Hi, I hatched my new clanbound dusthide dragons today and they came out as arcane dragons but I am in water flight. I don't know if this is normal. Someone let me know
TOPIC | Hatched in the wrong flight??
Hi, I hatched my new clanbound dusthide dragons today and they came out as arcane dragons but I am in water flight. I don't know if this is normal. Someone let me know [emoji=dusthide sad size=1]
Yep! Gen One Dragons that don't have an elemental type associated with them in their name, such as water, nature, etc. will hatch as a randomly chosen elemental type! Completely normal.
Yep! Gen One Dragons that don't have an elemental type associated with them in their name, such as water, nature, etc. will hatch as a randomly chosen elemental type! Completely normal.