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TOPIC | Timezone issues? [help]
I can never figure out how to get around timezones. I have an art shop and I really would love both my american and european friends to have chances at getting a slot.
Any ideas how I could get around the obstacle that's timezone? At which game's server hour could I open slots to make sure everyone has equal chances?
I'm kinda feeling terrible opening slots only to see people saying that they missed it because they were sleeping and it was 3am for them ;;
I can never figure out how to get around timezones. I have an art shop and I really would love both my american and european friends to have chances at getting a slot.
Any ideas how I could get around the obstacle that's timezone? At which game's server hour could I open slots to make sure everyone has equal chances?
I'm kinda feeling terrible opening slots only to see people saying that they missed it because they were sleeping and it was 3am for them ;;

German here. It's currently 22:39 here, if that helps.

However, I think time stuff is very dependant on the individual. Not just sleep, but also work and school eats up a lot of time, and it varies when that is. For example, my work starts fairly late, so I'm a bit more nocturnal than the average person.

My suggestion would be that you open your first set of slots whenever, and when you do it again someday, pick a diffrent time.

German here. It's currently 22:39 here, if that helps.

However, I think time stuff is very dependant on the individual. Not just sleep, but also work and school eats up a lot of time, and it varies when that is. For example, my work starts fairly late, so I'm a bit more nocturnal than the average person.

My suggestion would be that you open your first set of slots whenever, and when you do it again someday, pick a diffrent time.
@Kruciatto yeah, I agree with the previous poster. The key is to open up at different times of day (and not just change the time you open by 12 hours, either; it's pretty easy to accidentally only have your slots open in the dead of night and in the middle of the work day).

Maybe the first time you open up slots, you do it right before going to sleep; the next time it's while you're eating breakfast, then the next time after you get back from work/school/daily obligation, then the next time on the weekend in the middle of the night, etc. As long as you're hitting a good chunk of the day, everyone in various timezones will have as fair of a shot as it's possible to have.
@Kruciatto yeah, I agree with the previous poster. The key is to open up at different times of day (and not just change the time you open by 12 hours, either; it's pretty easy to accidentally only have your slots open in the dead of night and in the middle of the work day).

Maybe the first time you open up slots, you do it right before going to sleep; the next time it's while you're eating breakfast, then the next time after you get back from work/school/daily obligation, then the next time on the weekend in the middle of the night, etc. As long as you're hitting a good chunk of the day, everyone in various timezones will have as fair of a shot as it's possible to have.
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