!


What are your dragon's pronouns? he/they!
Does this dragon have other lore I should keep in mind when writing? If no, please give me an idea of what you are looking for. no. I have a lore idea that he's an ancient sea serpent who curses/ blesses(?) people to become merpeople- at the cost of their souls. He probably eats them if they try to back out of the deal/try to attack/attempt to take their soul back. Maybe the victims turn bc of some ancient ritual at night/eat a scale or something.

Are you okay with darker themes? yes!
Any preferences or things/topics I should avoid? no
Anything else I should know? nope!

Are you paying gems or treasure? Mixed payment is okay. treasure!!

Is this a gift? If so, please provide the username and ID of the recipient. nope
If this is a gift, would you like to remain anonymous? no
@PhantomClawMews That's an interesting idea! Your total is[b] 40,000 treasure. [/b]Feel free to send it over! I will reserve a slot for you in the meantime [emoji=familiar heart size=1]
@PhantomClawMews That's an interesting idea! Your total is 40,000 treasure. Feel free to send it over! I will reserve a slot for you in the meantime
[center][color=purple][u][b]Someone seeks a legend![/b][/u][/color] [b]Username and ID:[/b] BlackRayser #194073 [b]Service requested (blurb, long story, etc):[/b] Short Story [b]Is this a hatchery bundle?[/b] // [b]Dragon you are ordering for:[/b] Hosimo [url=][img][/img][/url] [b]What are your dragon's pronouns?[/b] He/him [b]Does this dragon have other lore I should keep in mind when writing? If no, please give me an idea of what you are looking for.[/b] Not really. He already has his personality written in the first paragraph of his bio. As for the story, the idea I had is that after a long training as a squire for the mighty knight [url=]Fortescudo[/url], he finally manages to become a knight himself. His apprenticeship was quite unique due to the huge size difference between imperials and coatls, and also because Hosimo has a strong coatl-accent. [b]Are you okay with darker themes?[/b] Yup [b]Any preferences or things/topics I should avoid?[/b] Nope [b]Anything else I should know?[/b] Nope [b]Are you paying gems or treasure?[/b] Treasure [/center]
Someone seeks a legend!

Username and ID: BlackRayser #194073

Service requested (blurb, long story, etc): Short Story
Is this a hatchery bundle? //
Dragon you are ordering for: Hosimo

What are your dragon's pronouns? He/him
Does this dragon have other lore I should keep in mind when writing? If no, please give me an idea of what you are looking for. Not really. He already has his personality written in the first paragraph of his bio. As for the story, the idea I had is that after a long training as a squire for the mighty knight Fortescudo, he finally manages to become a knight himself. His apprenticeship was quite unique due to the huge size difference between imperials and coatls, and also because Hosimo has a strong coatl-accent.

Are you okay with darker themes? Yup
Any preferences or things/topics I should avoid? Nope
Anything else I should know? Nope

