
Skins and Accents

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TOPIC | Forest Grove Veil M [9/23]
@Sherushi Thank you!
@Sherushi Thank you!
[center]sharing a finished lady! [url=][img][/img][/url][/center]
sharing a finished lady!

Hello! ^^

Sorry to bother, but I just wanted to ask if you happened to have any spare copies of Nutmeg Grove? It's such a gorgeous accent!
Hello! ^^

Sorry to bother, but I just wanted to ask if you happened to have any spare copies of Nutmeg Grove? It's such a gorgeous accent!
Sorry! I don't have any more copies of Nutmeg Grove.
Sorry! I don't have any more copies of Nutmeg Grove.
Aw shucks! Well, thank you for letting me know! ^_^
Aw shucks! Well, thank you for letting me know! ^_^
With the changes FR's made, will you ever consider doing retired reprints? (Asks the woman who can't believe she missed when you printed Illuminated Scholar)
With the changes FR's made, will you ever consider doing retired reprints? (Asks the woman who can't believe she missed when you printed Illuminated Scholar)
I won't be unretiring old skins since I've said that they'd be retired, but I don't think I'll retire any new skins going forward under the new system.
I won't be unretiring old skins since I've said that they'd be retired, but I don't think I'll retire any new skins going forward under the new system.

You have lots of retired animal accents, any chance you will reprint any of them? If not, are you planning on doing any more?

You have lots of retired animal accents, any chance you will reprint any of them? If not, are you planning on doing any more?
Retired accents won't be reprinted, sorry. ^^' I do plan to make more accents eventually especially ones with animals, but I've been a bit busy lately.
Retired accents won't be reprinted, sorry. ^^' I do plan to make more accents eventually especially ones with animals, but I've been a bit busy lately.
Could I be added for the reprint of Lamplit Ferns for Fem Veils, please? Thanks.
Could I be added for the reprint of Lamplit Ferns for Fem Veils, please? Thanks.
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