

Tell stories and roleplay in the world of Flight Rising.
TOPIC | 1x1 w/ TheWorshipOnes & ForeverTwilight
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Sadie sighed. This hadn’t been the first time she’d had to explain where she was from, what it looked like, and even prove some of the fantastical false myths that had been placed upon her home country. “Small island, about fifteen miles off the coast. Dense rainforests, along with sea glass beaches. The island isnt too large, but big enough that we’ve got a ruler, obviously, and our own little government set up.’

She side eyed him, (bombastically), as she shook her head. “Not many people talk about it, other then the myths and false stories about the sea creatures and dangerous currents that some have accidentally traveled in. But don’t worry. Those are all fake, it’s a completely safe passage there and back by water.”

Talk about fish out of water… Gee. He’s really tongue tied.
Sadie sighed. This hadn’t been the first time she’d had to explain where she was from, what it looked like, and even prove some of the fantastical false myths that had been placed upon her home country. “Small island, about fifteen miles off the coast. Dense rainforests, along with sea glass beaches. The island isnt too large, but big enough that we’ve got a ruler, obviously, and our own little government set up.’

She side eyed him, (bombastically), as she shook her head. “Not many people talk about it, other then the myths and false stories about the sea creatures and dangerous currents that some have accidentally traveled in. But don’t worry. Those are all fake, it’s a completely safe passage there and back by water.”

Talk about fish out of water… Gee. He’s really tongue tied.
"Oh! So... so a mini country?" It was the best way he could put it. Despite trying to grasp the idea that a kingdom could be so small - and so close at the same time - was a bit flabbergasting. Surely I should've heard of it at some point. Then again, unless you were noticeable enough to be a threat, not many larger countries really cared...

And by the sounds of it, they were definitely not large enough to be a threat.

"Y-you realize that if news gets out that an assassin from Tortuga nearly managed to kidnap a prince, that your entire country will burn, right?" The earnest in his voice was a bit startling. "My parents don't take kindly to threats on our kingdom. Especially considering the fact that I'm a sole heir. It's nearly as bad as trying to kill Kassian on his wedding day." Not that Sebastian really thought his cousin's parents would care all that much, unfortunately.

He fidgeted uncomfortably next to the damp, unlit firepit, shivering softly in his clothing. It was far too cold out here for his tastes. "Everyone you know is at risk because you're here. Because... because by the sounds of it, you were sent on a suicide mission. One nobody had the balls to think through properly."

(LMAO BOMBASTIC SIDE-EYE i love her so much)
"Oh! So... so a mini country?" It was the best way he could put it. Despite trying to grasp the idea that a kingdom could be so small - and so close at the same time - was a bit flabbergasting. Surely I should've heard of it at some point. Then again, unless you were noticeable enough to be a threat, not many larger countries really cared...

And by the sounds of it, they were definitely not large enough to be a threat.

"Y-you realize that if news gets out that an assassin from Tortuga nearly managed to kidnap a prince, that your entire country will burn, right?" The earnest in his voice was a bit startling. "My parents don't take kindly to threats on our kingdom. Especially considering the fact that I'm a sole heir. It's nearly as bad as trying to kill Kassian on his wedding day." Not that Sebastian really thought his cousin's parents would care all that much, unfortunately.

He fidgeted uncomfortably next to the damp, unlit firepit, shivering softly in his clothing. It was far too cold out here for his tastes. "Everyone you know is at risk because you're here. Because... because by the sounds of it, you were sent on a suicide mission. One nobody had the balls to think through properly."

(LMAO BOMBASTIC SIDE-EYE i love her so much)
Work full-time, not on until evenings!
“Pretty much.” Sadie grinned, completely content with her ability to surprise him. “So you not go to school? Are you dim?” Not that she was gonna say it to his face, but it almost didn’t make sense that he was surprised. Her home country couldn’t be that unheard of, right?

At the mention of her possibly ruling, she huffed. “Listen buddy. I’ve tried to ask if I can step up and rule, or partake in some sort of training, but every time I ask I’ve gotten the, “you’re too young, and aren’t big nor physically strong enough. Go find something to do.” “That’s been said to my face so many times, they had to figure out a way to get rid of me. And when I was forcibly ordered her I wasn’t sure if they were being serious or not.”