Are you paying gems or treasure? Treasure
@BlackRayser Sure thing! Your total is [b]20,000 treasure[/b]. Send it over whenever you can and I'll get to it asap! [emoji=familiar heart size=1]
@BlackRayser Sure thing! Your total is 20,000 treasure. Send it over whenever you can and I'll get to it asap!
@GlitchingFlame Here is your lore! These two were challenging but so much fun to write about! Definitely let me know if you would like anything edited/changed!, though! [emoji=familiar heart size=1] [quote=ghost blurb]Who is Ghost? Such a question is one Ghost himself can’t really answer. He knows [i]what[/i] he is - mechanical. That much is obvious without even having to ask. His body is hard, metallic and here and there an odd piece of tubing or wiring can be seen poking out of his shell before retreating inside. His internal mechanisms are prone to violent malfunctions that cause him to lash out. Because of this, he tends to keep his distance when around others in hopes that he won’t hurt unintentionally them. [i]Who[/i] he is, is a much more difficult subject. He has vague memories of being in a dark room. A bright light shines down from above and the face of a dragon looms over him. Where this place is, he can’t say. He assumes he must have escaped considering he is no longer lying on that cold floor surrounded by shadows. Something deep in his programming tells him to find something… or someone. But who or what? For what reason? Ghost is anxious about his mysterious past, but, at the same time, wonders if he even truly wants those memories back.[/quote] [quote=ghost story]Leaves crunched crisply under Ghost’s metallic paws as he tromped through the forest. Birds sang gleefully in the trees above, seeming to keep him company on his journey. He always liked to listen to them. They had no care in the world, something he envied greatly. Since his escape, he had learned to appreciate the little things in life. Things such as the music of birds, the bubbling or a creek or the whistling of the breeze. It was all so quiet. So peaceful. Ghost, on the other hand, was an inner turmoil of emotions. Losing one’s memory tended to do that to you. He struggled to piece together something – [i]anything[/i] – about himself. Truly, he was a marvel of engineering, this much was obvious to him. The dabbled sunlight filtering through the canopy gleamed and danced off his metallic body, sending dazzling refractions of light spinning across the foliage around him like a thousand tiny mirrors. A frustrated snort escaped him. Yes, he knew [i]what[/i] he was, but the [i]who[/i] of it escaped him. He remembered waking on a stormy night, rain battering his hard scales and lightning streaking through the black clouds above. He had simply stood, head tilted up, transfixed by the display of nature’s pure, primal power. Everything before this moment was a blur in his mind. Perhaps it was this choice to remain exposed to the elements that had caused his malfunctions. Maybe too much water had managed to seep into his circuits and done damage to the intricacies within. That could possibly explain the memory loss. Ghost was sure he could enlist help in recovering his past, but he was hesitant to do so due to his tendency to lose control of himself. Perhaps this, too, was caused by rain damage, he surmised. He stopped walking to reach out and gingerly pick up a stone resting on the ground. It was small, smooth and gray, almost perfectly round. Such a simple thing. He turned it over once or twice, then froze as a bird landed on one of the talons curved around the stone. It, too, was small with vibrant orange feathers. It looked up at Ghost, head tilted to one side and chirped a little tune at him. He marveled at it. Such a wonderous little thing! This moment of reverence was not long lasting, though. Rage suddenly bubbled up within Ghost. The world around him seemed to turn bright red. He dug the claws of three paws into the dirt while the fourth violently squeezed the stone he held. [i]Destroy. Crush. It must die.[/s] Who’s voice was that? His? It surely sounded like Ghost. Snapping and cracking filled Ghost’s ears. Vaguely, somewhere far off, he was aware of the bird chirping. And then silence. The anger that had so abruptly risen just as quickly dissipated, leaving Ghost staring blankly at his upheld paw. The stone was shattered. Shards of rock lay amidst a small pile of silt in his palm, the once perfect symmetry now forever ruined. He let the rubble filter through the gaps in his talons, noting that there were no feathers mixed in with the ruin. Lifting his head, he scanned the nearby trees. There! A splash of orange caught his eye. The bird sat on a branch several feet above him. It gave him the same, tilted gaze as before, chirped once, then flew away. Relief filled Ghost as he watched it flit through the canopy. At least it had survived his outburst. Then he sighed, shook his head and continued on his way. The answers he sought weren't here. Time to look elsewhere.[/quote] [quote=kalina blurb]Kalina is crazy. That is the long and the short of it. Her mind dances on the edge of madness, a side effect to a voodoo experiment gone wrong as a child. She would argue that it’s the good kind of crazy - perhaps the best kind - and has led to some of her best performances. When she was little, she aimed to follow in her parents’ footsteps and become a court jester. As she grew, she found she possessed a fascination for voodoo magic and the occult. Expressing this interest to a stranger she met in the market led her to discover that a traveling circus with an unusual, voodoo-centric theme was currently set up right outside town. Kalina needed no prompting. She packed her bags, left home and pleaded with the circus ringleader that she wanted to join. She got the job and never looked back.