
Art Sales

For commissions and flat-sale of your creative efforts.
TOPIC | WORKING || Untimely Workshop
of course! honestly the important details vary depending on the outfit you choose to draw, but i'll assume that you'll be drawing their default outfits (mori's teal kimono + sakuragi's centaur form/outfit)
  • mori: i'd like for the hair sticks and the tree branch blossoms on her shoulders to be kept in.
  • sakuragi: i'd like for the circlet and the blossoms on her shoulders to be kept in.
feel free to simplify the patterns on their clothes as much as you'd like, whatever works for you! if you'd like to draw their alternate outfits instead (mori's light blue kimono + sakuragi's humanoid form) then i'd like for their earrings to be kept in.

as for their dynamic... they're two people who are bound by responsibilities but can feel true with each other. mori wants to help sakuragi learn to have fun and realize that her duties aren't everything there is in the world.

mori loves teasing and being playful with sakuragi, and though the latter initially doesn't understand them at first, she grows to become fond of mori and (very lightly) play back sometimes, though she is still stern and aloof, so her expressions don't really show much.

in short, something with mori teasing sakuragi would be fine, but they can also be interacting in other ways, maybe mori giving sakuragi a headpat, sakuragi leaning on mori's shoulder... basically anything that shows them being comfortable around one another. apologies if this is too long OTL
of course! honestly the important details vary depending on the outfit you choose to draw, but i'll assume that you'll be drawing their default outfits (mori's teal kimono + sakuragi's centaur form/outfit)
  • mori: i'd like for the hair sticks and the tree branch blossoms on her shoulders to be kept in.
  • sakuragi: i'd like for the circlet and the blossoms on her shoulders to be kept in.
feel free to simplify the patterns on their clothes as much as you'd like, whatever works for you! if you'd like to draw their alternate outfits instead (mori's light blue kimono + sakuragi's humanoid form) then i'd like for their earrings to be kept in.

as for their dynamic... they're two people who are bound by responsibilities but can feel true with each other. mori wants to help sakuragi learn to have fun and realize that her duties aren't everything there is in the world.

mori loves teasing and being playful with sakuragi, and though the latter initially doesn't understand them at first, she grows to become fond of mori and (very lightly) play back sometimes, though she is still stern and aloof, so her expressions don't really show much.

in short, something with mori teasing sakuragi would be fine, but they can also be interacting in other ways, maybe mori giving sakuragi a headpat, sakuragi leaning on mori's shoulder... basically anything that shows them being comfortable around one another. apologies if this is too long OTL
my characters mori and sakuragi. art by anachronist.
... hiso | about.
he/him fr+14
Ahhh!!! Thank you so much ^^ they look cute! Sent over the CR already and thank you again ^^
Ahhh!!! Thank you so much ^^ they look cute! Sent over the CR already and thank you again ^^
*returns with the milk and a pack of cigarettes* .....Hi

I am SO sorry I didn't respond when I last tried to order, I made that post right before I went to bed at like one in the morning and then just-- completely forgot about it. And then by the time I did remember, so much time had passed that I was super embarrassed about it.

If it wouldn't be too much trouble, do you think I could get a WIP bust of him and maybe some doodles of him? Lmk if you want a more humanoid characters to do the doodles of though, I chose Danny because I like his edgy serial killer vibes but I can absolutely pick another if you so desire.

I can do 1000kt/g (whichever currency you prefer) for the both of them as one payment, if that's alright?
*returns with the milk and a pack of cigarettes* .....Hi

I am SO sorry I didn't respond when I last tried to order, I made that post right before I went to bed at like one in the morning and then just-- completely forgot about it. And then by the time I did remember, so much time had passed that I was super embarrassed about it.

If it wouldn't be too much trouble, do you think I could get a WIP bust of him and maybe some doodles of him? Lmk if you want a more humanoid characters to do the doodles of though, I chose Danny because I like his edgy serial killer vibes but I can absolutely pick another if you so desire.

I can do 1000kt/g (whichever currency you prefer) for the both of them as one payment, if that's alright?
plague_bibling_by_cicide76536-dciw231.gif plague_acebling_by_cicide76536-dciw235.gif Rvkn9sD.png

1. yes, Occult interactions between either nich or sin

info: they're all colleagues in mafia , with sin as the leader and the other 2 are just executives. occult's relation with the both of em is weird menace.
- occult is a cannibal who eat cores
- nicholas has 2 cores. occult is a menace and tries to eat him/
-sin does illegal core experiments. he is disgusted at Occult's disrespect for cores.

3. yes feel free to simplify!

1. yes, Occult interactions between either nich or sin

info: they're all colleagues in mafia , with sin as the leader and the other 2 are just executives. occult's relation with the both of em is weird menace.
- occult is a cannibal who eat cores
- nicholas has 2 cores. occult is a menace and tries to eat him/
-sin does illegal core experiments. he is disgusted at Occult's disrespect for cores.

3. yes feel free to simplify!
~Plush Derg Shop~

~The Ballroom~

~Art/Lore/Moodboard Shop
@CallumsCove Here is they :] [img][/img]
Here is they :]
[img]100x100[/img] anachronist
out of place, out of time...

- Any Pronouns
- Art Shop (Humanoids)
hello! could I offer 450g for a wip bust of her? feel free to use any of her outfits!
hello! could I offer 450g for a wip bust of her? feel free to use any of her outfits!
gVgjqGa.png ..................................
she / her
art shophatchery
@LightsKamAction thank you!
@LightsKamAction thank you!
~Plush Derg Shop~

~The Ballroom~

~Art/Lore/Moodboard Shop
Hey there! I was wondering if I could get something (Option 2) for this guy for like.... 450g?
Hey there! I was wondering if I could get something (Option 2) for this guy for like.... 450g?
@rubin [img][/img] them :]
them :]
[img]100x100[/img] anachronist
out of place, out of time...

- Any Pronouns
- Art Shop (Humanoids)
ahh they're both so cute, thank you so much! ;v; if it's alright, may i ask for a version with a transparent background (+would you mind if i cropped the art a little to fit into my signature?)
ahh they're both so cute, thank you so much! ;v; if it's alright, may i ask for a version with a transparent background (+would you mind if i cropped the art a little to fit into my signature?)
my characters mori and sakuragi. art by anachronist.
... hiso | about.
he/him fr+14