She shook her head. “No one really wants me. My siblings probably didn’t think I’d get this far.”
“Pretty much.” Sadie grinned, completely content with her ability to surprise him. “So you not go to school? Are you dim?” Not that she was gonna say it to his face, but it almost didn’t make sense that he was surprised. Her home country couldn’t be that unheard of, right?

At the mention of her possibly ruling, she huffed. “Listen buddy. I’ve tried to ask if I can step up and rule, or partake in some sort of training, but every time I ask I’ve gotten the, “you’re too young, and aren’t big nor physically strong enough. Go find something to do.” “That’s been said to my face so many times, they had to figure out a way to get rid of me. And when I was forcibly ordered her I wasn’t sure if they were being serious or not.”

She shook her head. “No one really wants me. My siblings probably didn’t think I’d get this far.”
"You and Astrid would get along pretty well in that aspect..." Though Sebastian assumed Sadie hadn't tried to murder her own betrothed's girlfriend in a fit of rage. The princeling released a small, bitter snort at the recollection. "She's my step-sister. Tried poisoning my cousin's soon-to-be-wed because she didn't like her."

Family drama among royal families was always a bit of a mess, but that had been a particular highlight. Tian was sure he wouldn't see something of that metric for awhile.

"As for being unwanted... mmm. I can tell." He decided it was better to be matter-of-fact than skirt around the bush. Clearly, Sadie was already well aware of why she'd been shipped across to another coast on a death mission. "At least it wasn't Avery's mother that orchestrated it, though."

He paused. Is it wise to tell her that? He figured if it was bound to happen to his own country, he'd want to know, too. "But that means that I need to inform Revengrand that they're sending assassins. If I didn't know about the country, I have doubts most will have."
"You and Astrid would get along pretty well in that aspect..." Though Sebastian assumed Sadie hadn't tried to murder her own betrothed's girlfriend in a fit of rage. The princeling released a small, bitter snort at the recollection. "She's my step-sister. Tried poisoning my cousin's soon-to-be-wed because she didn't like her."

Family drama among royal families was always a bit of a mess, but that had been a particular highlight. Tian was sure he wouldn't see something of that metric for awhile.

"As for being unwanted... mmm. I can tell." He decided it was better to be matter-of-fact than skirt around the bush. Clearly, Sadie was already well aware of why she'd been shipped across to another coast on a death mission. "At least it wasn't Avery's mother that orchestrated it, though."

He paused. Is it wise to tell her that? He figured if it was bound to happen to his own country, he'd want to know, too. "But that means that I need to inform Revengrand that they're sending assassins. If I didn't know about the country, I have doubts most will have."
Work full-time, not on until evenings!
“Hmm. Highly doubt it. I’m not really violent. Can’t do it. Too scared to inflict pain on someone… Which explains why my mission sorta kinda failed… they’re not gonna get anywhere though. They don’t have the supplies, militia, or anything. Not really prepared, either.” Sadie sighed quietly, scrunching her shoulders together in an agreeing gesture.

“Welp, let’s say it’s a good thing is “Avery’s” mother didn’t orchestrate this whole thing, it was my idiot of a brother who thought I could pull it off.” She rolled her eyes. “They’re not sending assassins. I’m supposed to BE the assassin. And hold you for ransom. But it didn’t work out. It’s one of the smaller more less known goals of the kingdom. Believe me, I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t wanna be here.”

“Hmm. Highly doubt it. I’m not really violent. Can’t do it. Too scared to inflict pain on someone… Which explains why my mission sorta kinda failed… they’re not gonna get anywhere though. They don’t have the supplies, militia, or anything. Not really prepared, either.” Sadie sighed quietly, scrunching her shoulders together in an agreeing gesture.

“Welp, let’s say it’s a good thing is “Avery’s” mother didn’t orchestrate this whole thing, it was my idiot of a brother who thought I could pull it off.” She rolled her eyes. “They’re not sending assassins. I’m supposed to BE the assassin. And hold you for ransom. But it didn’t work out. It’s one of the smaller more less known goals of the kingdom. Believe me, I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t wanna be here.”

Sebastian looked a bit taken aback that Sadie didn't take his threats at all seriously. Despite all his best efforts to intimidate an apology out of her, so far, he was left at square one. "W-wait, then why in the Gods did you come? Was there not someone else they could've sent trekking through the wretched country-side as an assassin?"

At the mention of her plans 'not working out', the prince actually looked a bit offended. "And you're worth more than a one-and-done shot, y'know. I'd put more effort in before you start going around saying you've done all you can. For goodness sake, the most you did was badly sneak into a room and slip something in a goblet of wine. You can do far better." Sebastian's tone was almost one of encouragement.