[/quote] [quote=kalina story]Kalina hummed quietly to herself. In her talons she held a bundle of wicker, deftly weaving the threads together as if she had been doing it all her life. Which, in truth, she basically had. Hunched over her fervent work, she listened to the laughs and jeers of the crowd in the main tent of the circus grounds. They seemed to be enjoying the current show. Her large eyes narrowed mischievously. [i]”They have no idea,”[/i] she mused. [i]”The best act is yet to come! …What do you mean? Of course they’ll love it!”[/i] There was no one else in the small tent that was her studio. [i]”How could they not? Just look at it!”[/i] Triumphantly, she held her creation in the air – a small dragon of woven wicker. A voodoo doll. She had chosen her mark only recently, having picked him out of the crowd gathering in the main tent. With his help, she would put on the show of a lifetime! [i]”No, I won’t hurt him. It’s just a bit of fun! Since when did you start caring about the wellbeing of others?”[/i] Kalina slid the doll into the sleeve of her jester tunic and fluttered from her studio. The night air was crisp and cool, the circus grounds seemingly all but deserted since everyone was currently packed in one spot for the grand finale. The flaps of the main tent barely made a noise as she slipped in the back entrance and took her place backstage, waiting for her turn to shine. The crowd applauded and a group of other circus dragons retreated from the stage, passing Kalina with remarks of “have fun” and “don’t go too crazy”. [i]”Crazy… hah! Who do they think I am?”[/i] She glared over her shoulder at nothing. [i]”Shut up!”[/i] Stepping into the arena, Kalina waited for the audience to quiet down. The dragons hushed, the lights dimmed and Kalina’s wild energy filled the tent. Sparks of magic jumped from her wings as she extended them to their full length and leapt into the air. She surreptitiously withdrew the voodoo doll from her sleeve and held it tight. Most dolls required special, physical manipulation to function. Kalina’s ties to voodoo ran so deep that she merely had to think about what she wanted to happen. She thought about her target rising from the audience… and he did. Ungracefully, he floated above the ranks of onlookers with a baffled expression on his face. His companion, that he so abruptly abandoned, called out in confusion and ran after him, face upturned to keep track of his progress. The pair reached the arena in their own unique ways – one floating, now upside down with his legs flailing, and the other scrambling frantically through a jeering swarm of dragons all the while telling his friend to “knock it off!” Kalina swooped low, flying in a lazy circle around her unwitting participants before shooting back into the heights. This time, the dragon tied to her doll soared after her with an undignified squawk of alarm. His friend launched into the air after him and, just like that, they were cavorting about the arena in what could only be described as an airborne train. Kalina led her “volunteers” through several complicated loops and twirls that ultimately ended with the trio nosediving through a hoop that had been lit on fire. All the while her audience whooped and hollered and her “partners” begged each other to “stop” and “for the love of the Icewarden [i]HELP ME!”[/i] At the end of the show, the trio landed with varying degrees of grace in the middle of the arena. Kalina released her hold on the voodoo doll’s target and pressed it into the hand of her target. [i]”For old time’s sake,”[/i] she teased with a wink. In a daze, the other dragon could do nothing but grip the doll and totter on three ungainly legs out of the arena with his flustered friend in tow. Kalina giggled as they departed, then bowed low and stepped out of the arena while the audience cheered and applauded behind her.[/quote]
@GlitchingFlame Here is your lore! These two were challenging but so much fun to write about! Definitely let me know if you would like anything edited/changed!, though!
ghost blurb wrote:
Who is Ghost? Such a question is one Ghost himself can’t really answer. He knows what he is - mechanical. That much is obvious without even having to ask. His body is hard, metallic and here and there an odd piece of tubing or wiring can be seen poking out of his shell before retreating inside. His internal mechanisms are prone to violent malfunctions that cause him to lash out. Because of this, he tends to keep his distance when around others in hopes that he won’t hurt unintentionally them. Who he is, is a much more difficult subject. He has vague memories of being in a dark room. A bright light shines down from above and the face of a dragon looms over him. Where this place is, he can’t say. He assumes he must have escaped considering he is no longer lying on that cold floor surrounded by shadows. Something deep in his programming tells him to find something… or someone. But who or what? For what reason? Ghost is anxious about his mysterious past, but, at the same time, wonders if he even truly wants those memories back.
ghost story wrote:
Leaves crunched crisply under Ghost’s metallic paws as he tromped through the forest. Birds sang gleefully in the trees above, seeming to keep him company on his journey. He always liked to listen to them. They had no care in the world, something he envied greatly. Since his escape, he had learned to appreciate the little things in life. Things such as the music of birds, the bubbling or a creek or the whistling of the breeze. It was all so quiet. So peaceful.

