
Flight Rising Discussion

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TOPIC | bogsneak headfins
okay this might be a stupid question but do female bogsneaks have 1 or 2 headfins? [img][/img] on the male it definitely looks like 2 headfins [img][/img] but then the hatchling - there's that bump on the head but i'm not entirely sure [img][/img]
okay this might be a stupid question but do female bogsneaks have 1 or 2 headfins?


on the male it definitely looks like 2 headfins


but then the hatchling - there's that bump on the head but i'm not entirely sure

41328.png -
cillian || adult || he/they
Candy Coated Dragons
adopts: obelisk | aether
in the art, f pose bogsneaks have one crest while m pose have two. i always interpreted babies as having none. it's not a dimorphism thing, the lore states that "They are easily recognized by their impressive head-crests, the shape and number of which can vary widely." which i assume can mean they can have no crests or as many as you can reasonably fit on their necks.
in the art, f pose bogsneaks have one crest while m pose have two. i always interpreted babies as having none. it's not a dimorphism thing, the lore states that "They are easily recognized by their impressive head-crests, the shape and number of which can vary widely." which i assume can mean they can have no crests or as many as you can reasonably fit on their necks.
............. tumblr-pa5yx1-Ks-ZM1tecpo4o1-100.png ...
the reliquary
''it's not over yet''
wishlist • familiar collector
[quote name="reliquiaen" date="2024-05-14 05:58:21" ] in the art, f pose bogsneaks have one crest while m pose have two. i always interpreted babies as having none. it's not a dimorphism thing, the lore states that "They are easily recognized by their impressive head-crests, the shape and number of which can vary widely." which i assume can mean they can have no crests or as many as you can reasonably fit on their necks. [/quote] see the babies are odd because they look like they have two head crests they just start behind the jaw i always interpreted the corner of the back wing on f!bogs to be their second headfin so ever since i noticed that it wasnt - ive been like ???????????? kinda similar to how i feel about aspects of fae anatomy (it never registered they had really long necks for a long time LOL)
reliquiaen wrote on 2024-05-14 05:58:21:
in the art, f pose bogsneaks have one crest while m pose have two. i always interpreted babies as having none. it's not a dimorphism thing, the lore states that "They are easily recognized by their impressive head-crests, the shape and number of which can vary widely." which i assume can mean they can have no crests or as many as you can reasonably fit on their necks.
see the babies are odd because they look like they have two head crests they just start behind the jaw

i always interpreted the corner of the back wing on f!bogs to be their second headfin so ever since i noticed that it wasnt - ive been like ????????????

kinda similar to how i feel about aspects of fae anatomy (it never registered they had really long necks for a long time LOL)
41328.png -
cillian || adult || he/they
Candy Coated Dragons
adopts: obelisk | aether
Female bogsneaks actually have 3 headcrests! One on the top and the other two on their cheeks.

The other poses I'm pretty sure both have 2.
Female bogsneaks actually have 3 headcrests! One on the top and the other two on their cheeks.

The other poses I'm pretty sure both have 2.
Tiny pink gif of two Kirbies bouncing up and down on either side with text in the middle that says 'My Brain Hurty'
One of the FR rights of passage, along with Fae necks, Tundra legs & Capsule gene haha Congratulations for finally noticing :D Females do indeed have just the one larger one, males have two. It becomes evident when scrying with basic for example the crests are separate from the wings; [img][/img] Females also have the jawline crest, males do not & the hatchling is a reflection of both/neither? They either have headcrests depending on what you interpret the 'bump' as, or its just a jawline one like on the female ^^ Its a similar thing to Aberration heads being able to be different to what we see in the official art - Boggies can feasibly have any amount of crests I would assume.
One of the FR rights of passage, along with Fae necks, Tundra legs & Capsule gene haha

Congratulations for finally noticing :D

Females do indeed have just the one larger one, males have two.

It becomes evident when scrying with basic for example the crests are separate from the wings;


Females also have the jawline crest, males do not & the hatchling is a reflection of both/neither? They either have headcrests depending on what you interpret the 'bump' as, or its just a jawline one like on the female ^^

Its a similar thing to Aberration heads being able to be different to what we see in the official art - Boggies can feasibly have any amount of crests I would assume.
[quote name="Bearttalion" date="2024-05-14 07:44:46" ] Female bogsneaks actually have 3 headcrests! One on the top and the other two on their cheeks. The other poses I'm pretty sure both have 2. [/quote] OKAY OKAY OKAY SEMANTICS though really i meant like TOP of the head - i shouldve clarified XD
Bearttalion wrote on 2024-05-14 07:44:46:
Female bogsneaks actually have 3 headcrests! One on the top and the other two on their cheeks.

The other poses I'm pretty sure both have 2.
OKAY OKAY OKAY SEMANTICS though really i meant like TOP of the head - i shouldve clarified XD
41328.png -
cillian || adult || he/they
Candy Coated Dragons
adopts: obelisk | aether
[quote name="Mynia" date="2024-05-14 07:47:25" ] [img][/img] [/quote] Is it just me or does the jawline crest here look off? The shading feels wacky.
Mynia wrote on 2024-05-14 07:47:25:

Is it just me or does the jawline crest here look off? The shading feels wacky.
boogerzone.png J7D1quC.png
i collect these
Ghostly Aura
yeah, lore-wise u can have as many crests as u want!
yeah, lore-wise u can have as many crests as u want!
wqnTQE2.png Adult Player | She/they | 3+ FR Time | Wishlist
  • i'm actually the prettiest yiny princess
Can i have. a hundred crests
Can i have. a hundred crests
kinda cant believe the f pose boggie crest thing, the wing has prominent claw things??? its reversed??? it would be sticking out of the side of the main fin?????

they can have crests or fins. or nothing. komodo dragon boggie.
kinda cant believe the f pose boggie crest thing, the wing has prominent claw things??? its reversed??? it would be sticking out of the side of the main fin?????

they can have crests or fins. or nothing. komodo dragon boggie.