"Go on then! Give it another shot. I'm sure you can restrain me. Not like I'm really able-bodied right now, considering you poisoned me." That last observation was a bit bitter.

(oh my backwards son. you are simply enchanted. poor tiny stinky boy)
Sebastian looked a bit taken aback that Sadie didn't take his threats at all seriously. Despite all his best efforts to intimidate an apology out of her, so far, he was left at square one. "W-wait, then why in the Gods did you come? Was there not someone else they could've sent trekking through the wretched country-side as an assassin?"

At the mention of her plans 'not working out', the prince actually looked a bit offended. "And you're worth more than a one-and-done shot, y'know. I'd put more effort in before you start going around saying you've done all you can. For goodness sake, the most you did was badly sneak into a room and slip something in a goblet of wine. You can do far better." Sebastian's tone was almost one of encouragement.

"Go on then! Give it another shot. I'm sure you can restrain me. Not like I'm really able-bodied right now, considering you poisoned me." That last observation was a bit bitter.

(oh my backwards son. you are simply enchanted. poor tiny stinky boy)
Work full-time, not on until evenings!
“It was orders. If I didn’t come, I was threatened with me life. Do I look like I wanna die young? I don’t promote suicide at all!” Sadie crossed her arms over her chest, not exactly upset, but not really enjoying the interrogation. Is he stupid? Probably. Doesn’t look like the brightest fellow out there. He’s still got that odd look in his eyes. Maybe I ought to try and leave again?

She sent him a deadpanned look. “You think I can take you on? I don’t think so. Other than my pocket knife, I wasn’t given any other supplies, or weapons. Everything went amiss, so it doesn’t matter. I’m screwed when I return home.” She suddenly looked away from him, to gaze into the small fire in front of the two.

“I’m not built for this. But they didn’t have any other ideas as to what I could do, where they could put me, or anything.”
“It was orders. If I didn’t come, I was threatened with me life. Do I look like I wanna die young? I don’t promote suicide at all!” Sadie crossed her arms over her chest, not exactly upset, but not really enjoying the interrogation. Is he stupid? Probably. Doesn’t look like the brightest fellow out there. He’s still got that odd look in his eyes. Maybe I ought to try and leave again?

She sent him a deadpanned look. “You think I can take you on? I don’t think so. Other than my pocket knife, I wasn’t given any other supplies, or weapons. Everything went amiss, so it doesn’t matter. I’m screwed when I return home.” She suddenly looked away from him, to gaze into the small fire in front of the two.

“I’m not built for this. But they didn’t have any other ideas as to what I could do, where they could put me, or anything.”
(time for my love-elixier stricken son to be stupid and a dumb little idiot man)

Sebastian, inhaling softly, seemed to weigh his options. For some reason, I can't bear to see her like this. It was beginning to grow less annoying and more heart-aching. As much as Sadie fueled her own attitude, it was clear they hadn't cared about her much if they shipped her out here. Made it even worse by the fact that her own brother had done it.

"...Well, you'll die if you stay here." The young prince decided finally. He seemed to have made up his mind. "And if you go back empty-handed, I'm sure they'll kill you there too." It didn't leave Sadie with many options.

And since she can't really... y'know, kidnap properly... He suddenly leaned over where he sat and grabbed up a length of rope laying uselessly by the fire, before beginning to tie it around his own wrists. "As much as I find your company grating on a level I'm not comfortable with, I'd hate to see you die." And she certainly didn't mean to kill me. Not yet, anyway.

Tian extended his half-tied wrists out to her. "Well? Go on, then! Finish it for me. You came for a kidnapping."
(time for my love-elixier stricken son to be stupid and a dumb little idiot man)

Sebastian, inhaling softly, seemed to weigh his options. For some reason, I can't bear to see her like this. It was beginning to grow less annoying and more heart-aching. As much as Sadie fueled her own attitude, it was clear they hadn't cared about her much if they shipped her out here. Made it even worse by the fact that her own brother had done it.

"...Well, you'll die if you stay here." The young prince decided finally. He seemed to have made up his mind. "And if you go back empty-handed, I'm sure they'll kill you there too." It didn't leave Sadie with many options.