Ghost, on the other hand, was an inner turmoil of emotions. Losing one’s memory tended to do that to you. He struggled to piece together something – anything – about himself. Truly, he was a marvel of engineering, this much was obvious to him. The dabbled sunlight filtering through the canopy gleamed and danced off his metallic body, sending dazzling refractions of light spinning across the foliage around him like a thousand tiny mirrors. A frustrated snort escaped him. Yes, he knew what he was, but the who of it escaped him.

He remembered waking on a stormy night, rain battering his hard scales and lightning streaking through the black clouds above. He had simply stood, head tilted up, transfixed by the display of nature’s pure, primal power. Everything before this moment was a blur in his mind. Perhaps it was this choice to remain exposed to the elements that had caused his malfunctions. Maybe too much water had managed to seep into his circuits and done damage to the intricacies within. That could possibly explain the memory loss.

Ghost was sure he could enlist help in recovering his past, but he was hesitant to do so due to his tendency to lose control of himself. Perhaps this, too, was caused by rain damage, he surmised. He stopped walking to reach out and gingerly pick up a stone resting on the ground. It was small, smooth and gray, almost perfectly round. Such a simple thing. He turned it over once or twice, then froze as a bird landed on one of the talons curved around the stone. It, too, was small with vibrant orange feathers. It looked up at Ghost, head tilted to one side and chirped a little tune at him.

He marveled at it. Such a wonderous little thing! This moment of reverence was not long lasting, though. Rage suddenly bubbled up within Ghost. The world around him seemed to turn bright red. He dug the claws of three paws into the dirt while the fourth violently squeezed the stone he held.

Destroy. Crush. It must die.[/s] Who’s voice was that? His? It surely sounded like Ghost.

Snapping and cracking filled Ghost’s ears. Vaguely, somewhere far off, he was aware of the bird chirping. And then silence. The anger that had so abruptly risen just as quickly dissipated, leaving Ghost staring blankly at his upheld paw.

The stone was shattered. Shards of rock lay amidst a small pile of silt in his palm, the once perfect symmetry now forever ruined. He let the rubble filter through the gaps in his talons, noting that there were no feathers mixed in with the ruin. Lifting his head, he scanned the nearby trees. There! A splash of orange caught his eye. The bird sat on a branch several feet above him. It gave him the same, tilted gaze as before, chirped once, then flew away. Relief filled Ghost as he watched it flit through the canopy. At least it had survived his outburst. Then he sighed, shook his head and continued on his way. The answers he sought weren't here. Time to look elsewhere.
kalina blurb wrote:
Kalina is crazy. That is the long and the short of it. Her mind dances on the edge of madness, a side effect to a voodoo experiment gone wrong as a child. She would argue that it’s the good kind of crazy - perhaps the best kind - and has led to some of her best performances. When she was little, she aimed to follow in her parents’ footsteps and become a court jester. As she grew, she found she possessed a fascination for voodoo magic and the occult. Expressing this interest to a stranger she met in the market led her to discover that a traveling circus with an unusual, voodoo-centric theme was currently set up right outside town. Kalina needed no prompting. She packed her bags, left home and pleaded with the circus ringleader that she wanted to join. She got the job and never looked back.
kalina story wrote:
Kalina hummed quietly to herself. In her talons she held a bundle of wicker, deftly weaving the threads together as if she had been doing it all her life. Which, in truth, she basically had. Hunched over her fervent work, she listened to the laughs and jeers of the crowd in the main tent of the circus grounds. They seemed to be enjoying the current show. Her large eyes narrowed mischievously.

