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TOPIC | The Banning Game
@Akuoumaru Banned because now idk what to say >:I
@Akuoumaru Banned because now idk what to say >:I
I’m a hoarder (shiny things appreciated)

>>Art Dump

banned because being new to FR as a whole makes me feel broke. double banned because you got a vista and i don’t /j

banned because being new to FR as a whole makes me feel broke. double banned because you got a vista and i don’t /j
@Akuoumaru haha banned because same lol, welcome to FR where the constant feeling of broke never ends MWAHAHAHAHA. (ok no seriously i have some vistas if you want one <3)
@Akuoumaru haha banned because same lol, welcome to FR where the constant feeling of broke never ends MWAHAHAHAHA. (ok no seriously i have some vistas if you want one <3)
I’m a hoarder (shiny things appreciated)

>>Art Dump

banned. broke buddies forever!! (i’d be happy to take a spare <3 + you’ve got a cool vista!)

banned. broke buddies forever!! (i’d be happy to take a spare <3 + you’ve got a cool vista!)
@Akuoumaru banned because I have been nice to you and you cannot spread the word o-0
@Akuoumaru banned because I have been nice to you and you cannot spread the word o-0
I’m a hoarder (shiny things appreciated)

>>Art Dump

banned because i just realised your avatar is actually invisible and is just floating apparel, to which i say, cool :0

banned because i just realised your avatar is actually invisible and is just floating apparel, to which i say, cool :0
@Akuoumaru banned because I'm super envious of Charite
@Akuoumaru banned because I'm super envious of Charite

banned because wait till i show you her final plans (which are sooo expensive for me as a newbie ;0;)

banned because wait till i show you her final plans (which are sooo expensive for me as a newbie ;0;)

Banned. Welcome to hell. Would you like a free sample? /j

Banned. Welcome to hell. Would you like a free sample? /j
Feel free to size=7]ping :D
Chaotic Neutral
cry about my font sizes, "Nightmare King".
@ExoticButters171 banned because what flavor?
@ExoticButters171 banned because what flavor?