And since she can't really... y'know, kidnap properly... He suddenly leaned over where he sat and grabbed up a length of rope laying uselessly by the fire, before beginning to tie it around his own wrists. "As much as I find your company grating on a level I'm not comfortable with, I'd hate to see you die." And she certainly didn't mean to kill me. Not yet, anyway.

Tian extended his half-tied wrists out to her. "Well? Go on, then! Finish it for me. You came for a kidnapping."
Work full-time, not on until evenings!
Sadie switched from becoming terribly pale, to a light pink within seconds. “N-No, I won’t die. Its alright. I’ll figure-“ She choked over her words in utter surprise as she watched him. “N-No! I refuse to kidnap you, you don’t deserve it! This was a stupid mission, and I won’t do it! I can find a job, go undercover, something until things return to normal, and my siblings forget about my mission. Maybe I’ll just run away, find a different place to live. Absolutely not. I refuse. I will NOT kidnap you.”

Reaching towards him, she unbound the rope from his wrists, gasping in surprise as a tingling sensation made its way up her arm, circulating from where she had touched him. He should feel it too, although it might have felt slightly different, since the one whom he was “in love” with had iniated the contact.

“What in the name of the sea was that?! Are you possessed?” Sadie gasped as she looked at her hand, her eyes wide. “Why-Why am I dizzy, why are you tingly?”

(Welp, we love our dumb moments lol wouldn’t be iconic without em)
Sadie switched from becoming terribly pale, to a light pink within seconds. “N-No, I won’t die. Its alright. I’ll figure-“ She choked over her words in utter surprise as she watched him. “N-No! I refuse to kidnap you, you don’t deserve it! This was a stupid mission, and I won’t do it! I can find a job, go undercover, something until things return to normal, and my siblings forget about my mission. Maybe I’ll just run away, find a different place to live. Absolutely not. I refuse. I will NOT kidnap you.”

Reaching towards him, she unbound the rope from his wrists, gasping in surprise as a tingling sensation made its way up her arm, circulating from where she had touched him. He should feel it too, although it might have felt slightly different, since the one whom he was “in love” with had iniated the contact.

“What in the name of the sea was that?! Are you possessed?” Sadie gasped as she looked at her hand, her eyes wide. “Why-Why am I dizzy, why are you tingly?”

(Welp, we love our dumb moments lol wouldn’t be iconic without em)
He'd nearly been ready to chastise her for not finishing the job of tying the ropes. Not like I can do them well myself. But before he could lean over to pluck it off the soil, he felt a sudden, sharp shock all the way up to his elbows. The noise Sebastian emitted was somewhere between a squeak of surprise and utter confusion.

"I- tingly? Are you insane? You just electrocuted me-" the princeling complained, flexing his arms uncomfortably. The 'pain' was more out of being startled than anything else. "W-what was that, anyway?"

Glancing over revealed that Sadie was feeling similar to how he was. Does it have to do with what she slipped in my goblet? No... certainly not. If it was, she'd have had some herself. No one was stupid enough to sample their own poisons. Wouldn't hurt to ask, though, given her track-record...

Tian paused and opened his mouth several times before finally speaking. "W-what uh- what exactly did you slip into my goblet? And did you drink some of it? Because unless you've got some sort of charm on you, I can't see what else in the Gods is going on." He seemed now more confused than irritated. His arms felt... warm. Comfortable. Gah. Makes me want to embrace her.

He'd nearly been ready to chastise her for not finishing the job of tying the ropes. Not like I can do them well myself. But before he could lean over to pluck it off the soil, he felt a sudden, sharp shock all the way up to his elbows. The noise Sebastian emitted was somewhere between a squeak of surprise and utter confusion.

"I- tingly? Are you insane? You just electrocuted me-" the princeling complained, flexing his arms uncomfortably. The 'pain' was more out of being startled than anything else. "W-what was that, anyway?"

Glancing over revealed that Sadie was feeling similar to how he was. Does it have to do with what she slipped in my goblet? No... certainly not. If it was, she'd have had some herself. No one was stupid enough to sample their own poisons. Wouldn't hurt to ask, though, given her track-record...

Tian paused and opened his mouth several times before finally speaking. "W-what uh- what exactly did you slip into my goblet? And did you drink some of it? Because unless you've got some sort of charm on you, I can't see what else in the Gods is going on." He seemed now more confused than irritated. His arms felt... warm. Comfortable. Gah. Makes me want to embrace her.

Work full-time, not on until evenings!
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