”They have no idea,” she mused. ”The best act is yet to come! …What do you mean? Of course they’ll love it!”

There was no one else in the small tent that was her studio.

”How could they not? Just look at it!” Triumphantly, she held her creation in the air – a small dragon of woven wicker. A voodoo doll.

She had chosen her mark only recently, having picked him out of the crowd gathering in the main tent. With his help, she would put on the show of a lifetime!

”No, I won’t hurt him. It’s just a bit of fun! Since when did you start caring about the wellbeing of others?”

Kalina slid the doll into the sleeve of her jester tunic and fluttered from her studio. The night air was crisp and cool, the circus grounds seemingly all but deserted since everyone was currently packed in one spot for the grand finale. The flaps of the main tent barely made a noise as she slipped in the back entrance and took her place backstage, waiting for her turn to shine.

The crowd applauded and a group of other circus dragons retreated from the stage, passing Kalina with remarks of “have fun” and “don’t go too crazy”.

”Crazy… hah! Who do they think I am?” She glared over her shoulder at nothing. ”Shut up!”

Stepping into the arena, Kalina waited for the audience to quiet down. The dragons hushed, the lights dimmed and Kalina’s wild energy filled the tent. Sparks of magic jumped from her wings as she extended them to their full length and leapt into the air. She surreptitiously withdrew the voodoo doll from her sleeve and held it tight. Most dolls required special, physical manipulation to function. Kalina’s ties to voodoo ran so deep that she merely had to think about what she wanted to happen. She thought about her target rising from the audience… and he did.

Ungracefully, he floated above the ranks of onlookers with a baffled expression on his face. His companion, that he so abruptly abandoned, called out in confusion and ran after him, face upturned to keep track of his progress. The pair reached the arena in their own unique ways – one floating, now upside down with his legs flailing, and the other scrambling frantically through a jeering swarm of dragons all the while telling his friend to “knock it off!”

Kalina swooped low, flying in a lazy circle around her unwitting participants before shooting back into the heights. This time, the dragon tied to her doll soared after her with an undignified squawk of alarm. His friend launched into the air after him and, just like that, they were cavorting about the arena in what could only be described as an airborne train.

Kalina led her “volunteers” through several complicated loops and twirls that ultimately ended with the trio nosediving through a hoop that had been lit on fire. All the while her audience whooped and hollered and her “partners” begged each other to “stop” and “for the love of the Icewarden HELP ME!”

At the end of the show, the trio landed with varying degrees of grace in the middle of the arena. Kalina released her hold on the voodoo doll’s target and pressed it into the hand of her target.

”For old time’s sake,” she teased with a wink. In a daze, the other dragon could do nothing but grip the doll and totter on three ungainly legs out of the arena with his flustered friend in tow. Kalina giggled as they departed, then bowed low and stepped out of the arena while the audience cheered and applauded behind her.
@PhantomClawMews Here is your lore for Proteus! I loved getting to write about a sea serpent! I always thought they were so cool. Hopefully I did him justice! Definitely let me know if you would like anything altered, edited or changed, though! [emoji=familiar heart size=1] [quote= proteus blurb]Proteus is ancient. So ancient, in fact, that his scales, once a vibrant blue, have become a milk white. The whispers of the old sea serpent that have survived the passage of time are often dismissed as myth, superstition or wholly untrue. This is how Proteus prefers it. It is easier to surprise one’s prey when they don’t believe you exist. For truly, that is what the world is to one such as him – an endless buffet. The world’s adamant belief that Proteus is simply an old wives’ tale leads to land-dwellers unknowingly take part in a ritual that is very much true. They unwittingly sell their souls to the ancient titan of the deeps, finding themselves abruptly transformed into merpeople. Some view this as a blessing in disguise. Others see it as no more than a curse. They struggle to return to how they once were, but breaking a deal with Proteus is ill advised. Whether they knew they were making a pact or not, Proteus is intent on keeping what is his. Any that say otherwise, meet their slow demise in the depths of his stomach.[/quote] [quote=proteus story]Proteus rested, eyes closed, between the jagged cliffs comprising the shelf separating the shallow beach waters from the endless expanse of the deep ocean. He knew the land-dwellers above whispered about him, safe above where one such as he could not go. Yet, he also knew these whispers were nothing more than here say to those that spoke his name. They gathered around their disgusting fires and told tales of an old white serpent lurking in the depths, beyond the reach of even the most skilled of fishermen. Little did they know their stories were true. Proteus was very much real, very much alive and very powerful. He was no ordinary sea serpent, having long ago mastered the ancient art of transformation. Proteus shifted, sending silt and rubble cascading down the rocky shelf into the black abyss. The moon would be high in the night sky by now. He could feel the tides turning, could feel the presence of the foolish mortals gathered in the shallow waters above. Occasionally, the myths would catch the interest of some daring individuals out to prove a point. They would congregate at night, wade into the waves and consume the scale of lesser serpent - the young of his kind that were not wise enough to stay away from the spears and nets of those that hunted the depths. None of them thought the ritual to be true. None of them thought anything would happen. All of them were surprised when fins, scale and tail appeared where once they had possessed legs. Proteus snorted, sending a flurry of bubbles spiraling up to into the rocks around him. One would think that eventually word would get out that the rumors were true. The appearance of a soft glow prompted Proteus to open his eyes, peering out through narrowed slits. A white orb floated in the waters before him, its form twisting and flickering like a tiny pale flame. A mortal soul. One of the fools had eaten a scale. Proteus stared hungrily at the soul then, with a gentleness belied by his massive size, took it in his jaws and swam from the cave. He angled himself down, down, down into the inky depths, descending ever farther into blackness until he reached the cave he called home. It was here that he deposited the soul among all the others he had collected. Hunger called again as Proteus left the shelter of his cave after storing his prize. It was time to hunt. Hunting for Proteus worked differently than for most other creatures. For him, it involved settling into the sand at the bottom of the world and watching, waiting. Several hours passed during which Proteus sat motionless. At long last, a mermaid descended from the open ocean. Her wary gaze darted to and from, but in the black of the abyss, Proteus was hidden from her eyes. Quietly, she darted into his cave, returning after a few moments with a pale green soul clutched to her chest. She looked around once more, then sped for the surface. The hunt was on. Proteus heaved himself from the silt and let out a bellow that was half roar and guttural hiss. The waters seemed to quake and vibrate from the force of it as he darted after the mermaid. He could just barely make her out ahead of him, her tail pumping furiously in her frantic attempt to escape with her soul. Once, she looked back over her shoulder. She must have seen Proteus surging behind her for her eyes widened in horror and she doubled her efforts to flee. All these years Proteus had not once lost his prey. He would not do so today. He could see the light of the moon now, shining through the water’s surface. With another deafening bellow, Proteus put on a final burst of speed and opened his gaping maw. The mermaid leapt from the water into the air, desperate to escape. Proteus’ momentum carried him after her. He erupted from the water like a breaching whale. His jaws closed around the mermaid and her soul, clamping firmly shut as he arched his body and returned to the waves in a thunderous cascade of ocean spray. No, he would not lose his prey today. He gave himself a vigorous shake to counter the dizziness resulting from his leap, then swallowed the mermaid screaming in his gullet and returned to his cave at the bottom of the world.[/quote]
@PhantomClawMews Here is your lore for Proteus! I loved getting to write about a sea serpent! I always thought they were so cool. Hopefully I did him justice! Definitely let me know if you would like anything altered, edited or changed, though!
proteus blurb wrote:
Proteus is ancient. So ancient, in fact, that his scales, once a vibrant blue, have become a milk white. The whispers of the old sea serpent that have survived the passage of time are often dismissed as myth, superstition or wholly untrue. This is how Proteus prefers it. It is easier to surprise one’s prey when they don’t believe you exist. For truly, that is what the world is to one such as him – an endless buffet. The world’s adamant belief that Proteus is simply an old wives’ tale leads to land-dwellers unknowingly take part in a ritual that is very much true. They unwittingly sell their souls to the ancient titan of the deeps, finding themselves abruptly transformed into merpeople. Some view this as a blessing in disguise. Others see it as no more than a curse. They struggle to return to how they once were, but breaking a deal with Proteus is ill advised. Whether they knew they were making a pact or not, Proteus is intent on keeping what is his. Any that say otherwise, meet their slow demise in the depths of his stomach.
proteus story wrote:
Proteus rested, eyes closed, between the jagged cliffs comprising the shelf separating the shallow beach waters from the endless expanse of the deep ocean. He knew the land-dwellers above whispered about him, safe above where one such as he could not go. Yet, he also knew these whispers were nothing more than here say to those that spoke his name.

They gathered around their disgusting fires and told tales of an old white serpent lurking in the depths, beyond the reach of even the most skilled of fishermen. Little did they know their stories were true. Proteus was very much real, very much alive and very powerful. He was no ordinary sea serpent, having long ago mastered the ancient art of transformation.

Proteus shifted, sending silt and rubble cascading down the rocky shelf into the black abyss. The moon would be high in the night sky by now. He could feel the tides turning, could feel the presence of the foolish mortals gathered in the shallow waters above. Occasionally, the myths would catch the interest of some daring individuals out to prove a point.

They would congregate at night, wade into the waves and consume the scale of lesser serpent - the young of his kind that were not wise enough to stay away from the spears and nets of those that hunted the depths. None of them thought the ritual to be true. None of them thought anything would happen. All of them were surprised when fins, scale and tail appeared where once they had possessed legs.

Proteus snorted, sending a flurry of bubbles spiraling up to into the rocks around him. One would think that eventually word would get out that the rumors were true.

The appearance of a soft glow prompted Proteus to open his eyes, peering out through narrowed slits. A white orb floated in the waters before him, its form twisting and flickering like a tiny pale flame. A mortal soul. One of the fools had eaten a scale. Proteus stared hungrily at the soul then, with a gentleness belied by his massive size, took it in his jaws and swam from the cave. He angled himself down, down, down into the inky depths, descending ever farther into blackness until he reached the cave he called home. It was here that he deposited the soul among all the others he had collected. Hunger called again as Proteus left the shelter of his cave after storing his prize. It was time to hunt.

Hunting for Proteus worked differently than for most other creatures. For him, it involved settling into the sand at the bottom of the world and watching, waiting. Several hours passed during which Proteus sat motionless. At long last, a mermaid descended from the open ocean. Her wary gaze darted to and from, but in the black of the abyss, Proteus was hidden from her eyes. Quietly, she darted into his cave, returning after a few moments with a pale green soul clutched to her chest. She looked around once more, then sped for the surface.

The hunt was on.

Proteus heaved himself from the silt and let out a bellow that was half roar and guttural hiss. The waters seemed to quake and vibrate from the force of it as he darted after the mermaid. He could just barely make her out ahead of him, her tail pumping furiously in her frantic attempt to escape with her soul. Once, she looked back over her shoulder. She must have seen Proteus surging behind her for her eyes widened in horror and she doubled her efforts to flee.

All these years Proteus had not once lost his prey. He would not do so today. He could see the light of the moon now, shining through the water’s surface. With another deafening bellow, Proteus put on a final burst of speed and opened his gaping maw. The mermaid leapt from the water into the air, desperate to escape. Proteus’ momentum carried him after her. He erupted from the water like a breaching whale.

His jaws closed around the mermaid and her soul, clamping firmly shut as he arched his body and returned to the waves in a thunderous cascade of ocean spray. No, he would not lose his prey today. He gave himself a vigorous shake to counter the dizziness resulting from his leap, then swallowed the mermaid screaming in his gullet and returned to his cave at the bottom of the world.